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Acceptance tests for Piz Daint as production resource during 2017

Track record for the different production runs for running the CSCS Tier2 compute resources on CRAY.

Run 1. 2017-05-05 to 2017-05-26 (22 days)

Agreed metrics (per VO) for both Phoenix and CRAY:

  • Produced walltime (good & bad) per core, per type of job
  • Walltime of good vs failed jobs, per type of job
  • CPU/Wallclock efficiency for successful jobs, per type of job
  • Site Availability
  • Alternative site HepSpec value, if wanted
  • Any other metric you think important, for discussion

Agreed metrics (for CSCS) for both Phoenix and CRAY:

  • Produced walltime per core per VO
  • Fair share distribution


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 405726 0.92 0.98
Piz Daint Any score 19445 0.71 0.96
Phoenix Any mcore 577002 0.86 0.91
Piz Daint Any mcore 18870 0.48 0.72
Phoenix Analy 38422 0.61 0.74
Piz Daint Analy 0 - -
  • Site Availability: Phoenix 56.53 - Piz Daint 58.21 (measured with HammerCloud exclusion functional tests [https://tinyurl.com/ybyp6z5t])

  • Comments: Availability figures: Production queues only (no analy). Availability affected by long dCache related downtime. Analy queue on Piz Daint has been kept offline still.


  • Site Availability: X%
  • Comments

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS (Phoenix) from 2017-05-05 to 2017-05-26

jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 0.0 0.3 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0
hctest 4221.3 4233.0 5013.2 7213.2 69.5 99.7
production 267.1 267.1 283.1 390.4 72.5 100.0
reprocessing 1756.9 1756.9 2051.8 2051.9 100.0 100.0
hcxrootd 942.0 944.7 1480.2 1571.9 94.2 99.7
psst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
analysis 105662.1 133938.9 165278.4 326166.2 50.7 78.9
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 112849.4 141140.9 174106.7 337395.5 51.6 80.0


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 901'404 hours 0.95 0.97
Phoenix Simulation 725'502 hours 0.96 0.99
Phoenix Reconstruction 132'014 hours 0.97 0.86
Phoenix User 42'069 hours 0.80 0.88
Piz Daint all jobs 324'996 hours 0.90 0.99
Piz Daint Simulation 306'638 hours 0.95 0.99
Piz Daint Reconstruction 2 hours --- ---
Piz Daint User 18'557 hours 0.09 0.99

  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 55%, Piz Daint: 88%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 73%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 556 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 231 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 420 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 159 kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, therefore a storage outage affects only the numbers of Phoenix not Piz Daint.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 90% failed jobs, 10% got killed, 80% stalled (most likely pilot got killed).


Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1010071 36.4%
Phoenix CMS 862819 31.1%
Phoenix LHCb 901593 32.5%
Phoenix TOTAL 2774483  
Piz Daint ATLAS 63535 17.8%
Piz Daint CMS 0 0%
Piz Daint LHCb 294200 82.2%
Piz Daint TOTAL 357735  
  • Site Availability: X%
  • Capacity Phoenix 3125760 core-hours (5920*24*22), used at 88%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 844800 core-hours (25*64*24*22), used at 42%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)
  • 1-week downtime due to problems with dcache

Minutes / action items

  • Attendants - CSCS: Pablo, Stefano, Miguel, Dino - CHIPP: Christoph, Gianfranco, Thomas, Nina, Derek, Roland
  • Pablo asks whether we would like him to continue organize the meetings - Yes
  • Christoph - in resource rev board there was discussion on how to measure - one should not only look at the total - should also look at the /event throughput/. - we need to identify how the Experiments measure the events
  • Pablo asks in regard to the suitability of the metrics - GF says that the current dashboard is not able to yield all the needed information (I am unsure, but I guess it was in regard to the job types)
  • GF for ATLAS - notices that there may not have been enough statistics due to some downtime - analysis of errors - thinks that many job failures due to dcache problems but was not yet able to delve deeper - Pablo notes about difference in walltime between what they measure locally and what is showed by dashboard. For LHCb it is almost exact - GF says that analysis jobs were not included in his numbers and if these were added would come close.
  • Derek for CMS - I apologize for the fact that we noticed too late that there is a problem with the job submission to the Piz Daint system. CMS still is sending jobs to arcbrisi. But the acitive ARC CE is arc04.lcg.cscs.ch. - We will resolve this problem by contacting CMS operations - We will concentrate on the measurement
  • Roland for LHCb- Discussion on the high user job failure rate - Roland thinks it may have to do with the pilot job being killed, since the jobs show up as "stalled" which often is a sign of that failure mode.
  • CSCS on the local metrics - GF how does the TOTAL relate to the total theoretical wallclock hours that were available on the system? - Pablo tries to explain the usage distribution on Phoenix. LHCb seemingly not so hit by storage downtime. - 1-week downtime due to problems with dcache - Pablo asks all the experiments to investigate failures on the HPC system so as to identify issues in this period
  • Action items 1. CMS - [ ] CMS will provide the numbers for Phoenix after the meeting, though we cannot provide the numbers for Piz Daint. - [ ] CMS needs to get jobs routed via arc04.lcg.cscs.ch and no longer via arcbrisi. - [ ] CMS will try to prepare a page where we share the links for the monitoring plots and how we derive the numbers. 2. We will repeat the exercise for three weeks - Measurement period should start as soon as CMS is online - We experiments should try to share the numbers during the period. 3. Pablo will convene another meeting in approx. 1 month of time 4. All VOs need to add the event throughput data to the tables in the already finished and subsequent runs

