Node Type: OLDNFSServer

Serves home directories and experiment's software directories to t3wn* and t3ui* servers.

Firewall requirements

local port open to reason

Emergency Measures

  • If t3fs05 will fail then the t3ui1* and the t3wn* servers that mount t3fs05:/swshare will be immediately affected ; if you can't quickly recover t3fs05:/swshare ( e.g. due to a failed motherboard ) you'll have to umount /swshare from those servers and mount t3fs06:/swshare that is suppose to be an identical copy of t3fs05:/swshare
  • On t3fs06 obviously stop the cron sending by rsync /shome to t3fs05.
  • On t3dcachedb03 you'll have to change /var/postgresql-backups/pgsql_backups/ to send the backups to t3fs06 instead of t3fs05
  • Tweak t3nagios to forget about t3fs05

Regular Maintenance work


On the t3fs05 Nagios page you can see which are the daily checks about this host; because of Nagios, Fabio seldom connect to t3fs05

crontab -l root

#ident  "@(#)root       1.21    04/03/23 SMI"
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
10 3 * * * /usr/sbin/logadm
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1
#10 3 * * * /usr/lib/krb5/kprop_script ___slave_kdcs___
# Added by cswcrontab for CSWlogwatch
02 4 * * * /opt/csw/bin/logwatch
# cron to replicate fs /swshare vs t3fs06; please note that there is an equivalent cron on t3fs06, it must to be a delay between these 2 crons because they heavily use the network and there is a command 'kill mbuffer' that can crash the other cron
00 06 * * * /root/psit3-tools/regular-snapshot-new -f swshare -v -s t3fs06 -r swshare2/swsharebup 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /var/cron/lastsnap.txt 2>&1 ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && /usr/bin/mail  < /var/cron/lastsnap.txt
43 3 * * * [ -x /opt/csw/bin/gupdatedb ] && /opt/csw/bin/gupdatedb --prunepaths="/shome2 /swshare /dev /devices /proc /tmp /var/tmp" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # Added by CSWfindutils
# for ganglia monitoring of swshare space
59 * * * * /root/gmetric/
# 5th June 2013 - F.Martinelli - to get the EMI2 WN tarball CRLs updated
#39 12 * * * /opt/fetch-crl/fetch-crl -c /opt/fetch-crl/fetch-crl.cnf      -v  2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /var/cron/fetch-crl.log      2>&1 
# 13th Feb 2014 - F.Martinelli - to get the EMI3 WN tarball CRLs updated
#39 22 * * * /opt/fetch-crl/fetch-crl -c /opt/fetch-crl/fetch-crl.emi3.cnf -v  2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /var/cron/fetch-crl.emi3.log 2>&1
# 09/03/2015 - F.Martinelli 
22 02 * * * /opt/zfsnap/zfssnap -v shome2 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /var/cron/zfssnap.shome2.log 2>&1    <-- since Dec 2014 the ZFS send/receive mechanism about t3fs06:/shome stopped to work ; so we copy by a plain rsync from t3fs06 to t3fs05 and on t3fs05 we regularly take snapshots by  zfssnap 

And cron jobs with the cmssgm user to create backups of external resources (make sure the user has a NP entry in /etc/shadow/ and not an *LK* entry otherwise the cron job will not run)

crontab -l cmssgm
# fetch backups of remote repositories
# by Daniel Meister
37 2 * * * PATH=/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin /swshare/rrbackup/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1


SGE dir used during a new WN installation

This dir is not strictly required by t3fs05 itself but it's going to be used during a t3wn* installation ( so very very seldom ! ):
[martinelli_f@t3wn10 execution-host-configuration]$ pwd
[martinelli_f@t3wn10 execution-host-configuration]$ find .


Just NFSv3


zfs list -t snapshot

NAME                                         USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@before_perl_CPAN   173M      -  5.19G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@09-Apr-2013       71.0M      -  5.48G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@05-Jun-2013       46.3M      -  5.54G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@24-Jul-2013       50.0M      -  5.71G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@28-Nov-2013       30.3M      -  5.75G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@21-03-2014        28.3M      -  5.78G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@24-Jun-2014       27.9M      -  5.88G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@11-Sep-2014       28.0M      -  6.61G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@20-01-2015        29.2M      -  6.91G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@30-01-2015        28.5M      -  6.91G  -
rpool/ROOT/s10x_u8wos_08a@03-06-2015            0      -  6.91G  -  <-- last one
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-25_02.22.00--10d     1.51G      -  5.00T  -  <-- shome2 is updated by rsync/ssh coming from t3f06 ; the local root cron calling the tool zfssnap will create and destroy these zfssnap_YYYY-MM-DD_02.22.00 
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-26_02.22.00--10d     1.57G      -  5.00T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-27_02.22.00--10d     1.69G      -  5.01T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-28_02.22.00--10d     5.29G      -  4.97T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-29_02.22.00--10d     6.29G      -  4.97T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-30_02.22.00--10d     22.1G      -  4.97T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-05-31_02.22.01--10d     1.44G      -  4.96T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-06-01_02.22.00--10d     1.44G      -  4.96T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-06-02_02.22.00--10d     5.09G      -  4.97T  -
shome2@zfssnap_2015-06-03_02.22.00--10d     2.29G      -  4.98T  -
swshare@auto2015-06-01_06:00:00             2.30G      -   561G  -  <-- the original ZFS send/receive mechanism still works for t3f05:/swshare instead
swshare@auto2015-06-02_06:00:00             1.06M      -   561G  -
swshare@auto2015-06-03_06:00:00             53.9K      -   561G  -

