Node Type: JumpStart

Firewall requirements

local port open to reason

Regular Maintenance work


Emergency Measures



JumpStart Enterprise Toolkit ( aka JET ) relevant Docs

Installing JET

There are many websites describing "How To", look the Docs links, in a nutshell you need the Solaris 10 .iso, you have to install Solaris by using this .iso and also copy this .iso file into the Solaris installation that you made; eventually you have to install the SUNWjet pkg and configure it according to your environment.

The following Puppet recipe summarize what's needed on the JET server:

[martinelli_f@t3ui02 nodes]$ cat Sol10_jumpstart.pp 
# $Id: NodeTypeJumpStart.txt,v 1.13 2013/10/02 15:19:23 fabiom Exp $
# $URL: svn+ssh:// $

# Solaris 10 Jumpstart Enterprise Toolkit

node t3jumpstart inherits t3solaris  {

   # Notify the client
   notify { "notify_$title":
                 message => "=== FILE === $title"

   # SUNWtftp
   cfile{'/etc/inet/inetd.conf': owner => root, group=> sys, mode=>444} # tftp ON
   file{'/etc/inetd.conf':       owner => root, group=> root, ensure=>link, target=>File['./inet/inetd.conf'], require=>File['/etc/inet/inetd.conf'] }
   package{'SUNWtftp':  ensure => present , require=>File['/etc/inetd.conf']}

   # NFS
   cfile{'/etc/dfs/dfstab':      owner => root, group=>sys, mode=>644} # NFSd conf
   package{'SUNWcsr': ensure => present, require=> File['/etc/dfs/dfstab']} 

   # DHCP
   package{'SUNWdhcsr':  ensure => present }
   package{'SUNWdhcsb':  ensure => present }
   package{'SUNWdhcsu': ensure => present }
   package{'SUNWdhcm':   ensure => present }

   group {"jet":       ensure => present, gid => 101}
   package{'SUNWjet':  ensure => present,  require =>[Package['SUNWdhcsr','SUNWdhcsb','SUNWdhcsu','SUNWdhcm','SUNWcsr'],Group['jet']] }
   package{'SUNWjetd': ensure => present,  require =>[Package['SUNWdhcsr','SUNWdhcsb','SUNWdhcsu','SUNWdhcm','SUNWcsr'],Group['jet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf': owner => root, group=> sys, mode=>755, require=>Package['SUNWjet'] }

   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Products/base_config/solaris/make_dhcp': owner => root, group=> sys, mode=>644, require=>Package['SUNWjet']} # Common net parameters for T3
   file{"$Templates" :                                    ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>2775, require=>Package['SUNWjet'] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs15'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs07'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs08'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs09'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs10'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs11'       :          owner => root, group=> root, mode=>644, require=>[File["$Templates"],Package['SUNWjet']]  }

   file{"/opt/SUNWjet/Clients" :                                    ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>2775, require=>Package['SUNWjet'] }

    file{"$commonfiles" :                                 ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients"],Package['SUNWjet']] } 
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/psi':         owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>644, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/gmond.conf':  owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>644, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/puppet.conf': owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>644, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/jdk-7u40-solaris.tar': owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>644, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg'  : owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>644, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/nocheck':     owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>444, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/common.files/':     owner => root, group=> jet, mode=>754, require=>File["$commonfiles"]}

   file{"$Clientst3fs08" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs08/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs08"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs08/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs08"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs08/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs08"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs08/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs08"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs08/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs08"]]}
   file{"$Clientst3fs11" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs11/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs11"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs11/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs11"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs11/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs11"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs11/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs11"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs11/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs11"]]}

   file{"$Clientst3fs15" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs15"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs15"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs15"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs15"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs15"]]}

   file{"$Clientst3fs10" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs10/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs10"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs10/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs10"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs10/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs10"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs10/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs10"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs10/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs10"]]}

   file{"$Clientst3fs09" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs09/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs09"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs09/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs09"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs09/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs09"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs09/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs09"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs09/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs09"]]}
   file{"$Clientst3fs07" :                           ensure => directory, owner => root, group=> root, mode=>2775, require=>[File["/opt/SUNWjet/Clients","$commonfiles"],Package['SUNWjet']] }
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs07/sysidcfg':     owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs07"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs07/profile':      owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs07"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs07/module_hints': owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs07"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs07/dhcp.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs07"]]}
   cfile{'/opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs07/host.config':  owner => root, group=> root, mode=>444, require=>[File["$commonfiles","$Clientst3fs07"]]}



Among the options, look how we define the root password, this will be the root password of the Solaris server that will be installed by JET:
-bash-3.2# cat /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf
# Copyright 2010 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
# This config file defines the jumpstart specific variables. 
# Version:      $Revision: 1.13 $
# Last Updated; $Date: 2013/10/02 15:19:23 $
# Location of the additional media for patches and packages:
# These paths should be URI form e.g. nfs:/// or 
# Currently only PKG_DIR and PATCH_DIR can be on a remote NFS server.
# If they are just , the appropriate address of the JumpStart server
# will be added.
# N.B. if the media location is on a different server, please ensure it is
#      routable from the client !
# You can specify an alternative location for where the client can
# NFS mount the /opt/SUNWjet directory. Simply provide the IP address
# of the server or the IP address and path on the remote server
# in the JS_CFG_SVR variable. However, this MUST be mounted
# on the JET server in /opt/SUNWjet as well, and be rw by root.
# e.g. JS_CFG_SVR="nas_server1" or
#      JS_CFG_SVR="nas_server1:/unixshare/SUNWjet"
# When using an NFS server for images, even though the JET server
# MUST have the boot media locally, it is possible to have the client
# net boot from the remote NFS server. By default, clients will boot from 
# the JET server. To override this, set JS_CLIENT_BOOT to "remote".
# Tier3 pwd
#JS_DHCP_VENDOR="SUNW.Ultra-5_10 SUNW.Ultra-30"

/etc/dfs/dfstab - NFSv3

Based on the parameters reported in /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf JET will update the file /etc/dfs/dfstab:
-bash-3.2# grep -v \# /etc/dfs/dfstab              
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "JET Framework" /opt/SUNWjet
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "JET Framework - pkgs"    /export/install/pkgs
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "JET Framework - patches" /export/install/patches
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "JET Framework - media"   /export/install/media

-bash-3.2# share
-               /export/install/pkgs   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - pkgs" 
-               /export/install/patches   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - patches" 
-               /export/install/media   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - media" 
-               /opt/SUNWjet   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework" 

Mounting the Solaris .iso

# ISO is : /root/Solaris-10-1_13/sol-10-u11-ga-x86-dvd.iso
-bash-3.2# lofiadm -a /root/Solaris-10-1_13/sol-10-u11-ga-x86-dvd.iso
-bash-3.2# mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

Installing the DHCP Server

-bash-3.2# pkgadd -d /mnt/Solaris_10/Product SUNWdhcsr SUNWdhcsb SUNWdhcsu SUNWdhcm

Processing package instance  from 

BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Root)(i386) 11.10.0,REV=2005.
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Using  as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   3 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.

The following files are already installed on the system and are being
used by another package:

Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of  [y,n,?] y

Installing BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Root) as 

## Executing preinstall script.
## Installing part 1 of 1.
2 blocks
[ verifying class  ]
## Executing postinstall script.

Installation of  was successful.

Processing package instance  from 

Binary File Format Data Module for BOOTP/DHCP Services(i386) 11.10.0,REV=2005.
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Using  as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   6 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
    The  package "DHCP Server Services, (Usr)"
    is a prerequisite package and should be installed.

Do you want to continue with the installation of  [y,n,?] y
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.

The following files are already installed on the system and are being
used by another package:

Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of  [y,n,?] y

Installing Binary File Format Data Module for BOOTP/DHCP Services as 

## Installing part 1 of 1.
150 blocks

Installation of  was successful.

Processing package instance  from 

BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Usr)(i386) 11.10.0,REV=2005.
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Using  as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   8 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of  [y,n,?] y

Installing BOOTP/DHCP Server Services, (Usr) as 

## Installing part 1 of 1.
1048 blocks

Installation of  was successful.

Processing package instance  from 

DHCP Manager(i386) 11.10.0,REV=2005.
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Using  as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   5 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of  [y,n,?] y

Installing DHCP Manager as 

## Installing part 1 of 1.
1588 blocks

Installation of  was successful.


This step converts the Solaris .iso in a dir exported by NFS: in this way the target t3fs server will retrieve the Solaris 10 packages.
-bash-3.2# /opt/SUNWjet/bin/copy_solaris_media -d /export/install/media /mnt 
Copying Solaris image....
Verifying target directory...
Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 product
Calculating space required for the installation boot image
Copying the CD image to disk...
Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
Copying /boot netboot hierarchy...
Install Server setup complete
Added Solaris image 10 at the following location:
        Media:          /export/install/media
removing directory /export/install/29998


-bash-3.2# list_solaris_locations
Version         Location
-------         --------
10              /export/install/media


-bash-3.2# add_solaris_location 10 /export/install/media
Added Solaris image 10 at the following location:
        Media:          /export/install/media


In JET first you make a template of a TARGET_HOST, then by using the information there reported JET will populate the dir /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/TARGET_HOST with several files, these files are the files really used by JET during the installation of TARGET_HOST.
-bash-3.2# /opt/SUNWjet/bin/make_template t3fs15
Adding product configuration information for 
        + base_config
        + custom
Updating base_config template specifics
Client template created in /opt/SUNWjet/Templates
# /opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs15

files produced


# Post Install Hints file
# -----------------------
# This is an automatically generated file that allows hints to be set up for
# module scripts - communication between modules. The format of the file is
# as follows:
# ::
# tags and hint values are module specific; contact the module author for
# more details if they are not described in the ReleaseNotes for the module
# N.B. This file gets regenerated each time make_client is executed, so please
#      do not hand edit.
#      JS_add_module_hint() in Utils/serverlib can be used from the
#      module scripts to populate entries in this file
-bash-3.2# cat /opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs15           
# Client template file
# Client:       t3fs15
# Created:      Tue Sep 17 16:33:21 CEST 2013
# This file was automatically generated using 'make_template'

# Product:      base_config
# Synopsys:     Basic host information

# Architecture type:
#               sun4c           : e.g. SS1, SS2, SS IPX
#               sun4d           : e.g. SS1000, SS2000
#               sun4e           : ?
#               sun4m           : e.g. SS LX, SS4, SS5, SS10, SS20
#               sun4u           : UltraSparc - U1, U2, E3x00, E4x00 etc
#               sun4u1          : E10K
#               sun4v           : T2000
#               i86pc           : Intel X86
# Ethernet can be obtained from the 'banner' command at OBP
# OS is one of the values you used to register the solaris media using
#    the add_solaris_location command

# Client allocation
# The mechanism used to build this client. This takes preference over 
# the options listed in /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf.
# JET will cycle through the methods in order until if finds one
# that works.
# JET supports bootp, dhcp and grub as allocation options.
# JET will automatically use pxe/grub if dhcp is chosen for an O/S 
# which supports it. (Solaris 10 U1 x86 and above)

# If you are using grub, you can set this variable to apply additional
# grub directives to the menu.lst. file.

# You can alter the grub menu timeout below. JET will set this to 2 seconds
# by default if the variable below is empty.

# Setting the following variable to any value will create an additional 
# boot option in the grub boot menu to boot net single user.

# If you are using grub, you can set this variable to append
# additional lines from the named file to the menu.lst. file.

