How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier-3

To get a T3 account please send an email To with Subject "account request". Use the following template without changing any field, even if it's empty. In a case of umlauts or any diacritic signs in any names, please replace them with equivalent combination (e.g. “ü” → “ue”) :

User's first name:
User's last name:
Institution: ETHZ? PSI? UniZ? If you're a temporary guest please report your home Lab, e.g. INFN Roma1, University of Madrid, KIT
group leader:
CMS hypernews name:  
physics group: ethz-bphys ?  ethz-ewk ? ethz-higgs ?  ethz-susy ?  ethz-ecal ?  psi-bphys ?  psi-pixel ?  uniz-bphys ?  uniz-higgs ?  uniz-pixel ?
Grid cert subject: /...
User's phone number: +41 ...
PSI AFS account (if existing): leave it empty if you don't have a PSI AFS account
login shell: /bin/bash ? /bin/tcsh ? /bin/zsh ? 
primary email address: 
secondary email address:
leaving date:   DD/MM/YYYY


  • Your CMS hypernews name, 99% of times that's simply your CERN lxplus account name and it will become your T3 account name too ; if you work at PSI then put your PSI account and as password you'll use your PSI AFS password
  • Your Grid certificate's subject string: That's a string like
    /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=OrganicUnits/OU=Users/CN=dfeich/CN=124567/CN=firstname secondname
    You can get it by executing the following command (usercert.pem being your certificate file)
    openssl x509 -subject -noout -in .globus/usercert.pem| sed 's/subject= //'
  • secondary email address this email address will be used to send your initial password, or in the future to reset it.
  • physics group: This is the user group to which you belong and that will be used both for accounting and fairshare usage of the PSI Tier-3 resources (look at the PhysicsGroupsOverview page for an overview about the groups)
  • Subscribe to the T3 users mailing list ; that's read by both the T3 admins and the T3 users ; have a look to its recent Posts before to raise a new question

Your account request will be double checked and eventually you will get a T3 account valid for the following RHEL7 User Interface ( UIs ) that are meant to both develop your SW and to submit batch jobs towards the T3 worker nodes ( WNs ) t3wn* ; use the UIs according to the Tier3Policies#User_interface_policies :

UI server who can login? HW specsSorted descending PSI 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch ETHZ 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch UNIZ 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > HowToGetAccount
Topic revision: r45 - 2020-03-16 - NinaLoktionova
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