Run 2. 2017-05-27 to 2017-06-25 (both inclusive, 30 days)

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 529111.1 0.80 0.96
Piz Daint Any score 150984.0 0.76 0.92
Phoenix Any mcore 1491964.9 0.90 0.87
Piz Daint Any mcore 329364.5 0.82 0.79
Phoenix Analy 47633.3 0.82 0.77
Piz Daint Analy 32604.1 0.17 0.49
Phoenix Total 2068709.3    
Piz Daint Total 512952.6    
  • Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
    PROD: Phoenix 96.86 - Piz Daint 96.93
    ANALY:Phoenix 97.49 - Pix Daint 68.29
  • Comments: Piz Daint downtimes not recorded (HC cannot blacklist if no jobs run)


  • Site Availability: X%
  • Comments

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-05-27 to 2017-06-25

jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 45.3 68.2 74.4 109.1 68.2 66.4
hctest 4709.4 4711.1 5003.3 5649.4 88.6 100.0
production 5777.8 5823.2 6213.2 6329.6 98.2 99.2
reprocessing 69881.8 69886.3 79344.2 80329.7 98.8 100.0
hcxrootd 1060.3 1062.2 1486.7 1691.5 87.9 99.8
psst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
analysis 137818.8 173808.5 230806.3 449626.3 51.3 79.3
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 219293.4 255359.5 322928.1 543735.6 59.4 85.9


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 960'261 hours 0.96 0.97
Phoenix Simulation 812'851 hours 0.99 0.99
Phoenix Reconstruction 66'408 hours 0.98 0.90
Phoenix User 79'697 hours 0.72 0.87
Piz Daint all jobs 189'854 hours 0.85 0.99
Piz Daint Simulation 186'929 hours 0.86 0.99
Piz Daint Reconstruction 0 hours --- ---
Piz Daint User 2'959 hours 0.85 0.99

  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 97%, Piz Daint: 89%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 98%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 585 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 150 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 439 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 127 kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, therefore a storage outage affects only the numbers of Phoenix not Piz Daint.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 15% failed jobs, 50% stalled, 50% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 15% failed jobs, 0% got killed, 100% stalled (most likely pilot got killed).


Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1,978,540 53%
Phoenix CMS 832,580 22%
Phoenix LHCb 941,094 25%
Phoenix TOTAL 3,752,214  
Piz Daint ATLAS 499,775 68%
Piz Daint CMS 664 0%
Piz Daint LHCb 235,594 32%
Piz Daint TOTAL 736,033  
  • Site Availability: X%
  • Capacity Phoenix 4262400 core-hours (5920*24*30), used at 88%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 1152000 core-hours (25*64*24*30), used at 64%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

Run 3. 2017-06-26 to 2017-07-19 (both inclusive, 23 days)

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.

NOTE: Canceled due to serious instability of the system.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 255675.6 0.99 0.92
Piz Daint Any score 212296.1 0.65 0.90
Phoenix Any mcore 1191852.1 0.94 0.65
Piz Daint Any mcore 113858.0 0.56 0.67
Phoenix Analy 56873.0 0.87 0.77
Piz Daint Analy 19799.1 0.68 0.55
Phoenix Total 1504400.8    
Piz Daint Total 345953.1    
  • Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
    PROD: Phoenix 100 - Piz Daint 97.66
    ANALY:Phoenix 100 - Pix Daint 89.6
  • Comments: too many instabilities


Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-06-26 to 2017-07-19
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 40.0 52.3 123.0 412.4 29.8 76.5
hctest 5446.8 5449.3 5934.5 5984.3 99.2 100.0
production 9683.2 25484.3 53574.9 90813.2 59.0 38.0
reprocessing 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 100.0
hcxrootd 1046.5 1048.1 1569.2 1615.6 97.1 99.8
analysis 206448.3 273650.6 357210.2 645075.6 55.4 75.4
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ALL_JOBS 222664.8 305684.6 418413.4 743902.7 56.2 72.8