# products      is the set of products to install after base_config; this
#               should be updated automatically by make_template, so you
#               will only need to change it, if you wish to omit certain
#               modules when testing/debugging.
#               JET will only install the modules listed here even
#               if the configuration variables are listed later in this 
#               template.
base_config_products=" custom"

# JumpStart sysidcfg information
# The sysidcfg file provides information at initial boot time so that the
# system can properly identify itself. The interface and ip address defined 
# here SHOULD be on the same subnet as the JumpStart server. The root password 
# is set here also and must be written in encrypted format. The default value
# shown here is "newroot". 
# nameservice examples:
#                       NONE
#                       NIS { }
#               or for DNS
#                       DNS { name_server= }
# network_interface:
#                       e.g. ce0, nge0
#                       or PRIMARY (the default interface - net in OBP)
# locale:
#                       en_GB   for UK. JET will try to autopopulate
#                       this from the Jumpstart server's locale.
# timeserver:           Where the client gets the current time from.
#                       Leave blank to default the the JumpStart server
#                       Alternatively, set to 'localhost' to trust the current
#                       hardware clock on the client
# terminal:             terminal type (vt100/vt220/sun etc)
# security_policy:      Kerberos policy (Solaris 8 +)
# protocol_ipv6:        Use ipv6 or not (Solaris 8 +)
# default_route:        Solaris 9 allows a default route to be set
#                       (ignored on all other versions of Solaris, less than 9)

base_config_sysidcfg_nameservice="DNS { name_server=, }"
# From Solaris 10 Update 9 onwards, a new sysidcfg keyword exists: auto_reg
# This allows automatic Solaris registration to take place.
# auto_reg can be all, noproxy, anon, none or disable  
# "all" requires ALL additional fields to be filled in
# "noproxy" requires only oracle_user and oracle_pw fields to be filled in
# "anon" requires all the http_proxy fields to be filled in
# "none" or "disable" do not need any additional fields.


# X86, X64 specific settings. If this is an x86 client, then you may need
# to configure these settings. They are ignored for SPARC builds.
# base_config_x86_nowin:
# This stops Solaris from trying to run windows during the install.
# the default value is yes.
# base_config_x86_console:
# Set the console to the correct tty port. This is used for doing installs
# via the serial port or the SP. b1600,v20z and v40z use ttya. lx50, v60x,
# and v65x use ttyb. NOTE: you only need to set this if you are NOT going 
# to connect a keyboard and monitor to the client.
# base_config_x86_disable_acpi:
# Disable ACPI - sometimes disabling ACPI makes the install go
# better due to how the interrupts are handled. Non-Null disables ACPI.
# base_config_x86_safetoreboot:
# The Solaris installer can't control the BIOS, therefore does not
# know if its safe to reboot the client as it may simply jumpstart
# again. If your PXE boot is a one time option, and the next reboot
# will attempt to boot from disk, then you probably want to set this
# option to "yes". Otherwise, leave it as it is so that it won't reboot
# and therefore allow you to manually change your BIOS to boot from disk.
# base_config_x86_disable_kdmconfig:
# X86 systems sometimes go interactive on the first reboot (Bug 6321043)
# on Solaris 10 Update 1. Setting this parameter will stop this from
# happenning.
# base_config_x86_confflags
# The parameters specified for this variable are passed directly to 
# add_install_client -b confflags= option.  
# For e.g., by specifying,
# base_config_x86_confflags="-f -P/boot/solaris/dca"
# add_install_client is called with -b confflag="-f -P /boot/solaris/dca"
# option.
# base_config_sysidcfg_x86_kdmfile
# Append the file specified here to sysidcfg file.
# This variable can reference a file relative to the 
# Clients/ directory or a absolute path. 

# SAS 2.0 Configuration details. 
# Newer Servers use SAS 2.0 based HBAs, and the disk identifier is variable
# between servers. JET allows you to specify the slot number in any place
# where cxtyd0 would normally be specified. 
# If specifying slices (as required for the zfs boot disk), then you should
# use a period as a delimeter between the slot and the slice: slot0.s0
# For this to work, a slot/disk mapping file for the server and HBA slot 
# location must be present in /opt/SUNWjet/Utils/sas2.
# You can use any naming convention you choose, but we suggest you name
# the files based on the model. e.g. slot.conf.X4270M2-12-PCIe03.
# i.e. X4270 with 12 disks, and SAS2 HBA in PCIe slot 3..


# Disk labelling
# In some cases the disks in the server may not be labelled, the 
# following variable allows you to label all the unlabelled disks.
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot0, 
# slot2 etc.  
# Allowed values:
# base_config_label_disks=""                    Do not label any disks.
# base_config_label_disks="all"                 Label ALL unlabelled disks.
# base_config_label_disks="cxtydz cmtndo"       Label listed disks.

# Disk partitioning (X86 ONLY)
# In some cases, the disks may already be used, or may have other O/Ss
# installed in other partitions. The following variable allows you to
# modify the partitioning configuration of the disks. 
# The fdisk variables are only effective on x64/x86 based machines.
# The fdisk values will be applied as follows:
# ZFS:
#       If you have explicitly listed disk names, it will fdisk all the
#       disks listed in base_config_profile_zfs_disk. Otherwise
#       if will fdisk the single disk that corresponds to "rootdisk."
# UFS:
#       It will always perform the fdisk on the disk listed by 
#       base_config_profile_usedisk (whether explictly listed or
#       rootdisk). If mirroring using SVM, and the sds_root_mirror
#       is NOT auto, the fdisk setting will be applied to that disk
#       as well.
#       In other words, we will always fdisk the rootdisk. We will only
#       fdisk the mirror disk if it is explicitly defined. (e.g. cxtydz) 
# Allowed values:
# base_config_profile_fdisk=""          Do not alter current partitioning. 
#                                       Solaris will either use an existing
#                                       Solaris partition, or use any 
#                                       unused free space on the disk.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="freedisk"  Remove any existing Solaris
#                                       partitions. Create one of maxsize
#                                       in remaining space.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="alldisk"   Remove ALL existing partitions.
#                                       Create a single Solaris partition
#                                       using the whole disk. 


# Want to create your own custom profile ? if so, use this variable to
# reference a file relative to the Clients/ directory or 
# absolute path, otherwise fill in the other details below to get toolkit 
# to create one for you.
# If absolute path is specified, then the profile file is copied 
# to Clients/ directory.
# It is also possible to append additional profile information to the JET
# derived one. Do this using the base_config_profile_append variable, but
# don't forget to fill out the remaining base_config_profile variables.

# OR fill out the base_config_profile variables below. (This is the
# preferred option. If you choose to supply your own profile, you are
# on your own.)
# JumpStart profile information
# A profile can be automatically generated here. If further 
# customisation is required, then you can manually create a profile in the
# client directory and reference it in the base_config_profile or
# base_config_profile_append variables above.
# Cluster:
#       SUNWCrnet               : Minimal. Solaris 10 only
#       SUNWCreq                : Required - really basic, good for testing
#       SUNWCuser               : User collection
#       SUNWCprog               : User + Developers collection
#       SUNWCall                : All packages
#       SUNWCXall               : All + OEM packages    (mandatory for E10K)

# JET supports the use of either a ZFS based root filesystem
# or a UFS based root filesystem. 
# If the ZFS based filesystem is chosen, ALL the UFS specific variables will be
# ignored.
# JET will configure a ZFS based root filesystem if 
# base_config_profile_zfs_disk contains a value.
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot0, 
# slot2 etc.  
# ZFS requires that the following variables be set:
# base_config_profile_zfs_disk: Specify the disks to be used to create
#                               the pool. You can list 1 or 2 disks. 
#                               2 disks means you'll get a mirrored
#                               root pool. You can use the keyword
#                               "any" (or "any any") to let the
#                               installer choose the disks for you.
#                               DO NOT use the "any" syntax if you
#                               wish to preserve any data on the 
#                               chosen disks.
#                               You must specify slices if you are
#                               not using the "any" keyword.
#                               It is also possible to use the
#                               rootdisk. keyword which also requires
#                               you to specify the slice.
#       e.g.    base_config_profile_zfs_disk="any"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="any any"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="c0t0d0s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="c0t0d0s0 c1t0d0s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="rootdisk.s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="slot0.s0 slot1.s0"
# base_config_profile_zfs_pool: The name of the zfs pool use "rpool"
# base_config_profile_zfs_size: The size of the pool in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto")
# base_config_profile_zfs_swap: The size of swap in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto" which
#                               will be 1/2 physical memory)
# base_config_profile_zfs_dump: The size of dump in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto" which
#                               will be 1/2 physical memory)
# base_config_profile_zfs_be:   Multiple Boot Environments per pool
#                               are supported. Specify the name
#                               of the boot environment here.
#                               Will default to base_config_ClientOS if
#                               left blank which is probably a good
#                               choice.
# base_config_profile_zfs_compress:
#                               Set to any value to compress 
#                               the root pool. 
# base_config_profile_zfs_var:
#                               Set to any value to create 
#                               a /var dataset in the root pool. 
#       If you want to create additional datasets in the root pool
#       you need to use the JetZFS module.


# BEGIN of UFS root filesystem configuration
# The following variables are used to define the configuration
# settings when UFS is selected as the root filesystem.

# usedisk:      defines the disk that the OS will be loaded on to - bootdisk
#               (if this is set to rootdisk. , then the current boot disk will
#                be used)
# dontuse:      defines disks that should not be used..
#               ** N.B. This will only be used if 'usedisk' is NOT set
#               Space separated list of disks of the form c?t?d?
# partition sizes:
#       if partitions are not required simply leave blank. In order to maintain 
#       consistency the partitions will always use the same slice number:
#               /       s0
#               swap    s1
#       We've prepopulated the remaining slices based on Sun defaults,
#       but you can change this.
#               /var    s5
#               /usr    s6
#               /opt    s7
#       at most one partition can have the size 'free' which denotes all the
#       unallocated/spare space on a disk.
#       If you wish to create slices, but not use or mount them, you
#       can simply use the keyword: "unnamed" as the mountpoint. (If
#       you are using JetSDS or JetVXVM to mirror your rootdisk, it
#       will also mirror these slices).
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot1, 
# slot2 etc.  



# If you are using VxVM and want your boot disk to look like the mirror, then
# leave slices 3 and 4 empty. If you do not care about keeping the two disks
# looking cosmetically the same, please just make sure you have two free slices
# somewhere on the disk for VxVM!
# If you are not using VxVM, then you can use s3 and s4 for whatever you wish!





# If you are using DiskSuite, the default behaviour is to use slice 7 as a
# location for metastate databases. If you are using DiskSuites default config,
# please avoid using s7 for data!


# You can specify additional disks to use/configure here
# additional_disks is a space separated list of c?t?d? type disk names
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot1, 
# slot2 etc, but remember to use the . between the slot and the slice.  
# For each disk listed in additional_disks, a pair of variables of the form
#       base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_mtpt="...."
#       base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_size="...."
# should be defined for each slice required on the disk.

# UFS Logging
# Solaris 7 and above support UFS+, which allows for a logging filesystem
# under UFS. If you want to use this feature on any of the UFS mount points,
# please specify the mount points here, as a space separated list, or enter
# the keyword "all" to enable logging on all UFS filesystems.
# Solaris 9 09/04 enables logging by default. You can also specify mountpoints
# preceded by a - sign to say that you DON'T want logging enabled on that
# filesystem, or you can use the keyword "none" to say you don't want any 
# ufs logging turned on at all.
# N.B. root (/) can be included in the list, and is included by default if
#      using either the "all" or "none" keyword.
#      Finally, you can't mix keywords and mountpoints. i.e. "all -/" is NOT 
#      valid.
# e.g. base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="all"            : log all filesystems
#      base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="none"           : log no filesystems
#      base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="-/ /var -/usr"  : log /var, but not / and /usr.

# Works similarly to the above, except adds noatime to the mount option.
# You can either specify that ALL filesystems be mounted with the noatime
# option using the keyword "all" OR
# specify the list fo filesystems as a space seperated list.
# e.g. base_config_ufs_noatime_filesys="all"
#      OR
#      base_config_ufs_noatime_filesys="/ /var /usr"


# END of UFS root filesystem configuration
# Additional locales/geos e.g. N_Europe, C_Europe


# Packages to add to/remove from the selected cluster
# Use this to populate the profile with package   entries
base_config_profile_add_packages="SUNWtnetc SUNWman SUNWggrp SUNWgtar SUNWbip SUNWbipr SUNWbtool SUNWbzip SUNWcnsr SUNWcnsu SUNWxwplt SUNWxwrtl SUNWxwice SUNWmfrun SUNWdoc SUNWbind SUNWnfscu SUNWnfscr SUNWnfsckr SUNWxcu4 SUNWsprot SUNWtoo"

# Clusters to add to/remove 
# Use this to populate the profile with cluster   entries
# by Fabio
base_config_profile_add_clusters="SUNWCacc SUNWCadm SUNWCcpc SUNWCcry SUNWCfcadb SUNWCfwcmp SUNWCfwshl SUNWCfwutil SUNWCgcc SUNWCged SUNWCjv SUNWCjvx SUNWCldom SUNWClibusb SUNWClu SUNWCntp SUNWCopenssl SUNWCpd SUNWCperl SUNWCpm SUNWCpmgr SUNWCpool SUNWCptoo SUNWCrcapu SUNWCsma SUNWCsndm SUNWCssh SUNWCts SUNWCudf SUNWCusb SUNWCutf8 SUNWCvld SUNWCvol SUNWCwget SUNWCzone"
# Recommended patches
# Later versions of the Solaris 10 Recommended patch cluster are
# of a slightly different structure, but contains a much more
# advanced installer script. This script requires that you supply
# a PASSCODE which is in the README file of the patch cluster. 
# JET will only make use of this value if it detects the new style
# Recommended patch cluster. 
# It is recommended that you read the README and patch the
# boot-image as suggested.
# e.g. base_config_recpatch_passcode="s10cluster"

# Remote file systems (NFS)
# Specify these as space separated list of pairs as follows, using ? as
# the separator (as : has special meanings with nfs!)
# e.g. to mount on /fs you would create the entry
#      base_config_nfs_mounts="fs?"

