Commands to Monitor Slurm

commandSorted descending description
sstat -j JobID information about running jobs (or specific job JobID)
sshare -a share information about all users
sreport -tminper cluster utilization --tres="cpu,gres/gpu" start=2019-12-01 check utilisation of resources
squeue view information about jobs in the scheduling queue
sprio -l priority of your jobs
sinfo -o "%C %P" report of CPU usage as Idle, Active,... for a partition
sinfo monitor nodes and partitions queue information; check more info options by sinfo --help
scontrol show jobid -dd JobID helpful for job troubleshooting
scontrol show jobid JobID job status
scancel -n JobID delete all jobs with job name JobID
scancel -j JobID abort job JobID
sacctmgr show user -s user account information
sacct -j --format=JobID,JobName,MaxRSS,Elapsed information on completed jobs (or specific job JobID)
sacct --helpformat format options for sacct

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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-03-31 - NinaLoktionova
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