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CERNLIB installation

Get CERNLIB from http://cernlib.web.cern.ch/cernlib/

There exist binary tarballs and primitve RPMS (not based on SRPMs that compile, they just pack the compiled binaries).

In order to install in non standard locations, it is easiest to get tarballs of the binary distribution and directly untar them in the target locations.

At the PSI Tier-3 the CERNLIB installations can be found in the /swshare/CERNLIB directory.

EvtGen installation

Download from http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/~ryd/EvtGen.tar

Documentation: EvtGen EvtGen V00-11-07

Setting up the necessary i386 compatibility structure on our sl4_x86 architecture

Install the following packages using yum

i386 compatibility libraries:
zlib-devel.i386 zlib.i386

# there is no devel package for libfortran, so we need to provide this link ourselves
ln -s libgfortran.so.1 /usr/lib/libgfortran.so

Compile and runtime environment

In the unpacked EvtGen tarball, set up a compile environment in psit3_env.sh

# 32-bit gcc

export CERN_ROOT=/swshare/CERNLIB/2006/slc4_ia32_gcc4
export CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/swshare/cms/slc4_ia32_gcc345/external/clhep/
export ROOTSYS=/swshare/cms/slc4_ia32_gcc345/lcg/root/5.18.00a-cms17

# dummy library for libpdf functions inherited from CERNLIB
export LIBPDFDUMMY_PATH=/swshare/cms/slc4_ia32_gcc345/lcg/genser/GENSER_1_4_1-CMS3q/slc4_ia32_gcc345/lib
export LIBPDFDUMMY=pdfdummy_pythia6_227

export PATH=$GCC_BASE/bin:$PATH


Run the configuration script

./configure --pythiaLib $CERN_ROOT/lib/libpythia6205.a --photosLib $CERN_ROOT/lib/libphotos202.a

Manual Makefile and configure modifications

manually delete the -ffriend-injection directives from the created config.mk (in the EVTCXXFLAGS and EVTDEPINC variables). This option may be needed for gcc4 compilations, but in gcc3 the standard behavior still fits the code.

sed -ie 's/-ffriend-injection//' config.mk

The Makefile for some reason misses the linking against the gfortran and the pdfdummy libraries (the latter library just seems to provide empty definitions for some PDF related functions from the CERN library?)

sed -ie 's/\(-o testEvtGen testEvtGen\.o.*\)/\1 -lgfortran -L$(LIBPDFDUMMY_PATH) -l$(LIBPDFDUMMY)/' Makefile


Compile the library and the testEvtGen binary
make bin


Test the installation using the testEvtGen binary

cd test
../testEvtGen test1 1000

Using the library

Source the environment file in your shell:

source /swshare/EvtGen/psit3_env.sh

The libraries are located at in /swshare/EvtGen/:

libEvtGen.a  libEvtGenBase.a  libEvtGenModels.a

-- DerekFeichtinger - 20 Mar 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-03-20 - DerekFeichtinger
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