# Host information
# This section defines most things network related etc.
# In addtion, if the machine will be JumpStarted as one name/address and
# needs to have a different name/address once installed, this is where you
# can set that information.
# nodename:             the value for /etc/nodename if it's not the default
#                       hostname
# defaultrouter:        the value for /etc/defaultrouter.
# notrouter:            if this is set, the file /etc/notrouter will be created
# dns_domain:           domain entry for /etc/resolv.conf
# dns_searchpath:       list of entries to go in the search line
# NOTE: domain and searchpath are mututally exclusive. searchpath will
#       ALWAYS override the domain.
# dns_nameservers:      nameserver entries for /etc/resolv.conf
#                       (list of ip addresses, space separated)
# dns_disableforbuild:  If there is no DNS available in the build
#                       environment, set this to delay the configuration
#                       of DNS until later on.




# NTP configuration
# Specify a list of names or ip addresses for the NTP servers. The first
# one will be given a 'prefer' tag. This section will only place lines
# of the form: server  [prefer]
# into the /etc/inet/ntp.conf file. If you require more control of ntp,
# please use the custom module to deploy your own custom ntp.conf file.
# N.B. If you do use names, they must be resolvable in your name service.

# Network Interface information
# networkifs:           a list of interfaces to be defined,
#                       space separated "ce0 ge0".
#                       N.B. the sysidcfg interface will already be configured
#                       Logical interfaces should be defined using _'s rather
#                       than :'s.
# networkif_:   the details of the interface 
#                       "netname netmask hostname address"
#                       netname:        arbritrary name for /etc/networks
#                       netmask:        netmask of this if (e.g.
#                       hostname:       unique hostname (N.B. not multihomed)
#                       address:        IP address of this interface
# For example:
#       base_config_networkifs="ge0 ge0_1"
#       base_config_networkif_ge0="bkp me-bkp"
#       base_config_networkif_ge0_1="bkp2 me-bkp2"


# N.B. Logical interfaces MUST use _ rather than : as illustrated below

# IP Multipathing (Solaris 8+)
#       IPMP default mode is automatic failback.
#       To change this mode edit /etc/default/mpathd
# ipmp_networkifs:      a list of interfaces to be defined under ipmp control
#                       a space separated list of pairs only
#                       e.g. "qfe0_qfe4 qfe1_qfe5"
#               N.B. If the primary interface is used in an ipmp group, the 
#                    system must be rebooted manually after installation to 
#                    activate ipmp.
#               N.B. Can only setup ipmp group with pairs of interfaces in one
#                    of the following configurations:
#                       active-standby failover:
#                          Set ipmp mode = s, and specify one logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair.
#                       failover with outbound load spreading:
#                          Set ipmp mode = l, and specify one logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair.
#                       active-active with outbound load spreading:
#                          Set ipmp mode = l, specify a second logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair for the second interface.
# ipmp_networkif__: "netgroup mode test1 test2 mask hostname log-ip hostname2 log-ip2"
#                       details of the interfaces in the ipmp group
#                       e.g. networkif_ipmp_qfe0_qfe4
#                       netgroup:       ipmp interface group name
#                                       e.g. database-net
#                       ipmp mode:      s = standby (failover only)
#                                         ** test addresses are allocated last,
#                                         ** first test address will be on the
#                                         ** first virtual interface of the
#                                         ** first physical adapter. Second
#                                         ** test address will be on the second
#                                         ** physical adapter.
#                                       l = load spreading / active-active
#                                         ** test addresses are allocated on
#                                         ** first virtual interfaces on both
#                                         ** the first and second physical
#                                         ** adapters.
#                               To force the test addresses onto the physical
#                               adapters, use the suffix 'p' to the above
#                               modes, i.e. 'sp' or 'lp'. This is not
#                               recommended and may break certain applications.
#                       test1:          ipmp test address1
#                       test2:          ipmp test address2
#                               N.B. these addresses must not be used or
#                                       placed in the hosts file
#                       mask:           netmask for ipmp pair
#                       hostname:       unique hostname for logical ip
#                       log-ip:         logical ip address for first i/f of pair
#               N.B. The following two parameters are for active-active
#                    configurations only. Do not specify them for an
#                    active-standby configuration.
#                       hostname2:      unique hostname for logical ip
#                       log-ip2:        logical ip address for second i/f 
#                                       of pair
# IPMP on Solaris 10.
# If you are running Solaris 10, you can optionally configure the
# system to have NO test addresses. In this case, the ipmp mode should be set
# to "ln" or "sn" depending on whether you want outbound load spreading or
# not and the 2 test addresses do not need to be privided.
# Examples:
# --------
# base_config_ipmp_networkifs="qfe0_qfe1"
# Outbound load spreading 2 hostnames, test on virtual interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db l 24 oracle-db apache"
# Outbound load spreading 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db lp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, no test addresses (Sol 10 only).
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sn 24 oracle-db"

# Misc options
# this section is a catchall for other options not included above
# update_terminal:      if set, put the sysidcfg terminal type into inittab 
# enable_savecore:      if set to any value, enable save core (Solaris 2.6 only)
# dumpadm_minfree:      set a limit so that crash dumps don't fill up the
#                       dump filesystem. See dumpadm(1M) -m option for
#                       possible values.
# noautoshutdown:       if set to any value, disable power management
# enable_rootlogin:     if set to any value, enable network root login
#                       from both telnet/rsh and ssh
# enable_rootftp:       if set to any value, enable root ftp access
# shutup_sendmail:      if set, create an alias hostname. to shut up sendmail
# poweroff_afterbuild:  if set, shut the machine down once it has been built
# base_config_dedicated_dump_device:
#                       if set, dumpadm will configure the partition as a
#                       Dedicated Dump Device. See dumpadm(1M) for supported
#                       Operating Environments.
#                       (Device path e.g. /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s? or
#       N.B. This partition is for the SOLE use of the crashdump utility !
# enable_altbreak:      if set, enable alternate break sequence
# disable_sysid_probe:  if set, skip the sysid stuff on the first reboot; this
#                       usually just tries to rarp ip addresses for additional
#                       interfaces and takes *ages* on machines with lots
#                       of unused network adapters. 


# NFSv4
# Set up the NFSv4 domain to prevent being prompted at first reboot.
# If not set, this will default to the entry in base_config_dns_domain,
# and if that is not set, to the value 'domain', which is the default
# in /etc/default/nfs

# JET allows the Solaris media to be held locally or on an external
# NFS server. This is normally specified in the solaris_media_locations
# file with the 3rd field either as a path or a : variable.
# base_config_media allows you to override this 3rd field to point
# at an alternative NFS server for the media. You can either override the
# server alone, by specifying just the server name or IP (the JET server
# must be able to resolve the name), or both the name AND path.
# When using remote media, you can choose to net boot from the NFS server
# or from the JET server. This is set globally in the jumpstart.conf using
# the JS_CLIENT_BOOT variable. You can override it here for THIS client by
# setting base_config_client_boot to "remote" or "local". Leaving it blank
# uses the global global setting.
# e.g. base_config_media="nas_server1"
#      base_config_media="nas_server1:/Solaris_10_1008x
#      base_config_client_boot="remote"
# It is preferable that you keep your paths consistent between NFS servers
# so that you DON'T need to supply the path everytime you change the OS version.
# i.e. You should set things up so that you only ever override the server name.
# N.B. The JET server MUST at a minimum still have the boot server for that
# media held locally.
# Leave the following blank unless you want to override the default JET
# behaviour. 


# N.B. Unless you need to point this client at alternate media for patches
#      and packages that is not held on this server, please skip this section!
# productdir    is where to find the products. This should be a URI style
#               path, i.e. nfs:// If the server
#               is the JumpStart server, then it should just be specified
#               as a normal path.
# patchdir      is where to find the patches. Same format as productdir.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Leaving the following blank means they will be populated using jumpstart.conf
#  and the JumpStart servers ip address. This is the default behaviour
#  and should only be changed if your patch/package repository is not held
#  on this server.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Last one - mainly for developing JumpStart scripts!
# If you set this, the rc3.d/S99jumpstart script will be disabled
# (set to rc3.d/s99jumpstart) every time it is processed - this allows you
# to run it by hand and invoke each reboot step
# This does not work on Solaris 10.

# Product:      Custom
# Synopsis:     The custom product can install packages and patches that
#               would not otherwise be included by the standard
#               installation products.

# Which additional packages are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# O.S. Specific versions:
#      as a side effect, if a directory exists under the package dir named
#      after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
#      main package directory
#       i.e /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc/5.8 takes preference over
#           /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc for a Solaris 8 box
# Package Response files:
#       If a custom package needs a response file, create a directory called
#               /opt/jet/Clients//responses
#       and put the response file in to it, named the same as the package.
#       i.e. for a package called Fred, on client1, use pkgask to create
#               pkgask -r /opt/jet/Clients/client1/responses/Fred Fred
# (Space seperated list of packages)
custom_packages="CSWpkgutil CSWfacter CSWpuppet APSTC-ganglia-core SUNWhd"

# Custom packages at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Which additional patches are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of patches)


# Custom patches at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Custom patch sets... create a directory in the patch directory named after
# the set, and put a patch_order file in it, along with the patches...
# (Space seperated list of patch set names)
# N.B. as a side effect, if a directory exists under the patch set dir named
#      after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
#      main patchset directory
#       i.e /export/install/patches/patchset/5.8 takes preference over
#           /export/install/patches/patchset

# Custom patchsets at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Search paths
# The files and scripts sections below will look for source files relative
# to the Clients/ directory. If you wish to look in other places
# for files, please fill out the search path option below. Items in the
# search path are relative to the Clients/ directory, since the
# client has no knowledge of the filesystem layout of the server
# e.g. for a client 'fred', the default location for all custom files/scripts
#      is /opt/jet/Clients/fred
#      if the search path was set to "../common" then the installation routines
#      would look first in Clients/fred then
#      Clients/fred/../common (or Clients/common in this case)
# Search path is a space separated list of places to search

# Files to be copied to the client. The filenames must be of the form
# filename1:[a|o|b]:filename2[:owner:group:mode]
# Where filename1 is the name of the source file in the
#                 /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/ directory (or in the
#                 searchpath.)
#       filename2 is the full path of the file on the installed client
#       the middle option is whether to a - append, o - overwrite the file,
#       or b - backup and then overwrite the file.
# owner:group:mode are optional, and allow you to specify the owner group and
# permissions differently. By default JET will maintain perms and ownership 
# of the source file (filename1)
# NOTE: owner, group and mode override are ignored for "a" (append) operations
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of 3-tuples)
# N.B. Please see section above regarding where to place the source files
# N.B. (2):
#      appending to /etc/hosts is a special case; instead of just appending
#      the file, the module will do an 'intelligent merge' of the new hosts
#      file with the existing one.
#      custom_files="hosts:a:/etc/hosts"
custom_files="psi:o:/etc/sysconfig/psi gmond.conf:o:/etc/gmond.conf puppet.conf:o:/etc/opt/csw/puppet/puppet.conf .bash_profile:o:/root/.bash_profile jdk-7u40-solaris.tar:o:/root/jdk-7u40-solaris.tar nocheck:o:/var/sadm/install/admin/nocheck dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg:o:/root/dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg"

