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10. 03. 2014 Lost Sensor n.60 on each SUN Thor fileserver

For some reason today in parallel we got this:
[root@t3admin01 ~]# /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor -vvv  -f /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor.user.pwd.privilege -H rmfs07 -O '--interpret-oem-data --ignore-not-available-sensors  --non-abbreviated-units  --record-ids=34,35,38,45,48,49,60'
------------- begin of debug output (-vvv is set): ------------
 script was executed with the following parameters:
   /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor -vvv -f /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor.user.pwd.privilege -H rmfs07 -O --interpret-oem-data --ignore-not-available-sensors  --non-abbreviated-units  --record-ids=34,35,38,45,48,49,60
 check_ipmi_sensor version:
   3.1 2012-05-24
 FreeIPMI version:
   ipmi-sensors - 1.3.4
 FreeIPMI was executed with the following parameters:
   /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors -h rmfs07 --config-file /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor.user.pwd.privilege --interpret-oem-data --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units --record-ids=34,35,38,45,48,49,60 --quiet-cache --sdr-cache-recreate --interpret-oem-data --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors
 FreeIPMI return code: 0
 output of FreeIPMI:
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 31.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 17.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 19.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 54.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 45.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'

--------------------- end of debug output ---------------------
IPMI Status: Critical [PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT = Critical ('Device Removed/Device Absent')] | 'PROC/FRONT_T_AMB'=33.00 'PROC/REAR_T_AMB'=31.00 'P0/T_CORE'=17.00 'P1/T_CORE'=19.00 'IO/REAR_T_AMB'=54.00 'IO/FRONT_T_AMB'=45.00
PROC/FRONT_T_AMB = 33.00 (Status: Nominal)
PROC/REAR_T_AMB = 31.00 (Status: Nominal)
P0/T_CORE = 17.00 (Status: Nominal)
P1/T_CORE = 19.00 (Status: Nominal)
IO/REAR_T_AMB = 54.00 (Status: Nominal)
IO/FRONT_T_AMB = 45.00 (Status: Nominal)
PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT = 'Device Removed/Device Absent' (Status: Critical)

/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors invocation

[root@t3admin01 ~]# for i in 07 08 09 10 11 ; do echo rmfs$i ; /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors -h rmfs$i  --config-file /opt/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor.user.pwd.privilege --interpret-oem-data --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units --record-ids=34,35,38,45,48,49,60 --sdr-cache-recreate --interpret-oem-data --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors ; done 
Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-t3admin01.rmfs07
Caching SDR record 396 of 396 (current record ID 396) 
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 31.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 17.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 19.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 54.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 45.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'

Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-t3admin01.rmfs08
Caching SDR record 396 of 396 (current record ID 396) 
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 32.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 17.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 19.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 54.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 46.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'

Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-t3admin01.rmfs09
Caching SDR record 396 of 396 (current record ID 396) 
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 34.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 17.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 23.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 54.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 47.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'

Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-t3admin01.rmfs10
Caching SDR record 396 of 396 (current record ID 396) 
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 36.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 37.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 21.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 21.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 58.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 49.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'

Caching SDR repository information: /root/.freeipmi/sdr-cache/sdr-cache-t3admin01.rmfs11
Caching SDR record 396 of 396 (current record ID 396) 
ID | Name             | Type            | State    | Reading    | Units     | Event
34 | PROC/FRONT_T_AMB | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
35 | PROC/REAR_T_AMB  | Temperature     | Nominal  | 33.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
38 | P0/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 18.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
45 | P1/T_CORE        | Temperature     | Nominal  | 19.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
48 | IO/REAR_T_AMB    | Temperature     | Nominal  | 55.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
49 | IO/FRONT_T_AMB   | Temperature     | Nominal  | 48.00      | degrees C | 'OK'
60 | PCIE0/F20C/PRSNT | Entity Presence | Critical | N/A        | N/A       | 'Device Removed/Device Absent'
[root@t3admin01 ~]# 

-- FabioMartinelli - 2014-03-10

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