How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier-3

To get a T3 account please send an email To with Subject "account request". Use the following template without changing any field, even if it's empty. In a case of umlauts or any diacritic signs in any names, please replace them with equivalent combination (e.g. “ü” → “ue”) :

User's first name:
User's last name:
Institution: ETHZ? PSI? UniZ? If you're a temporary guest please report your home Lab, e.g. INFN Roma1, University of Madrid, KIT
group leader:
CMS hypernews name:  
physics group: ethz-bphys ?  ethz-ewk ? ethz-higgs ?  ethz-susy ?  ethz-ecal ?  psi-bphys ?  psi-pixel ?  uniz-bphys ?  uniz-higgs ?  uniz-pixel ?
Grid cert subject: /...
User's phone number: +41 ...
PSI AFS account (if existing): leave it empty if you don't have a PSI AFS account
login shell: /bin/bash ? /bin/tcsh ? /bin/zsh ? 
primary email address: 
secondary email address:
leaving date:  report it in the format DD/MM/YYYY


  • Your CMS hypernews name, 99% of times that's simply your CERN lxplus account name and it will become your T3 account name too ; if you work at PSI then put your PSI account and as password you'll use your PSI AFS password
  • Your Grid certificate's subject string: That's a string like
    /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=OrganicUnits/OU=Users/CN=dfeich/CN=124567/CN=firstname secondname
    You can get it by executing the following command (usercert.pem being your certificate file)
    openssl x509 -subject -noout -in .globus/usercert.pem
  • secondary email address this email address will be used to send your initial password, or in the future to reset it.
  • physics group: This is the user group to which you belong and that will be used both for accounting and fairshare usage of the PSI Tier-3 resources (look at the PhysicsGroupsOverview page for an overview about the groups)
  • Subscribe to the T3 users mailing list ; that's read by both the T3 admins and the T3 users ; have a look to its recent Posts before to raise a new question
  • The 1st time you log in take note of the login message and read the Usage and Monitoring of all IT Resources at PSI document that is mentioned. Using the T3 servers implies that you adhere to those regulations.

Your account request will be double checked and eventually you will get a T3 account valid for the following SL6 User Interface ( UIs ) that are meant to both develop your SW and to submit batch jobs towards the T3 worker nodes ( WNs ) t3wn* ; use the UIs according to the Tier3Policies#User_interface_policies :

UI server who can login? HW specsSorted descending PSI 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 4TB /scratch , 4 disks in RAID1+0 ETHZ 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 4TB /scratch , 4 disks in RAID1+0 UNIZ 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 4TB /scratch , 4 disks in RAID1+0

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > HowToGetAccount
Topic revision: r41 - 2017-09-21 - NinaLoktionova
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