# Custom files at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Scripts to be run on the client at the end of the build
# The scripts must be placed in the directory
#       /opt/jet/Clients/
# and will be copied to the client.
# If you want to run custom scripts during the Jumpstart
# phase, use the custom_scripts_f variable below. 
# Custom scripts at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Special JumpStart 'Begin' and 'Finish' phase scripts
# If you need to run scripts in the 'begin' or 'finish' phase of the 
# JumpStart, you can supply them here. Please note, that in the 'begin' 
# phase, the new OS has not been installed and the majority of the OS 
# running will be read-only from the JumpStart server. In the 'finish'
# phase, the newly installed O/S is not yet running, and is mounted
# on ${ROOTDIR} (normally /a)


How to install a custom pkg

Often it's needed a pkg not present in the standard Solaris 10 installation, to make JET aware of it nd to get it installed on the TARGET_HOST you have to:
  • use the command pkgtrans vs the pkg.
  • use the command copy_custom_packages
  • append the custom package in the field custom_packages of the template file associated to the target host.
  • run /opt/SUNWjet/bin/make_client -f TARGET_HOST to get this change propagated up to the /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/TARGET_HOST dir.

e.g. to get installed the custom package SUNWhd on the target host t3fs07:

pkgtrans SUNWhd-1.07.pkg /tmp all

copy_custom_packages /tmp i386 SUNWhd

# and you'll get: 
-bash-3.2# ls -l /export/install/pkgs/custom/i386/SUNWhd
total 11
drwxr-xr-x   2 13001    staff          6 Sep 27 15:35 install
-rw-r--r--   1 13001    staff        477 May  3  2008 pkginfo
-rw-r--r--   1 13001    staff        691 May  3  2008 pkgmap
drwxr-xr-x   3 13001    staff          3 Sep 27 15:35 reloc

# then report the string SUNWhd in the field custom_packages
-bash-3.2# ggrep -Hn --color SUNWhd /opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs07 
/opt/SUNWjet/Templates/t3fs07:945:custom_packages="CSWpkgutil CSWfacter CSWpuppet APSTC-ganglia-core SUNWhd"
Note: I did not get how to append with just one command a pkg in all the custom_packages fields of each Template file, so far you have to append it by hand for each Template file.


After you've created and filled the Template then you can try, the command could fail because of a wrong value, to create a client:

sample run

-bash-3.2# make_client -f t3fs15
Gathering network information..
        Client: (
        Server: (, SunOS)
Adding t3fs15 to local /etc/hosts
Merge hosts file /tmp/addhost.892 with /etc/inet/hosts
Solaris: client_prevalidate
WARNING: Your selected client allocation method has not been used. 
WARNING: Using bootp instead.
Creating Client directory for t3fs15
Solaris: client_build
Creating sysidcfg
Creating profile
Adding base_config specifics to client configuration
Solaris: Configuring JumpStart boot for t3fs15
Solaris: Configure bootparams build
         Starting SMF services for JumpStart
Adding Ethernet number for t3fs15 to /etc/ethers
enabling tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
Converting /etc/inetd.conf
enabling network/tftp/udp6 service
updating /etc/bootparams
copying boot file to /tftpboot/pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1
ln: cannot create /tftpboot//pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1: File exists

Create a grub floppy and edit GRUB menu to contain
the following entry:
min_mem64 1024
title Solaris netinstall
  kernel$ /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B install_media=,install_boot=  module$ /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/$ISADIR/x86.miniroot
Force bootparams terminal type
-Restart bootparamd
Running '/opt/SUNWjet/bin/check_client  t3fs15'
        Client: (
        Server: (, SunOS)
Checking product base_config/solaris
WARNING: Patch  119375-03 may need to be applied to the boot image.
Please determine if the miniroot is patched and apply if required.
You can suppress this warning by typing:
# touch /export/install/media/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot/.jet-p1

Checking product custom
Check of client t3fs15 
-> Passed....

files produced


-bash-3.2# cat /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/sysidcfg
name_service=DNS { name_server=, }
network_interface=PRIMARY { protocol_ipv6=no }


-bash-3.2# cat /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/host.config

        #     #    #    ######  #     #   ###   #     #  #####
        #  #  #   # #   #     # ##    #    #    ##    # #     #
        #  #  #  #   #  #     # # #   #    #    # #   # #
        #  #  # #     # ######  #  #  #    #    #  #  # #  ####
        #  #  # ####### #   #   #   # #    #    #   # # #     #
        #  #  # #     # #    #  #    ##    #    #    ## #     #
         ## ##  #     # #     # #     #   ###   #     #  #####

#       This is an automatically generated version of the client template.
#       Please make any changes to the Templates/t3fs15 file
#       rather than this one, then re-run make_client

# Client template file
# Client:       t3fs15
# Created:      Tue Sep 17 16:33:21 CEST 2013
# This file was automatically generated using 'make_template'

# Product:      base_config
# Synopsys:     Basic host information

# Architecture type:
#               sun4c           : e.g. SS1, SS2, SS IPX
#               sun4d           : e.g. SS1000, SS2000
#               sun4e           : ?
#               sun4m           : e.g. SS LX, SS4, SS5, SS10, SS20
#               sun4u           : UltraSparc - U1, U2, E3x00, E4x00 etc
#               sun4u1          : E10K
#               sun4v           : T2000
#               i86pc           : Intel X86
# Ethernet can be obtained from the 'banner' command at OBP
# OS is one of the values you used to register the solaris media using
#    the add_solaris_location command

# Client allocation
# The mechanism used to build this client. This takes preference over 
# the options listed in /opt/SUNWjet/etc/jumpstart.conf.
# JET will cycle through the methods in order until if finds one
# that works.
# JET supports bootp, dhcp and grub as allocation options.
# JET will automatically use pxe/grub if dhcp is chosen for an O/S 
# which supports it. (Solaris 10 U1 x86 and above)

# If you are using grub, you can set this variable to apply additional
# grub directives to the menu.lst. file.

# You can alter the grub menu timeout below. JET will set this to 2 seconds
# by default if the variable below is empty.

# Setting the following variable to any value will create an additional 
# boot option in the grub boot menu to boot net single user.

# If you are using grub, you can set this variable to append
# additional lines from the named file to the menu.lst. file.

# products      is the set of products to install after base_config; this
#               should be updated automatically by make_template, so you
#               will only need to change it, if you wish to omit certain
#               modules when testing/debugging.
#               JET will only install the modules listed here even
#               if the configuration variables are listed later in this 
#               template.
base_config_products=" custom"

# JumpStart sysidcfg information
# The sysidcfg file provides information at initial boot time so that the
# system can properly identify itself. The interface and ip address defined 
# here SHOULD be on the same subnet as the JumpStart server. The root password 
# is set here also and must be written in encrypted format. The default value
# shown here is "newroot". 
# nameservice examples:
#                       NONE
#                       NIS { }
#               or for DNS
#                       DNS { name_server= }
# network_interface:
#                       e.g. ce0, nge0
#                       or PRIMARY (the default interface - net in OBP)
# locale:
#                       en_GB   for UK. JET will try to autopopulate
#                       this from the Jumpstart server's locale.
# timeserver:           Where the client gets the current time from.
#                       Leave blank to default the the JumpStart server
#                       Alternatively, set to 'localhost' to trust the current
#                       hardware clock on the client
# terminal:             terminal type (vt100/vt220/sun etc)
# security_policy:      Kerberos policy (Solaris 8 +)
# protocol_ipv6:        Use ipv6 or not (Solaris 8 +)
# default_route:        Solaris 9 allows a default route to be set
#                       (ignored on all other versions of Solaris, less than 9)

base_config_sysidcfg_nameservice="DNS { name_server=, }"
# From Solaris 10 Update 9 onwards, a new sysidcfg keyword exists: auto_reg
# This allows automatic Solaris registration to take place.
# auto_reg can be all, noproxy, anon, none or disable  
# "all" requires ALL additional fields to be filled in
# "noproxy" requires only oracle_user and oracle_pw fields to be filled in
# "anon" requires all the http_proxy fields to be filled in
# "none" or "disable" do not need any additional fields.


# X86, X64 specific settings. If this is an x86 client, then you may need
# to configure these settings. They are ignored for SPARC builds.
# base_config_x86_nowin:
# This stops Solaris from trying to run windows during the install.
# the default value is yes.
# base_config_x86_console:
# Set the console to the correct tty port. This is used for doing installs
# via the serial port or the SP. b1600,v20z and v40z use ttya. lx50, v60x,
# and v65x use ttyb. NOTE: you only need to set this if you are NOT going 
# to connect a keyboard and monitor to the client.
# base_config_x86_disable_acpi:
# Disable ACPI - sometimes disabling ACPI makes the install go
# better due to how the interrupts are handled. Non-Null disables ACPI.
# base_config_x86_safetoreboot:
# The Solaris installer can't control the BIOS, therefore does not
# know if its safe to reboot the client as it may simply jumpstart
# again. If your PXE boot is a one time option, and the next reboot
# will attempt to boot from disk, then you probably want to set this
# option to "yes". Otherwise, leave it as it is so that it won't reboot
# and therefore allow you to manually change your BIOS to boot from disk.
# base_config_x86_disable_kdmconfig:
# X86 systems sometimes go interactive on the first reboot (Bug 6321043)
# on Solaris 10 Update 1. Setting this parameter will stop this from
# happenning.
# base_config_x86_confflags
# The parameters specified for this variable are passed directly to 
# add_install_client -b confflags= option.  
# For e.g., by specifying,
# base_config_x86_confflags="-f -P/boot/solaris/dca"
# add_install_client is called with -b confflag="-f -P /boot/solaris/dca"
# option.
# base_config_sysidcfg_x86_kdmfile
# Append the file specified here to sysidcfg file.
# This variable can reference a file relative to the 
# Clients/ directory or a absolute path. 

# SAS 2.0 Configuration details. 
# Newer Servers use SAS 2.0 based HBAs, and the disk identifier is variable
# between servers. JET allows you to specify the slot number in any place
# where cxtyd0 would normally be specified. 
# If specifying slices (as required for the zfs boot disk), then you should
# use a period as a delimeter between the slot and the slice: slot0.s0
# For this to work, a slot/disk mapping file for the server and HBA slot 
# location must be present in /opt/SUNWjet/Utils/sas2.
# You can use any naming convention you choose, but we suggest you name
# the files based on the model. e.g. slot.conf.X4270M2-12-PCIe03.
# i.e. X4270 with 12 disks, and SAS2 HBA in PCIe slot 3..


# Disk labelling
# In some cases the disks in the server may not be labelled, the 
# following variable allows you to label all the unlabelled disks.
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot0, 
# slot2 etc.  
# Allowed values:
# base_config_label_disks=""                    Do not label any disks.
# base_config_label_disks="all"                 Label ALL unlabelled disks.
# base_config_label_disks="cxtydz cmtndo"       Label listed disks.

# Disk partitioning (X86 ONLY)
# In some cases, the disks may already be used, or may have other O/Ss
# installed in other partitions. The following variable allows you to
# modify the partitioning configuration of the disks. 
# The fdisk variables are only effective on x64/x86 based machines.
# The fdisk values will be applied as follows:
# ZFS:
#       If you have explicitly listed disk names, it will fdisk all the
#       disks listed in base_config_profile_zfs_disk. Otherwise
#       if will fdisk the single disk that corresponds to "rootdisk."
# UFS:
#       It will always perform the fdisk on the disk listed by 
#       base_config_profile_usedisk (whether explictly listed or
#       rootdisk). If mirroring using SVM, and the sds_root_mirror
#       is NOT auto, the fdisk setting will be applied to that disk
#       as well.
#       In other words, we will always fdisk the rootdisk. We will only
#       fdisk the mirror disk if it is explicitly defined. (e.g. cxtydz) 
# Allowed values:
# base_config_profile_fdisk=""          Do not alter current partitioning. 
#                                       Solaris will either use an existing
#                                       Solaris partition, or use any 
#                                       unused free space on the disk.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="freedisk"  Remove any existing Solaris
#                                       partitions. Create one of maxsize
#                                       in remaining space.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="alldisk"   Remove ALL existing partitions.
#                                       Create a single Solaris partition
#                                       using the whole disk. 