Nightly ZFS send/receive toward t3fs06

The /swshare snapshots are nightly taken on t3fs05 by a cron and 'ZFS sent' to t3fs06 where they are going to be kept for 10 days. Nagios will check on t3fs05 if a new snapshot has been taken

GitHub daily backups

Please check RemoteRepositoryBackupAdmin for details.
root@t3fs05 $ crontab -l cmssgm      
# fetch backups of remote repositories
# for more details see
37 2 * * * /swshare/rrbackup/bin/



Postgres backups from t3dcachedb to t3fs05

There is a cron running twice in a day on t3dcachedb that takes a full backup of our dCache DBs and it will copy it into t3fs05:/swshare/dcache-postgres-backups/t3dcachedb by rsync --delete




ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAyMhmLdWCE/ZoEJ6ooj+fPNUl3NrqadlutwGE7Vbc+GCTGKClAB6Cop710s9DFgSUSCr6t0utHtdbfZ51XCtcg5fM1+ual3bZXXQOaQFQ1aOP2dwbPM8ZHk6IGRGvrKbeT4Jxq3MxhvP61oYZhK4iwdcAGMlS627Z+B/pp2XpTIM= SSH keys to be used by postgres@t3dcachedb to rsync the DB backups


This script runs on t3dcachedb but it involves t3fs05 during the last step
#!/bin/bash -x 

# This script will be executed by cron , it needs to properly setup the PATH to find pg_dumpall

#remove_older_than_DAYS=$((30*2))   # 2 months    

usage() {
    cat <m%d)
TIME=$(date +HELPM)
EPOCH=$(date -d "$DATE $TIME" +%s)


$DBG $mylogger -p local6.notice "$progname: cleaning the usual huge billing tables."

psql --echo-queries -U postgres -d billing <                             $DB_BACKUP_FILE 
  [ $? -ne 0 ] && $DBG $mylogger -p local6.error "$progname: FAILED the backup of $DB in $DB_BACKUP_FILE" && exit 1
  [ -f $LATEST_DUMP ] && rm -f $LATEST_DUMP
  ln -s $HOSTNAME-pg_dump-$DB-${DATE}-${TIME}.gz $LATEST_DUMP

$DBG $mylogger -p local6.notice "$progname: we also backup the DBs roles."
pg_dumpall -U postgres --roles-only | gzip > $DB_BACKUP_FILE
[ $? -ne 0 ] && $DBG $mylogger -p local6.error "$progname: FAILED the backup of DBs roles." && exit 1
[ -f $LATEST_DUMP ] && rm -f $LATEST_DUMP
ln -s $HOSTNAME-pg_dumpall_roles-${DATE}-${TIME}.gz $LATEST_DUMP

### Removing old BACKUPs
[ -f BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED  ] && $DBG $mylogger -p local6.notice "$progname: Warning, found a previous file: $BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED , I'll remove it." && rm -f $BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED

cd $backupdir

find . -type f -mtime +$remove_older_than_DAYS -name "$HOSTNAME-pg_dump*gz" -exec echo -n  "{} " \; > $BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED

[ ! -f $BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED ] && $DBG $mylogger -p local6.error "$progname: FAILED the search of old backups to be removed" && exit 1

for old_pg_dump in $(cat  $BCKs_TO_BE_REMOVED ) ; do $DBG $mylogger -p local6.notice "$progname: Removing old pg_dump: $old_pg_dump" && rm -f $old_pg_dump  ; done


########## RSYNC STEP ################
[ ! -r /var/lib/pgsql/.ssh/id_rsa_t3fs05 ] && echo "Can't read SSH private key $SSHKEY" && exit 1
nc -z $SSHSERVER 22
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Can't reach SSH server $SSHSERVER" && exit 1
/usr/bin/rsync --delete -a -e "/usr/bin/ssh -i $SSHKEY -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" $backupdir/ postgres@$SSHSERVER:/swshare/dcache-postgres-backups/$HOSTNAME/
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Error during: /usr/bin/rsync --delete -a -e \"/usr/bin/ssh -i $SSHKEY -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \" $backupdir/ postgres@$SSHSERVER:/swshare/dcache-postgres-backups/$HOSTNAME/" && exit 1

$DBG $mylogger -p local6.notice "$progname: Successfully rsynced /var/lib/pgsql_backups to postgres@$SSHSERVER:/swshare/dcache-postgres-backups/$HOSTNAME/"

exit 0

Hostnames t3fs05
Services central SW NFS service, backup on t3fs06
Hardware SUN X4500 (2*Opt 290, 16GB RAM, 48*500GB SATA)
Install Profile undefined-todo
Guarantee/maintenance until void

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Topic revision: r31 - 2015-06-03 - FabioMartinelli
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