CMS Tier-3 News Item

Downtime for major upgrade of the SE on Thu Nov 29th - Fri 30th


Dcache, the Storage Element SW will be upgraded. The upgrade involves a complete migration of the underlying data base to a new format (chimera). Therefore, all operations involving access to the SE must be stopped for the time of the upgrade.


Main purpose of this downtime is the upgrade of some dCache components that got very old in respect of the others CMS sites and the recent dCache developments.

The downtime will start after 21:00 on 28th Nov to exploit also that night; probably it won't take all the weekend but for the time being please consider Sunday 2nd Dec at 23:00 as its scheduled end.

Each t3ui0[2-7] server will be left ON, but during the downtime any connection to the storage element will be unavailable, so please use the t3ui*/scratch filesystem to store in advance the files that you want to analyze.

Also the worker nodes and the batch system will be left ON but, again, users won't be able to download/upload files to the storage element.

Obviously all the Phedex operations will be stopped too.

Downtime outcome

Dear T3 Users

in the background I still have to sort out some post migration issues but the T3 functionality from the user side is ok, so you can work.

but there are good news too; until 28th Nov, all of you were mapped in dCache like one unique linux user cmsuser and it was not possible to distinguish between the files produced by 2 users apart from the agreement that an user A will write in /pnfs/ while a user B should write in /pnfs/ ; also it was possible for user B to erase the file produced by user A .

now the T3 dCache will map your x509 DN to your Linux user account and the files will be still readable by everyone but just the owner will be able to delete the files becasue the write permission on the dir hosting his/her files will be ON just for him/her. Because we're using the x509 DN stored during your initial account creation it could be that this DN is outdated and the authentication will fail ( I already got and fixed a case like that ); in this case please simply notify me about this error and I'll update the DN. Just to avoid confusion a DN is a string like /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=mdunser/CN=706134/CN=Name Surname and you can determine that with:

$ voms-proxy-info | grep identi
identity  : /DC=com/DC=quovadisglobal/DC=grid/DC=switch/DC=users/C=CH/O=Paul-Scherrer-Institut (PSI)/CN=Fabio Martinelli

This example shows as now a /pnfs dir belongs to an user and the group, by default, can not delete files:

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
group:500:RX   <---- no write
other:RX       <---- no write

The group write permission was instead left on for shared dir like:

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 501
other:RX        <---- no write
but since now all the new files and subdirs will have an owner.

if you need to create a dir where also the others can write and delete files you can proceed in this way:

$ srmmkdir srm://
$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
group:500:RX   <----no write

$ srm-set-permissions -type=ADD -group=RWX srm://

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
group:500:RWX   <---- write

Last news, for security nobody will be able to create or remove dir in /pnfs/

$ srmmkdir srm://t3se01//pnfs/
Explanation: srm://t3se01//pnfs/ : Permission denied

DerekFeichtinger 02. 11. 2012

Title Downtime for major upgrade of the SE on Thu Nov 29th - Fri 30th
Summary Dcache, the Storage Element SW will be upgraded. The upgrade involves a complete migration of the underlying data base to a new format (chimera). Therefore, all operations involving access to the SE must be stopped for the time of the upgrade.
User DerekFeichtinger
Date 02. 11. 2012

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > AdminArea > T3News201211020907
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-12-01 - FabioMartinelli
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