# Want to create your own custom profile ? if so, use this variable to
# reference a file relative to the Clients/ directory or 
# absolute path, otherwise fill in the other details below to get toolkit 
# to create one for you.
# If absolute path is specified, then the profile file is copied 
# to Clients/ directory.
# It is also possible to append additional profile information to the JET
# derived one. Do this using the base_config_profile_append variable, but
# don't forget to fill out the remaining base_config_profile variables.

# OR fill out the base_config_profile variables below. (This is the
# preferred option. If you choose to supply your own profile, you are
# on your own.)
# JumpStart profile information
# A profile can be automatically generated here. If further 
# customisation is required, then you can manually create a profile in the
# client directory and reference it in the base_config_profile or
# base_config_profile_append variables above.
# Cluster:
#       SUNWCrnet               : Minimal. Solaris 10 only
#       SUNWCreq                : Required - really basic, good for testing
#       SUNWCuser               : User collection
#       SUNWCprog               : User + Developers collection
#       SUNWCall                : All packages
#       SUNWCXall               : All + OEM packages    (mandatory for E10K)

# JET supports the use of either a ZFS based root filesystem
# or a UFS based root filesystem. 
# If the ZFS based filesystem is chosen, ALL the UFS specific variables will be
# ignored.
# JET will configure a ZFS based root filesystem if 
# base_config_profile_zfs_disk contains a value.
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot0, 
# slot2 etc.  
# ZFS requires that the following variables be set:
# base_config_profile_zfs_disk: Specify the disks to be used to create
#                               the pool. You can list 1 or 2 disks. 
#                               2 disks means you'll get a mirrored
#                               root pool. You can use the keyword
#                               "any" (or "any any") to let the
#                               installer choose the disks for you.
#                               DO NOT use the "any" syntax if you
#                               wish to preserve any data on the 
#                               chosen disks.
#                               You must specify slices if you are
#                               not using the "any" keyword.
#                               It is also possible to use the
#                               rootdisk. keyword which also requires
#                               you to specify the slice.
#       e.g.    base_config_profile_zfs_disk="any"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="any any"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="c0t0d0s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="c0t0d0s0 c1t0d0s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="rootdisk.s0"
#               base_config_profile_zfs_disk="slot0.s0 slot1.s0"
# base_config_profile_zfs_pool: The name of the zfs pool use "rpool"
# base_config_profile_zfs_size: The size of the pool in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto")
# base_config_profile_zfs_swap: The size of swap in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto" which
#                               will be 1/2 physical memory)
# base_config_profile_zfs_dump: The size of dump in MB unless
#                               ends in g. (Can be "auto" which
#                               will be 1/2 physical memory)
# base_config_profile_zfs_be:   Multiple Boot Environments per pool
#                               are supported. Specify the name
#                               of the boot environment here.
#                               Will default to base_config_ClientOS if
#                               left blank which is probably a good
#                               choice.
# base_config_profile_zfs_compress:
#                               Set to any value to compress 
#                               the root pool. 
# base_config_profile_zfs_var:
#                               Set to any value to create 
#                               a /var dataset in the root pool. 
#       If you want to create additional datasets in the root pool
#       you need to use the JetZFS module.


# BEGIN of UFS root filesystem configuration
# The following variables are used to define the configuration
# settings when UFS is selected as the root filesystem.

# usedisk:      defines the disk that the OS will be loaded on to - bootdisk
#               (if this is set to rootdisk. , then the current boot disk will
#                be used)
# dontuse:      defines disks that should not be used..
#               ** N.B. This will only be used if 'usedisk' is NOT set
#               Space separated list of disks of the form c?t?d?
# partition sizes:
#       if partitions are not required simply leave blank. In order to maintain 
#       consistency the partitions will always use the same slice number:
#               /       s0
#               swap    s1
#       We've prepopulated the remaining slices based on Sun defaults,
#       but you can change this.
#               /var    s5
#               /usr    s6
#               /opt    s7
#       at most one partition can have the size 'free' which denotes all the
#       unallocated/spare space on a disk.
#       If you wish to create slices, but not use or mount them, you
#       can simply use the keyword: "unnamed" as the mountpoint. (If
#       you are using JetSDS or JetVXVM to mirror your rootdisk, it
#       will also mirror these slices).
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot1, 
# slot2 etc.  



# If you are using VxVM and want your boot disk to look like the mirror, then
# leave slices 3 and 4 empty. If you do not care about keeping the two disks
# looking cosmetically the same, please just make sure you have two free slices
# somewhere on the disk for VxVM!
# If you are not using VxVM, then you can use s3 and s4 for whatever you wish!





# If you are using DiskSuite, the default behaviour is to use slice 7 as a
# location for metastate databases. If you are using DiskSuites default config,
# please avoid using s7 for data!


# You can specify additional disks to use/configure here
# additional_disks is a space separated list of c?t?d? type disk names
# If your system uses SAS based HBAs, you can specify slot number. i.e. slot1, 
# slot2 etc, but remember to use the . between the slot and the slice.  
# For each disk listed in additional_disks, a pair of variables of the form
#       base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_mtpt="...."
#       base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_size="...."
# should be defined for each slice required on the disk.

# UFS Logging
# Solaris 7 and above support UFS+, which allows for a logging filesystem
# under UFS. If you want to use this feature on any of the UFS mount points,
# please specify the mount points here, as a space separated list, or enter
# the keyword "all" to enable logging on all UFS filesystems.
# Solaris 9 09/04 enables logging by default. You can also specify mountpoints
# preceded by a - sign to say that you DON'T want logging enabled on that
# filesystem, or you can use the keyword "none" to say you don't want any 
# ufs logging turned on at all.
# N.B. root (/) can be included in the list, and is included by default if
#      using either the "all" or "none" keyword.
#      Finally, you can't mix keywords and mountpoints. i.e. "all -/" is NOT 
#      valid.
# e.g. base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="all"            : log all filesystems
#      base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="none"           : log no filesystems
#      base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="-/ /var -/usr"  : log /var, but not / and /usr.

# Works similarly to the above, except adds noatime to the mount option.
# You can either specify that ALL filesystems be mounted with the noatime
# option using the keyword "all" OR
# specify the list fo filesystems as a space seperated list.
# e.g. base_config_ufs_noatime_filesys="all"
#      OR
#      base_config_ufs_noatime_filesys="/ /var /usr"


# END of UFS root filesystem configuration
# Additional locales/geos e.g. N_Europe, C_Europe


# Packages to add to/remove from the selected cluster
# Use this to populate the profile with package   entries
base_config_profile_add_packages="SUNWtnetc SUNWman SUNWggrp SUNWgtar SUNWbip SUNWbipr SUNWbtool SUNWbzip SUNWcnsr SUNWcnsu SUNWxwplt SUNWxwrtl SUNWxwice SUNWmfrun SUNWdoc SUNWbind SUNWnfscu SUNWnfscr SUNWnfsckr SUNWxcu4 SUNWsprot SUNWtoo"

# Clusters to add to/remove 
# Use this to populate the profile with cluster   entries
# by Fabio
base_config_profile_add_clusters="SUNWCacc SUNWCadm SUNWCcpc SUNWCcry SUNWCfcadb SUNWCfwcmp SUNWCfwshl SUNWCfwutil SUNWCgcc SUNWCged SUNWCjv SUNWCjvx SUNWCldom SUNWClibusb SUNWClu SUNWCntp SUNWCopenssl SUNWCpd SUNWCperl SUNWCpm SUNWCpmgr SUNWCpool SUNWCptoo SUNWCrcapu SUNWCsma SUNWCsndm SUNWCssh SUNWCts SUNWCudf SUNWCusb SUNWCutf8 SUNWCvld SUNWCvol SUNWCwget SUNWCzone"
# Recommended patches
# Later versions of the Solaris 10 Recommended patch cluster are
# of a slightly different structure, but contains a much more
# advanced installer script. This script requires that you supply
# a PASSCODE which is in the README file of the patch cluster. 
# JET will only make use of this value if it detects the new style
# Recommended patch cluster. 
# It is recommended that you read the README and patch the
# boot-image as suggested.
# e.g. base_config_recpatch_passcode="s10cluster"

# Remote file systems (NFS)
# Specify these as space separated list of pairs as follows, using ? as
# the separator (as : has special meanings with nfs!)
# e.g. to mount on /fs you would create the entry
#      base_config_nfs_mounts="fs?"

# Host information
# This section defines most things network related etc.
# In addtion, if the machine will be JumpStarted as one name/address and
# needs to have a different name/address once installed, this is where you
# can set that information.
# nodename:             the value for /etc/nodename if it's not the default
#                       hostname
# defaultrouter:        the value for /etc/defaultrouter.
# notrouter:            if this is set, the file /etc/notrouter will be created
# dns_domain:           domain entry for /etc/resolv.conf
# dns_searchpath:       list of entries to go in the search line
# NOTE: domain and searchpath are mututally exclusive. searchpath will
#       ALWAYS override the domain.
# dns_nameservers:      nameserver entries for /etc/resolv.conf
#                       (list of ip addresses, space separated)
# dns_disableforbuild:  If there is no DNS available in the build
#                       environment, set this to delay the configuration
#                       of DNS until later on.




# NTP configuration
# Specify a list of names or ip addresses for the NTP servers. The first
# one will be given a 'prefer' tag. This section will only place lines
# of the form: server  [prefer]
# into the /etc/inet/ntp.conf file. If you require more control of ntp,
# please use the custom module to deploy your own custom ntp.conf file.
# N.B. If you do use names, they must be resolvable in your name service.

# Network Interface information
# networkifs:           a list of interfaces to be defined,
#                       space separated "ce0 ge0".
#                       N.B. the sysidcfg interface will already be configured
#                       Logical interfaces should be defined using _'s rather
#                       than :'s.
# networkif_:   the details of the interface 
#                       "netname netmask hostname address"
#                       netname:        arbritrary name for /etc/networks
#                       netmask:        netmask of this if (e.g.
#                       hostname:       unique hostname (N.B. not multihomed)
#                       address:        IP address of this interface
# For example:
#       base_config_networkifs="ge0 ge0_1"
#       base_config_networkif_ge0="bkp me-bkp"
#       base_config_networkif_ge0_1="bkp2 me-bkp2"


# N.B. Logical interfaces MUST use _ rather than : as illustrated below

# IP Multipathing (Solaris 8+)
#       IPMP default mode is automatic failback.
#       To change this mode edit /etc/default/mpathd
# ipmp_networkifs:      a list of interfaces to be defined under ipmp control
#                       a space separated list of pairs only
#                       e.g. "qfe0_qfe4 qfe1_qfe5"
#               N.B. If the primary interface is used in an ipmp group, the 
#                    system must be rebooted manually after installation to 
#                    activate ipmp.
#               N.B. Can only setup ipmp group with pairs of interfaces in one
#                    of the following configurations:
#                       active-standby failover:
#                          Set ipmp mode = s, and specify one logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair.
#                       failover with outbound load spreading:
#                          Set ipmp mode = l, and specify one logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair.
#                       active-active with outbound load spreading:
#                          Set ipmp mode = l, specify a second logical 
#                          hostname/ip address pair for the second interface.
# ipmp_networkif__: "netgroup mode test1 test2 mask hostname log-ip hostname2 log-ip2"
#                       details of the interfaces in the ipmp group
#                       e.g. networkif_ipmp_qfe0_qfe4
#                       netgroup:       ipmp interface group name
#                                       e.g. database-net
#                       ipmp mode:      s = standby (failover only)
#                                         ** test addresses are allocated last,
#                                         ** first test address will be on the
#                                         ** first virtual interface of the
#                                         ** first physical adapter. Second
#                                         ** test address will be on the second
#                                         ** physical adapter.
#                                       l = load spreading / active-active
#                                         ** test addresses are allocated on
#                                         ** first virtual interfaces on both
#                                         ** the first and second physical
#                                         ** adapters.
#                               To force the test addresses onto the physical
#                               adapters, use the suffix 'p' to the above
#                               modes, i.e. 'sp' or 'lp'. This is not
#                               recommended and may break certain applications.
#                       test1:          ipmp test address1
#                       test2:          ipmp test address2
#                               N.B. these addresses must not be used or
#                                       placed in the hosts file
#                       mask:           netmask for ipmp pair
#                       hostname:       unique hostname for logical ip
#                       log-ip:         logical ip address for first i/f of pair
#               N.B. The following two parameters are for active-active
#                    configurations only. Do not specify them for an
#                    active-standby configuration.
#                       hostname2:      unique hostname for logical ip
#                       log-ip2:        logical ip address for second i/f 
#                                       of pair
# IPMP on Solaris 10.
# If you are running Solaris 10, you can optionally configure the
# system to have NO test addresses. In this case, the ipmp mode should be set
# to "ln" or "sn" depending on whether you want outbound load spreading or
# not and the 2 test addresses do not need to be privided.
# Examples:
# --------
# base_config_ipmp_networkifs="qfe0_qfe1"
# Outbound load spreading 2 hostnames, test on virtual interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db l 24 oracle-db apache"
# Outbound load spreading 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db lp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, no test addresses (Sol 10 only).
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sn 24 oracle-db"

