Announcing a Tier-3 shutdown

  • Announce the system halt on the GOC Pages (24h before if it is a scheduled downtime)
  • Announce the system halt on

Shutting down the Tier-3

Temporary note: This sequence is based on a mail by Nina and I (Derek) followed the sequence and adapted in some places. I added explicit commands where I could. TODO (Nina):

  • check sequence and provide explicit (and homogeneous as far as possible) commands.
  • the commands must be runnable from t3admin01, not from the laptop. I.e. configuration files that define the names of worker nodes, service nodes, etc. and that help to send parallel commands must be available on t3admin01. I do not care which parallel mechanism is used (cexec or pssh, etc). But the configuration and commands to run must be explicitly in this list and the config must be local to the admin node.
  • the ssh keys in .ssh/known_hosts on t3admin01 were completely out of date, and seemingly a lot of the WN keys have changed. This prevents working from t3admin01
  • /etc/hosts contains a number of obsolete entries (MeG nodes still inside). Also, we need to define whether the public addresses are kept within that file or only the private ones. At the moment the public addresses are incomplete.


Before Downtime

  1. do announcement in :
  2. stop backup script of /shome (on t3nfs01 in /etc/cron.daily/zfssnap comment line
    # /opt/zfssnap/zfssnap $PERIOD $MAXSNAPS $BACKUPSERVER >>$LOG 2>&1 )
  3. when possible prepare FW updates on NetApp and HPs (t3nfs01,02 and t3admin02), etc. and prepare for yum + kernel updates

Downtime day:

  1. Prevent further logins to the user interfaces. Modify /etc/security/access.conf on the user interfaces by commenting out the lines that allow access for all CMS users and for NX
    #+ : cms : :0
    + : feichtinger loktionova_n : : ALL
    #+ : cms : ALL
    #+ : nx : ALL
    - : ALL : ALL
  2. Stop Nagios
    ssh root@t3nagios /etc/init.d/nagios stop 
  3. disable all user queues on the WNs:
      ssh t3ce02 qmod -d *@* 
  4. Delete any remaining jobs in the queue system
  5. disable Slurm Partitions:
     ssh t3slurm "scontrol update PartitionName=gpu State=DRAIN;scontrol update PartitionName=wn State=DRAIN"  
  6. Unmount PNFS on the nodes
    1. umount /pnfs an all nodes: UIs, WNs, t3se01 and t3dcachedb03
             cexec ui: umount /pnfs/
             cexec wn: umount /pnfs/
      from t3admin02:
       pssh -h node-list-t3/wn-all -P "umount /pnfs/" 
      and the same for node-list-t3/ui and node-list-t3/slurm-clients
    2. comment in fstab /pnfs line to prevent mount after reboots
            for n in $(seq 10 59); do echo t3wn$n; ssh t3wn$n "sed -i 's/\(t3dcachedb03:\/pnfs\/\/cms.*\)/# COMMENTED FOR DOWNTIME \1/' /etc/fstab"; done
  7. Shut down the worker nodes
    1. Shut down the nodes
            for n in $(seq 10 59) ; do echo t3wn$n; ssh root@t3wn$n shutdown -h now ; sleep 1 ; done
    2. Check whether all nodes are down
      for n in $(seq 10 20) 22 23 $(seq 25 47) $(seq 49 59) ; do node="t3wn$n"; echo -n "$node: "; ipmitool -I lanplus -H rmwn$n -U root -f /root/private/ipmi-pw chassis power status ; done
  8. Stop PhEDEx on the t3cmsvobox (since it relies on dcache transfers). Notice that Phedex runs as the phedex user and not as root.
          ssh phedex@t3cmsvobox /home/phedex/config/T3_CH_PSI/PhEDEx/tools/init.d/phedex_Debug stop
  9. service xrootd/cmsd stop on t3se01
           ssh t3se01 service xrootd stop
           ssh t3se01 service cmsd stop
  10. dcache stop
    1. stop doors on t3se01 - xrootd, dcap/gsidcap, gsifttp, srm, xrootd - all visible from "dcache status" like
       ssh  t3se01 dcache stop dcap-t3se01Domain
    2. pools t3fs07-11: [root@t3admin02 ~]# pssh  -h node-list-t3/dcache-pools -P "dcache stop"
    3. Unmount PNFS from the SE and DB servers
            ssh t3se01 umount /pnfs
            ssh t3dcachedb03 umount /pnfs
    4. t3se01:
        ssh t3se01 service dcache-server stop
    5. Stop dcache services on the DB server
        ssh t3dcachedb03 service dcache-server stop
    6. Stop Postgresql on the DB server
        ssh t3dcachedb03 /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.5 stop
    7. stop zookeeper on t3zkpr01-03
              for n in $(seq 1 3); do ssh t3zkpr0$n systemctl stop zookeeper.service; done 
  11. Stop the BDII
       ssh root@t3bdii "/etc/init.d/bdii stop"
  12. frontier - VMs ?: (Derek: I left all VMs running. They will be shut down by the VM team)
  13. shutdown t3nfs01, t3nfs02, t3fs07-11, t3gpu01-2, t3admin01/02
  14. Shut down Netapp system (Link)
    • Make sure, no background processes in operation (Santricity SMclient GUI)
    • Turn off controller enclosure
    • (Turn off any additional enclosure)

Start Tier-3

  1. power on hardware
  2. on VM zookeeper nodes t3zkp01-03 check service status zookeeper and zkcli -server t3zkpr01
  3. t3dcachedb03 check postgres: /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.5 status/start and service crond status/start and dcache check-config and start all dcache main services dcache  start
  4. t3se01: start services beside doors from dcache  status (currently dcache-t3se01Domain, pinmanager-t3se01Domain, spacemanager-t3se01Domain, transfermanagers-t3se01Domain should be started ); doors (configured at the moment also on t3se01) should be stared after pools
  5. mount /pnfs on t3se01 and t3dcachedb03
  6. start dcache on pools t3fs01-11 [root@t3admin02 ~]# pssh -h node-list-t3/fs-dalco -P "dcache  start" takes about 15-30' (in a case of hardware issue first switch on JBOD and than server)
  7. check dcache logs in /var/log/dcache on pools, dcachedb and se machines
  8. check if NetApp is visible from t3fs11: [root@t3nfs11 ~]# multipath -ll
  9. t3se01 start doors (if not done yet): dcap, gsidcap, gsiftp, srm, xrootd (for list, see dcache status) like dcache start  dcap-t3se01Domain, etc.
  10. t3se01 check (and start) xrootd redirector service cmsd/xrootd  status
  11. check on all UIs and WNs/CNs if /pnfs/ is mounted like pssh -h node-list-t3/slurm-clients -P "mount |grep pnfs"
  12. Slurm: on t3slurm scontrol update PartitionName=gpu State=UP and scontrol update PartitionName=wn State=UP
  13. run test-dCacheProtocols from UI
  14. When all T3 is UP one can fulfill the following useful checks:

-- DerekFeichtinger - 2019-01-03

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > WebPreferences > AdminArea2019 > HowToStartStopT32019
Topic revision: r8 - 2019-08-16 - NinaLoktionova
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