# Misc options
# this section is a catchall for other options not included above
# update_terminal:      if set, put the sysidcfg terminal type into inittab 
# enable_savecore:      if set to any value, enable save core (Solaris 2.6 only)
# dumpadm_minfree:      set a limit so that crash dumps don't fill up the
#                       dump filesystem. See dumpadm(1M) -m option for
#                       possible values.
# noautoshutdown:       if set to any value, disable power management
# enable_rootlogin:     if set to any value, enable network root login
#                       from both telnet/rsh and ssh
# enable_rootftp:       if set to any value, enable root ftp access
# shutup_sendmail:      if set, create an alias hostname. to shut up sendmail
# poweroff_afterbuild:  if set, shut the machine down once it has been built
# base_config_dedicated_dump_device:
#                       if set, dumpadm will configure the partition as a
#                       Dedicated Dump Device. See dumpadm(1M) for supported
#                       Operating Environments.
#                       (Device path e.g. /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s? or
#       N.B. This partition is for the SOLE use of the crashdump utility !
# enable_altbreak:      if set, enable alternate break sequence
# disable_sysid_probe:  if set, skip the sysid stuff on the first reboot; this
#                       usually just tries to rarp ip addresses for additional
#                       interfaces and takes *ages* on machines with lots
#                       of unused network adapters. 


# NFSv4
# Set up the NFSv4 domain to prevent being prompted at first reboot.
# If not set, this will default to the entry in base_config_dns_domain,
# and if that is not set, to the value 'domain', which is the default
# in /etc/default/nfs

# JET allows the Solaris media to be held locally or on an external
# NFS server. This is normally specified in the solaris_media_locations
# file with the 3rd field either as a path or a : variable.
# base_config_media allows you to override this 3rd field to point
# at an alternative NFS server for the media. You can either override the
# server alone, by specifying just the server name or IP (the JET server
# must be able to resolve the name), or both the name AND path.
# When using remote media, you can choose to net boot from the NFS server
# or from the JET server. This is set globally in the jumpstart.conf using
# the JS_CLIENT_BOOT variable. You can override it here for THIS client by
# setting base_config_client_boot to "remote" or "local". Leaving it blank
# uses the global global setting.
# e.g. base_config_media="nas_server1"
#      base_config_media="nas_server1:/Solaris_10_1008x
#      base_config_client_boot="remote"
# It is preferable that you keep your paths consistent between NFS servers
# so that you DON'T need to supply the path everytime you change the OS version.
# i.e. You should set things up so that you only ever override the server name.
# N.B. The JET server MUST at a minimum still have the boot server for that
# media held locally.
# Leave the following blank unless you want to override the default JET
# behaviour. 


# N.B. Unless you need to point this client at alternate media for patches
#      and packages that is not held on this server, please skip this section!
# productdir    is where to find the products. This should be a URI style
#               path, i.e. nfs:// If the server
#               is the JumpStart server, then it should just be specified
#               as a normal path.
# patchdir      is where to find the patches. Same format as productdir.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Leaving the following blank means they will be populated using jumpstart.conf
#  and the JumpStart servers ip address. This is the default behaviour
#  and should only be changed if your patch/package repository is not held
#  on this server.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Last one - mainly for developing JumpStart scripts!
# If you set this, the rc3.d/S99jumpstart script will be disabled
# (set to rc3.d/s99jumpstart) every time it is processed - this allows you
# to run it by hand and invoke each reboot step
# This does not work on Solaris 10.

# Product:      Custom
# Synopsis:     The custom product can install packages and patches that
#               would not otherwise be included by the standard
#               installation products.

# Which additional packages are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# O.S. Specific versions:
#      as a side effect, if a directory exists under the package dir named
#      after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
#      main package directory
#       i.e /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc/5.8 takes preference over
#           /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc for a Solaris 8 box
# Package Response files:
#       If a custom package needs a response file, create a directory called
#               /opt/jet/Clients//responses
#       and put the response file in to it, named the same as the package.
#       i.e. for a package called Fred, on client1, use pkgask to create
#               pkgask -r /opt/jet/Clients/client1/responses/Fred Fred
# (Space seperated list of packages)
custom_packages="CSWpkgutil CSWfacter CSWpuppet APSTC-ganglia-core SUNWhd"

# Custom packages at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Which additional patches are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of patches)


# Custom patches at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Custom patch sets... create a directory in the patch directory named after
# the set, and put a patch_order file in it, along with the patches...
# (Space seperated list of patch set names)
# N.B. as a side effect, if a directory exists under the patch set dir named
#      after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
#      main patchset directory
#       i.e /export/install/patches/patchset/5.8 takes preference over
#           /export/install/patches/patchset

# Custom patchsets at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Search paths
# The files and scripts sections below will look for source files relative
# to the Clients/ directory. If you wish to look in other places
# for files, please fill out the search path option below. Items in the
# search path are relative to the Clients/ directory, since the
# client has no knowledge of the filesystem layout of the server
# e.g. for a client 'fred', the default location for all custom files/scripts
#      is /opt/jet/Clients/fred
#      if the search path was set to "../common" then the installation routines
#      would look first in Clients/fred then
#      Clients/fred/../common (or Clients/common in this case)
# Search path is a space separated list of places to search

# Files to be copied to the client. The filenames must be of the form
# filename1:[a|o|b]:filename2[:owner:group:mode]
# Where filename1 is the name of the source file in the
#                 /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/ directory (or in the
#                 searchpath.)
#       filename2 is the full path of the file on the installed client
#       the middle option is whether to a - append, o - overwrite the file,
#       or b - backup and then overwrite the file.
# owner:group:mode are optional, and allow you to specify the owner group and
# permissions differently. By default JET will maintain perms and ownership 
# of the source file (filename1)
# NOTE: owner, group and mode override are ignored for "a" (append) operations
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of 3-tuples)
# N.B. Please see section above regarding where to place the source files
# N.B. (2):
#      appending to /etc/hosts is a special case; instead of just appending
#      the file, the module will do an 'intelligent merge' of the new hosts
#      file with the existing one.
#      custom_files="hosts:a:/etc/hosts"
custom_files="psi:o:/etc/sysconfig/psi gmond.conf:o:/etc/gmond.conf puppet.conf:o:/etc/opt/csw/puppet/puppet.conf .bash_profile:o:/root/.bash_profile jdk-7u40-solaris.tar:o:/root/jdk-7u40-solaris.tar nocheck:o:/var/sadm/install/admin/nocheck dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg:o:/root/dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg"

# Custom files at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Scripts to be run on the client at the end of the build
# The scripts must be placed in the directory
#       /opt/jet/Clients/
# and will be copied to the client.
# If you want to run custom scripts during the Jumpstart
# phase, use the custom_scripts_f variable below. 
# Custom scripts at subsequent boots
#  denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed. 

# Special JumpStart 'Begin' and 'Finish' phase scripts
# If you need to run scripts in the 'begin' or 'finish' phase of the 
# JumpStart, you can supply them here. Please note, that in the 'begin' 
# phase, the new OS has not been installed and the majority of the OS 
# running will be read-only from the JumpStart server. In the 'finish'
# phase, the newly installed O/S is not yet running, and is mounted
# on ${ROOTDIR} (normally /a)



macro t3fs15 :BootFile=01005056953F40:BootSrvA=


-bash-3.2# cat /opt/SUNWjet/Clients/t3fs15/profile
# This is an automatically generated profile. Please modify the template.
# Created:      Wed Oct  2 15:08:21 CEST 2013
install_type    initial_install
system_type     server
cluster         SUNWCrnet
partitioning    explicit
fdisk           c1t0d0 solaris maxfree
pool rpool auto 0g auto c1t0d0s0
bootenv installbe bename 10 
package SUNWtnetc add
package SUNWman add
package SUNWggrp add
package SUNWgtar add
package SUNWbip add
package SUNWbipr add
package SUNWbtool add
package SUNWbzip add
package SUNWcnsr add
package SUNWcnsu add
package SUNWxwplt add
package SUNWxwrtl add
package SUNWxwice add
package SUNWmfrun add
package SUNWdoc add
package SUNWbind add
package SUNWnfscu add
package SUNWnfscr add
package SUNWnfsckr add
package SUNWxcu4 add
package SUNWsprot add
package SUNWtoo add
cluster SUNWCacc add
cluster SUNWCadm add
cluster SUNWCcpc add
cluster SUNWCcry add
cluster SUNWCfcadb add
cluster SUNWCfwcmp add
cluster SUNWCfwshl add
cluster SUNWCfwutil add
cluster SUNWCgcc add
cluster SUNWCged add
cluster SUNWCjv add
cluster SUNWCjvx add
cluster SUNWCldom add
cluster SUNWClibusb add
cluster SUNWClu add
cluster SUNWCntp add
cluster SUNWCopenssl add
cluster SUNWCpd add
cluster SUNWCperl add
cluster SUNWCpm add
cluster SUNWCpmgr add
cluster SUNWCpool add
cluster SUNWCptoo add
cluster SUNWCrcapu add
cluster SUNWCsma add
cluster SUNWCsndm add
cluster SUNWCssh add
cluster SUNWCts add
cluster SUNWCudf add
cluster SUNWCusb add
cluster SUNWCutf8 add
cluster SUNWCvld add
cluster SUNWCvol add
cluster SUNWCwget add
cluster SUNWCzone add


# Post Install Hints file
# -----------------------
# This is an automatically generated file that allows hints to be set up for
# module scripts - communication between modules. The format of the file is
# as follows:
# ::
# tags and hint values are module specific; contact the module author for
# more details if they are not described in the ReleaseNotes for the module
# N.B. This file gets regenerated each time make_client is executed, so please
#      do not hand edit.
#      JS_add_module_hint() in Utils/serverlib can be used from the
#      module scripts to populate entries in this file

Trick to repeat the installation without a reboot

If the Jumpstart installation fails and you still have a live shell, then you can correct the files and retry by:
# rm /tmp/.jumpstart
# install-solaris

zpool create/destroy rpool c0d0

Specifically for our SUN X4540 servers that use a Unigen Compact Flash 16GB Card, it could be that the installation will fail because of an unrecognized disk c0d0; if that happens then run this simple sequence:
  • zpool create   rpool c0d0
  • zpool destroy rpool c0d0
  • rm /tmp/.jumpstart
  • install-solaris

surely there will be a better way but this simple trick worked for me.

Installation log - it can take 1h to install a SUN X4540 ! be patient..

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147148-26 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Configuring devices.
WARNING: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@4/ide@0 unable to enable write cache targ=0
Oracle Solaris Interactive Text (Console session)
svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: WARNING: /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a failed: one or more file systems failed to mount
Setting up Java. Please wait...
Serial console, reverting to text install
Beginning system identification...
Searching for configuration file(s)...
Using sysid configuration file
Search complete.
Discovering additional network configuration...
Completing system identification...
Starting remote procedure call (RPC) services: done.
System identification complete.
Starting Solaris installation program...
Searching for JumpStart directory...
Using rules.ok from
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: Utils/begin
Using derived profile: Utils/begin
Using finish script: Utils/finish
Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "Utils/begin"...
Installation of t3fs07 at 15:55 on 02-Oct-2013
Loading JumpStart Server variables
Loading Client configuration file
BASE_CONFIG: Running base_config begin script....
CUSTOM: Running custom begin script....
Begin script Utils/begin execution completed.
Searching for SolStart directory...
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: install_begin
Using finish script: patch_finish
Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "install_begin"...
Begin script install_begin execution completed.

Processing profile
	- Saving Boot Environment Configuration
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCrnet)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCacc)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCadm)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCcpc)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCcry)
WARNING: Selected cluster is already selected (SUNWCfcadb)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCfwcmp)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCfwshl)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCfwutil)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCgcc)
WARNING: Unknown cluster ignored (SUNWCged)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCjv)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCjvx)
WARNING: Unknown cluster ignored (SUNWCldom)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWClibusb)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWClu)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCntp)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCopenssl)
WARNING: Selected cluster is already selected (SUNWCpd)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCperl)
WARNING: Selected cluster is already selected (SUNWCpm)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCpmgr)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCpool)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCptoo)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCrcapu)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCsma)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCsndm)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCssh)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCts)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCudf)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCusb)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCutf8)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCvld)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCvol)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCwget)
	- Selecting cluster (SUNWCzone)
	- Selecting package (SUNWtnetc)
	- Selecting package (SUNWman)
	- Selecting package (SUNWggrp)
	- Selecting package (SUNWgtar)
	- Selecting package (SUNWbip)
	- Selecting package (SUNWbipr)
WARNING: Selected package is already selected (SUNWbtool)
WARNING: Selected package is already selected (SUNWbzip)
	- Selecting package (SUNWcnsr)
	- Selecting package (SUNWcnsu)
	- Selecting package (SUNWxwplt)
	- Selecting package (SUNWxwrtl)
	- Selecting package (SUNWxwice)
	- Selecting package (SUNWmfrun)
	- Selecting package (SUNWdoc)
	- Selecting package (SUNWbind)
	- Selecting package (SUNWnfscu)
	- Selecting package (SUNWnfscr)
	- Selecting package (SUNWnfsckr)
	- Selecting package (SUNWxcu4)
WARNING: Selected package is already selected (SUNWsprot)
	- Selecting package (SUNWtoo)
WARNING: SUNWmfrun depends on SUNWctpls, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWmfrun depends on SUNWdtcor, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWxwplt depends on SUNWxwplr, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWxwplt depends on SUNWdtcor, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWxwplt depends on SUNWxwfnt, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWxwplt depends on SUNWxwdv, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWtsg depends on SUNWdtbas, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWpprou depends on SUNWccsign, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWopenssl-include depends on SUNWhea, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWzfsu depends on SUNWPython, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWnfscr depends on SUNWrsgk, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWgtar depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWctpls, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWdtcor, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWtltk, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWdticn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWdtdte, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWdtct depends on SUNWdtbas, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWeuxwe depends on SUNWxim, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWeuxwe depends on SUNWxi18n, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWeuodf depends on SUNWxwacx, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWeuodf depends on SUNWxwfnt, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWbison depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWgmake depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWbinutils depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWggrp depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWuxlcf depends on SUNWxim, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWuxlcf depends on SUNWxi18n, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWwgetu depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWgm4 depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWbind depends on SUNWbindr, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWgcc depends on SUNWarc, which is not selected
WARNING: SUNWgcc depends on SUNWgcmn, which is not selected
	- Selecting all disks
	- Configuring boot device
	- Creating "maxfree" Solaris fdisk partition (c0d0)
	- Using existing Solaris fdisk partition (c0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c1t7d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c2t7d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c3t7d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c4t7d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c5t7d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t0d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t1d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t2d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t3d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t4d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t5d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t6d0)
	- Deselecting disk with no Solaris fdisk partition (c6t7d0)
	- Configuring / (c0d0s0)

Verifying disk configuration

Verifying space allocation
	- Total software size:  1525.52 Mbytes

Preparing system for Solaris install

Configuring disk (c0d0)
	- Creating Fdisk partition table
	- Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC)
	- Processing the alternate sector slice
	- Creating pool rpool
	- Creating dump zvol for pool rpool

Creating and checking file systems
	- Creating rpool/ROOT/10 dataset

Beginning Solaris software installation

Starting software installation
	SUNWcsl..........................done.  1508.70 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcsr..........................done.  1504.51 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcsu..........................done.  1489.02 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcakr.i.......................done.  1480.68 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWdefault-java.................done.  1480.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWkvm.i........................done.  1480.59 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlucfg........................done.  1480.50 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcar.i........................done.  1480.48 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcnetr........................done.  1480.42 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcsd..........................done.  1480.11 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibmsr.......................done.  1477.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmfrun........................done.  1467.98 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxwice........................done.  1467.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWckr..........................done.  1434.99 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWperl584core..................done.  1430.14 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWperl584usr...................done.  1409.96 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWesu..........................done.  1407.97 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibC.........................done.  1398.19 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxwrtl........................done.  1398.02 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzlib.........................done.  1397.68 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibms........................done.  1397.63 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbzip.........................done.  1392.25 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcpp..........................done.  1392.16 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxwplt........................done.  1373.44 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6rt.........................done.  1273.75 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6man........................done.  1273.04 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgzip.........................done.  1272.77 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpmu..........................done.  1272.57 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj3rt.........................done.  1214.55 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5rt.........................done.  1137.80 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtecla........................done.  1137.21 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWkrbr.........................done.  1137.11 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWkrbu.........................done.  1134.24 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtnetc........................done.  1134.07 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgssc.........................done.  1134.01 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgss..........................done.  1133.67 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbip..........................done.  1133.51 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpmr..........................done.  1133.43 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlxml.........................done.  1130.08 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlexpt........................done.  1129.58 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj3dev........................done.  1110.08 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjhrt.........................done.  1109.43 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmlib-sysid.................done.  1109.23 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmr.........................done.  1109.14 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmap........................done.  1108.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmdr..........................done.  1105.35 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmdu..........................done.  1104.66 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsmagt........................done.  1081.56 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWib...........................done.  1078.64 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWipoib........................done.  1078.28 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWibsdp........................done.  1078.16 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWibsdpu.......................done.  1078.12 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj3man........................done.  1077.51 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtsg..........................done.  1077.33 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcslr.........................done.  1059.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtsu..........................done.  1058.83 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWopenssl-libraries............done.  1052.82 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbash.........................done.  1052.14 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5dev........................done.  1025.00 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjhdev........................done.  1024.54 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWppror........................done.  1024.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpprou........................done.  1023.10 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWwbsup........................done.  1022.76 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWinstall-patch-utils-root.....done.  1022.70 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWproduct-registry-root........done.  1022.67 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWwsr2.........................done.  1022.20 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpkgcmdsr.....................done.  1022.15 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpkgcmdsu.....................done.  1018.91 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWswmt.........................done.  1018.04 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfctl.........................done.  1017.32 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWqlc..........................done.  1012.59 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWqlcu.........................done.  1012.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmpapir.......................done.  1012.35 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmpathadm.....................done.  1012.27 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWvolr.........................done.  1012.17 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgccruntime...................done.  988.35 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuiu8.........................done.  949.56 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgpch.........................done.  949.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpr...........................done.  948.17 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtls..........................done.  933.81 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjss..........................done.  931.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWos86r........................done.  929.91 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrmodr........................done.  929.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpl5u.........................done.  925.30 Mbytes remaining.
	BRCMbnx..........................done.  924.18 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcry..........................done.  922.78 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmfw........................done.  922.32 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWiscsir.......................done.  920.69 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWiscsiu.......................done.  920.24 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmc.........................done.  918.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlur..........................done.  917.79 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWluu..........................done.  916.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibusb.......................done.  916.26 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWidnl.........................done.  915.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWopenssl-include..............done.  914.63 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWscsip........................done.  914.41 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWloc..........................done.  913.96 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWvld..........................done.  913.88 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzip..........................done.  913.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzoner........................done.  913.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWluzone.......................done.  913.23 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsmapi........................done.  912.49 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzfskr........................done.  909.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzfsr.........................done.  907.60 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzfsu.........................done.  902.79 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpoolr........................done.  902.73 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpool.........................done.  901.92 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzoneu........................done.  900.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5dmo........................done.  884.82 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcnsr.........................done.  884.76 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbcmsata......................done.  884.56 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsmpd.........................done.  884.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWdoc..........................done.  881.09 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnisu.........................done.  878.97 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsmmgr........................done.  877.42 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpl5v.........................done.  871.29 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpl5p.........................done.  868.29 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnfsckr.......................done.  865.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtsr..........................done.  865.78 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnfscr........................done.  865.61 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnfscu........................done.  865.05 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWzsh..........................done.  862.16 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6dev........................done.  784.84 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxcu4.........................done.  783.84 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWibsdpib......................done.  783.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWaudd.........................done.  782.68 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWusb..........................done.  779.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWusbu.........................done.  779.54 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlsimega......................done.  779.34 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWusbs.........................done.  779.21 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuksp.........................done.  779.02 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5man........................done.  778.26 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfmdr.........................done.  778.10 Mbytes remaining.
	BRCMbnxe.........................done.  772.63 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWofk..........................done.  771.82 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrdsv3........................done.  771.06 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnisr.........................done.  770.92 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfcmdb........................done.  770.67 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcnsu.........................done.  770.61 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWman..........................done.  727.78 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgtar.........................done.  727.33 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcadp.........................done.  727.00 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWdtct.........................done.  726.87 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWhxge.........................done.  726.28 Mbytes remaining.
	HPFC.............................done.  725.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWamd8111s.....................done.  725.69 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcpcu.........................done.  725.24 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgrub.........................done.  724.05 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsi3124.......................done.  723.87 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmpapi........................done.  723.76 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6dmo........................done.  699.63 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWless.........................done.  699.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWscusas.......................done.  698.07 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWvolu.........................done.  697.05 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtoo..........................done.  695.89 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWeuxwe........................done.  694.48 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbtool........................done.  691.78 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWeuodf........................done.  691.66 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnv-sata......................done.  691.39 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpsdcr........................done.  690.10 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpsdir........................done.  689.62 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrtls.........................done.  689.53 Mbytes remaining.
	SYMhisl..........................done.  689.33 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrpm..........................done.  689.30 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbison........................done.  688.70 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWahci.........................done.  688.29 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6rtx........................done.  662.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxvmpv........................done.  661.61 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWulcf.........................done.  659.98 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWntxn.........................done.  659.58 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcfcl.........................done.  659.47 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbipr.........................done.  659.44 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsprot........................done.  656.85 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWkiu8.........................done.  653.32 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWipfr.........................done.  653.25 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgmake........................done.  652.84 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuacm.........................done.  652.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5rtx........................done.  633.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5dmx........................done.  633.56 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjiu8.........................done.  606.57 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrcapr........................done.  606.52 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrcapu........................done.  606.31 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWradpu320.....................done.  606.28 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadpu320......................done.  605.59 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWvia823x......................done.  605.49 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrdsv3u.......................done.  605.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWced..........................done.  604.90 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpl5m.........................done.  598.39 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWroute........................done.  598.09 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj3dmo........................done.  587.95 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjhdoc........................done.  582.57 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrpcib........................done.  582.30 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfcsm.........................done.  582.07 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtavor........................done.  580.73 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWpd...........................done.  580.41 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWvldu.........................done.  580.36 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWhiu8.........................done.  566.87 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWigb..........................done.  566.04 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWiniu8........................done.  565.93 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWemlxs........................done.  556.92 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWipfu.........................done.  554.55 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWkey..........................done.  554.32 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcqhpc........................done.  554.27 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWciu8.........................done.  535.84 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadp..........................done.  535.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6dmx........................done.  535.40 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcfclr........................done.  535.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuprl.........................done.  535.24 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbinutils.....................done.  528.61 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWluxop........................done.  528.49 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcfpl.........................done.  528.25 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWugen.........................done.  528.18 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWugenu........................done.  528.14 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base.......done.  528.06 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWeoib.........................done.  528.03 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWchxge........................done.  527.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfmd..........................done.  521.74 Mbytes remaining.
	SK98sol..........................done.  521.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfchbar.......................done.  521.42 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6cfg........................done.  521.38 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuedg.........................done.  521.04 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWggrp.........................done.  520.79 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWntpu.........................done.  520.33 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWwgetr........................done.  520.23 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudaplr.......................done.  520.20 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudaplu.......................done.  519.97 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuxlcf........................done.  518.85 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5dvx........................done.  517.28 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcpc.i........................done.  516.57 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWjhdem........................done.  513.16 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWaccu.........................done.  512.84 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmpsvplr......................done.  512.52 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWimraidsas....................done.  512.20 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmegasas......................done.  512.00 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmkcd.........................done.  510.87 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWaccr.........................done.  510.77 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWwgetu........................done.  510.37 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWntpr.........................done.  510.29 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrge..........................done.  510.08 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadmfr........................done.  510.06 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsxge.........................done.  509.67 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgm4..........................done.  509.44 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWuecm.........................done.  509.29 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmrsas........................done.  508.83 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudfr.........................done.  508.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudf..........................done.  508.24 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWaudiohd......................done.  508.08 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj5cfg........................done.  508.03 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWqlcnic.......................done.  507.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj6dvx........................done.  505.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsmcmd........................done.  504.47 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWixgbe........................done.  503.59 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWxge..........................done.  502.81 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtiu8.........................done.  502.66 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfcip.........................done.  502.33 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmptsas.......................done.  501.76 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWad810........................done.  501.64 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWopensslr.....................done.  501.59 Mbytes remaining.
	NCRos86r.........................done.  501.53 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmv88sx.......................done.  501.30 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfchba........................done.  499.95 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWamr..........................done.  499.79 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWperl584man...................done.  488.98 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsshcu........................done.  488.56 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsshdr........................done.  488.48 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWses..........................done.  488.31 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWopenssl-man..................done.  485.19 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsshu.........................done.  484.63 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudapltu......................done.  484.18 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWudapltr......................done.  483.79 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibmr........................done.  483.70 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibm.........................done.  483.57 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsndmr........................done.  482.65 Mbytes remaining.
	SKfp.............................done.  482.17 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWaac..........................done.  481.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnxge.i.......................done.  480.46 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWtcsh.........................done.  480.13 Mbytes remaining.
	CADP160..........................done.  478.85 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibusbugen...................done.  478.78 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcrman........................done.  478.71 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWlibsasl......................done.  478.20 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWemlxu........................done.  478.12 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWmpathadmr....................done.  478.08 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWbind.........................done.  470.45 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWnge..........................done.  470.13 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcryr.........................done.  469.86 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWhermon.......................done.  468.13 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsshr.........................done.  468.02 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWcfplr........................done.  467.97 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsolnm........................done.  467.95 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsndmu........................done.  465.58 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfcprt........................done.  465.52 Mbytes remaining.
	CPQary3..........................done.  465.23 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWgcc..........................done.  413.07 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWukspfw.......................done.  412.99 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWfcp..........................done.  412.53 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWsshdu........................done.  412.13 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWadixp........................done.  412.04 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWopenssl-commands.............done.  411.31 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWj3cfg........................done.  411.27 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWrmodu........................done.  411.23 Mbytes remaining.
	SUNWintgige......................done.  410.46 Mbytes remaining.

Completed software installation

Solaris 10 software installation succeeded

Customizing system files
	- Mount points table (/etc/vfstab)
	- Network host addresses (/etc/hosts)
	- Environment variables (/etc/default/init)

Cleaning devices

Customizing system devices
	- Physical devices (/devices)
	- Logical devices (/dev)

Installing boot information
	- Installing boot blocks (c0d0)
	- Installing boot blocks (/dev/rdsk/c0d0s0)

Installation log location
	- /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (before reboot)
	- /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (after reboot)

Installation complete
Executing SolStart postinstall phase...
Executing finish script "patch_finish"...

Finish script patch_finish execution completed.
Executing JumpStart postinstall phase...
Executing finish script "Utils/finish"...

Installation of t3fs07 at 16:04 on 02-Oct-2013
Loading JumpStart Server variables
JumpStart Enterprise Toolkit version 4.9.4
Loading Client configuration file
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/Utils
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/patch
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg
Copying file Clients/t3fs07/sysidcfg to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/sysidcfg
Copying file Clients/t3fs07/profile to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/profile
Copying file Clients/t3fs07/host.config to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/host.config
Copying file Utils/solaris/releaseinfo to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/releaseinfo
Copying functions to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/Utils/lib
Copying file Clients/t3fs07/module_hints to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/module_hints
NFS Mounting Media Directories
Mounting nfs:// on /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/patch
Mounting nfs:// on /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg
BASE_CONFIG: Running base_config install script....
BASE_CONFIG: Product base_config started
BASE_CONFIG: Merge hosts file /tmp/addhost.12464 with /a/etc/inet/hosts
BASE_CONFIG: Merge hosts file /tmp/addhost.12502 with /a/etc/inet/hosts
BASE_CONFIG: Update nodename to t3fs07
BASE_CONFIG: WARNING -> Recommended Patches not found (nfs://
BASE_CONFIG: No HW specific packages for platform i86pc
BASE_CONFIG: No HW specific patches for platform i86pc
BASE_CONFIG: Set root password
BASE_CONFIG: Setting netmask for primary interface
BASE_CONFIG: Add netmask /
BASE_CONFIG: Primary interface is nge0
BASE_CONFIG: Setting default router to
BASE_CONFIG: Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/z
BASE_CONFIG: Register postinstall script 'enabledns' for boot z
BASE_CONFIG: Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/n-1
BASE_CONFIG: Register postinstall script 'ntp_on' for boot n-1
BASE_CONFIG: Disabling power management
BASE_CONFIG: Enabling Remote Root Login (telnet/rsh)
BASE_CONFIG: Enabling Remote Root Login (SSH)
BASE_CONFIG: Creating host alias t3fs07. to shut up sendmail
BASE_CONFIG: Merge hosts file /tmp/addhost.13127 with /a/etc/inet/hosts
BASE_CONFIG: Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/n
BASE_CONFIG: Register postinstall script 'run_sshkeygen' for boot n
BASE_CONFIG: Enabling logging on all filesystems
BASE_CONFIG: Setting system terminal type to vt100
BASE_CONFIG: Register postinstall script 'console' for boot n
BASE_CONFIG: Setting NFSv4 domain
BASE_CONFIG: Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/system.add
BASE_CONFIG: Product base_config finished
CUSTOM: Running custom install script....
CUSTOM: Installing CSWpkgutil from: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg/custom/i386

Installation of  was successful.
CUSTOM: CSWpkgutil installation complete
CUSTOM: Installing CSWfacter from: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg/custom/i386

Installation of  was successful.
CUSTOM: CSWfacter installation complete
CUSTOM: Installing CSWpuppet from: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg/custom/i386

Installation of  was successful.
CUSTOM: CSWpuppet installation complete
CUSTOM: Installing APSTC-ganglia-core from: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg/custom/i386

Installation of  was successful.
CUSTOM: APSTC-ganglia-core installation complete
CUSTOM: Installing SUNWhd from: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg/custom/i386

Installation of  was successful.
CUSTOM: SUNWhd installation complete
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/psi to /a/etc/sysconfig/psi
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/gmond.conf to /a/etc/gmond.conf
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/puppet.conf to /a/etc/opt/csw/puppet/puppet.conf
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/.bash_profile to /a/root/.bash_profile
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/jdk-7u40-solaris.tar to /a/root/jdk-7u40-solaris.tar
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/nocheck to /a/var/sadm/install/admin/nocheck
CUSTOM: Copying file Clients/t3fs07/../common.files/dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg to /a/root/dcache-2.2.9-1.pkg
CUSTOM: Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/Platform/2
CUSTOM: Register postinstall script '' for boot 2
Product modules processed, finish up installation tasks
Save existing system entries
Copying file /a/etc/system to /a/etc/system.prejs
Creating directory: /a/var/opt/sun/jet/system.add/updated
Copying file etc/jumpstart.conf to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/config/jumpstart.conf
Copying file Utils/smf/jetjump.xml to /a/var/svc/manifest/site/jetjump.xml
Copying file Utils/S99jumpstart to /a/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/S99jumpstart
NFS Unmounting Media Directories
Unmounting /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg
Unmounting /a/var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/patch
Make a link to finish log...
Updating boot-archive
Creating boot_archive for /a
updating /a/platform/i86pc/boot_archive

Finish script Utils/finish execution completed.

The begin script log 'begin.log'
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.

The finish script log 'finish.log'
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.

syncing file systems... done

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147148-26 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
WARNING: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@4/ide@0 unable to enable write cache targ=0
Hostname: t3fs07
Configuring devices.
Loading smf(5) service descriptions: 115/115
Oct  2 16:14:21 t3fs07 svc.startd[11]: application/management/seaport:default failed: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)
JumpStart (/var/opt/sun/jet/post_install/S99jumpstart) started @ Wed Oct  2 16:14:36 CEST 2013
Loading JumpStart Server variables
Loading Client configuration file
Running additional install files for reboot Platform/2
NFS Mounting Media Directories
Mounting nfs:// on /var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/patch
Mounting nfs:// on /var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg
BASE_CONFIG: Running 001.base_config.001.ntp_on
BASE_CONFIG: ...Starting ntp client
CUSTOM: Running
Oct  2 16:29:51 t3fs07 syslogd: going down on signal 15
Oct  2 16:37:37 t3fs07 syslogd: going down on signal 15
Oct  2 16:37:39 t3fs07 xntpd[13304]: getnetnum: "" invalid host number, line ignored
Oct  2 16:37:39 t3fs07 xntpd[13304]: getnetnum: "" invalid host number, line ignored
Oct  2 16:37:53 t3fs07 nrpe[2279]: Cannot remove pidfile '/var/run/' - check your privileges.
Oct  2 16:37:55 t3fs07 nrpe[13390]: Could not open config directory '/opt/csw/etc/nrpe.cfg.d' for reading.
Oct  2 16:37:55 t3fs07 nrpe[13390]: Continuing with errors...
NFS Unmounting Media Directories
Unmounting /var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/pkg
Unmounting /var/opt/sun/jet/js_media/patch
Save existing system entries
Copying file /etc/system to /etc/system.prejs2
Oct  2 16:38:27 t3fs07 reboot: rebooted by root
Oct  2 16:38:53 t3fs07 syslogd: going down on signal 15
syncing file systems... done


-bash-3.2# svcadm enable dhcp-server <-- when you need to re-install
-bash-3.2# svcadm disable dhcp-server <-- stop it as soon as the target t3fs server passed the PXE phase or the Solaris re-installation will be done forever !

-bash-3.2# netstat 

   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q    State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -----------
t3jumpstart01.nfsd   t3fs07.1021          1049792      0 1049800      0 ESTABLISHED   <--- there are 3 dirs exported by NFS, used by the target t3fs server

-bash-3.2# share
-               /export/install/pkgs   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - pkgs" 
-               /export/install/patches   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - patches" 
-               /export/install/media   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework - media" 
-               /opt/SUNWjet   ro,anon=0   "JET Framework" 

-bash-3.2# dhtadm -P 
Name                    Type            Value
t3fs11                  Macro           :BootFile=0100212845BD8A:BootSrvA=
t3fs10                  Macro           :BootFile=0100212845C29E:BootSrvA=
t3fs09                  Macro           :BootFile=0100212845BC42:BootSrvA=
t3fs08                  Macro           :BootFile=0100212845C296:BootSrvA=
t3fs07                  Macro           :BootFile=0100212845C19A:BootSrvA=
t3fs15                  Macro           :BootFile=01005056953F40:BootSrvA=    <---- dummy VM to test the JET installation procedure            Macro           :Subnet=
t3jumpstart01           Macro           :Include=Locale:Timeserv="":DNSserv=
Locale                  Macro           :UTCoffst=3600:

t3nagios vs t3jumpstart


ZFS snapshots + VMWare snapshots.

Hostnames t3jumpstart01
Services jet, ssh
Hardware VM
Install Profile t3jumpstart
Guarantee/maintenance until n.a.

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > AdminArea > NodeTypeJumpStart
Topic revision: r14 - 2013-10-03 - FabioMartinelli
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