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 799'132 hours 0.98 0.97
Phoenix Simulation 708'050 hours 0.99 0.98
Phoenix Reconstruction 40'495 hours 0.96 0.79
Phoenix User 46'845 hours 0.85 0.96
Piz Daint all jobs 230'709 hours 0.80 0.99
Piz Daint Simulation 229'404 hours 0.80 0.99
Piz Daint Reconstruction 0 hours --- ---
Piz Daint User 1'305 hours 0.84 0.98

  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 97%, Piz Daint: 97%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 100%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site State Unknown: Phoenix: 5%, Piz Daint: 59%
  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 538 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 170 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: ??? kHS06-days, Piz Daint: ??? kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, therefore a storage outage affects only the numbers of Phoenix not Piz Daint.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 18% failed jobs, 79% stalled, 5% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 19% failed jobs, 16% got killed, 75% stalled (most likely pilot got killed), 9% had an application error..


Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1461016 46%
Phoenix CMS 935585 29%
Phoenix LHCb 794847 25%
Phoenix TOTAL 3191448  
Piz Daint ATLAS 446023 60%
Piz Daint CMS 648 0%
Piz Daint LHCb 296859 40%
Piz Daint TOTAL 743530  
  • Site Availability: X%
  • Capacity Phoenix 3267840 core-hours (5920*24*23), used at 97%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 883200 core-hours (25*64*24*23), used at 84%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

Run 4. 2017-07-25 to 2017-08-02 (both inclusive, 9 days)

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 4'817.7 0.98 0.84
Piz Daint Any score 909.8 0.87 0.50
Phoenix Any mcore 42'4519.3 0.96 0.88
Piz Daint Any mcore 47'825.9 0.91 0.83
Phoenix Analy 46'789.2 0.70 0.78
Piz Daint Analy 31'322.6 0.75 0.71
Phoenix Total 476'126.3    
Piz Daint Total 80'058.2    
  • Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
    PROD: Phoenix 100 - Piz Daint 100
    ANALY:Phoenix 100 - Pix Daint 99.74
  • Comments: Same efficiency trend as recorded in the previous runs


  • Comments by Derek
    • Tables generated by automatic scripts
    • After a long toil and hunting for responsible contacts within CMS we are getting results! Needed Thomas, Miguel and me in an effort that was much too big. But hopefully we are now reestablishing the contacts and knowledge that was lost in the changes beginning of this year.
    • The successful running of CMS production jobs is still very fresh, so I only put in the results for the short period since Sep 21st. But the outlook is good.

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-07-25 to 2017-08-03
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 17.8 19.6 22.9 25.3 90.5 90.8
hctest 2719.8 2719.8 2951.1 2991.7 98.6 100.0
production 11957.9 11957.9 14411.8 14445.4 99.8 100.0
hcxrootd 320.2 321.1 485.7 506.8 95.8 99.7
analysis 122246.0 143367.4 153624.5 208432.8 73.7 85.3
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ALL_JOBS 137261.7 158385.8 171496.0 226402.0 75.7 86.7

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-08-01 to 2017-08-03
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
production 1058.5 1058.5 1304.3 1304.3 100.0 100.0
ALL_JOBS 1058.5 1058.5 1304.3 1304.3 100.0 100.0


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 357'804 hours 0.98 0.97
Phoenix Simulation 322'884 hours 0.99 0.98
Phoenix Reconstruction 12'127 hours 0.99 0.75
Phoenix User 22'800 hours 0.86 0.97
Piz Daint all jobs 188'174 hours 0.92 0.99
Piz Daint Simulation 182'817 hours 0.93 0.99
Piz Daint Reconstruction 0 hours --- ---
Piz Daint User 5'356 hours 0.85 0.99
  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 99%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 100%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site State Unknown: Phoenix: 0%, Piz Daint: 10%

  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 231 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 123 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 146 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 72 kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, therefore a storage outage affects only the numbers of Phoenix not Piz Daint.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 9% failed jobs, 36% stalled, 7% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 23% failed jobs, 12% got killed, 2% stalled (most likely pilot got killed), 85% had an application error..


Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 467'573 38.89%
Phoenix CMS 419'353 34.88%
Phoenix LHCb 315'243 26.22%
Phoenix TOTAL 1'202'169  
Piz Daint ATLAS 85'421 36.23%
Piz Daint CMS 16'930 7.18%
Piz Daint LHCb 133'392 56.58%
Piz Daint TOTAL 235'743  
  • Capacity Phoenix 1'278'720 core-hours (5920*24*9)
  • Capacity Piz Daint 345'600 core-hours (25*64*24*9)
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

  • LHConCRAY-Run4_CSCS.pdf: Run4 from a system perspective

Run 5. 2017-08-03 to 2017-08-31 (both inclusive, 28 days)

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hoursSorted ascending Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any mcore 1'070'072 0.67 (0.94) 0.59 (0.65)
Phoenix Total 1’494’955    
Piz Daint Analy 16'725 0.63 (0.68) 0.50 (0.55)
Piz Daint Any mcore 64'376 0.70 (0.56) 0.56 (0.67)
Phoenix Analy 164'167 0.59 (0.87) 0.56 (0.77)
Phoenix Any score 260'715 0.95 (0.99) 0.93 (0.92)
Piz Daint Any score 309'055 0.91 (0.65) 0.94 (0.90)
Piz Daint Total 390’158    
  • Efficiencies in () are from Run 3 (23 days)
  • Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
    PROD: Phoenix 96.4% (100% Run 3) - Piz Daint 96.7% (100%)
    ANALY:Phoenix 41% (100% Run 3) - Pix Daint 41% (99.74% Run 3)
  • Comments: gap in the efficiencies bridging up, but Phoenix efficiences dropped vs. Run


Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-08-03 to 2017-08-31
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 0.0 13.1 0.0 197.1 0.0 0.0
hctest 6371.5 6375.6 7110.5 7447.6 95.5 99.9
production 11892.9 11927.9 254941.4 265243.8 96.1 99.7
hcxrootd 1500.7 1503.9 2630.0 2710.9 97.0 99.8
psst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
analysis 196284.4 212641.1 289323.5 559109.0 51.7 92.3
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 216049.5 232461.6 554005.4 834708.4 66.4 92.9

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-08-03 to 2017-08-31
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 3716.9 3756.2 4816.0 4990.0 96.5 99.0
production 1096.9 1137.0 1570.5 2157.6 72.8 96.5
hcxrootd 47.2 47.2 109.3 111.3 98.2 100.0
psst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
analysis 5647.9 7127.6 15577.5 34449.7 45.2 79.2
ALL_JOBS 10508.9 12068.0 22073.3 41708.6 52.9 87.1


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 564'720 hours 0.92 0.96
Phoenix Simulation 498'984 hours 0.91 0.98
Phoenix Reconstruction 39'912 hours 0.97 0.67
Phoenix User 25'824 hours 0.91 0.96
Piz Daint all jobs 315'096 hours 0.91 0.99
Piz Daint Simulation 311'496 hours 0.91 0.99
Piz Daint Reconstruction 0 hours --- ---
Piz Daint User 1'200 hours 0.94 0.96
  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 93%, Piz Daint: 47%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 94%, Piz Daint: 50%
  • Site State Unknown: Phoenix: 19%, Piz Daint: 73%

  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 372 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 220 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 295 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 192 kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, therefore a storage outage affects only the numbers of Phoenix not Piz Daint.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 9% failed jobs, 24% stalled, 74% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 6% failed jobs, 11% got killed, 3% stalled (most likely pilot got killed), 80% had an application error..


  • Configuration for reference:
    • 64 GB of SWAP using DWS on 4 LHC DWS nodes
    • 64 core/node allocatable by jobs
    • Memory limits set to 6000MB/core, but memory is not a consumable resource, only cores.
    • CVMFS tiered cache: upper layer 6GB in RAM, lower layer preloaded on GPFS

Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1322165 41%
Phoenix CMS 1240106 39%
Phoenix LHCb 631976 20%
Phoenix TOTAL 3'194'247  
Piz Daint ATLAS 408'706 45%
Piz Daint CMS 152'226 17%
Piz Daint LHCb 355'457 39%
Piz Daint TOTAL 916'389  
  • Capacity Phoenix 3'978'240 core-hours (5920*24*28), utilized at 80%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 1'075'200 core-hours (25*64*24*28), utilized at 85%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

Other remarks/notes

  • ATLAS and CMS report high failure rates in both Phoenix and CRAY
  • There is a big mismatch (4-5x) between produced CMS wallclock in the portal and that reported by CSCS, which requires an investigation. CMS will contact CSCS if precise job accounting data is needed.
  • There are reported big loads in the DVS in Daint, which are going to be addressed (or at least try to) by using DataWarp for Scratch
  • Fairshare effectiveness in Piz Daint needs to be looked at, since LHCb should have half the produced hours than ATLAS (both VOs seemed to be fully productive during this Run)

Run 6. 2017-09-01 to 2017-10-01 (both inclusive, 31 days)

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 590900 0.72 (0.95) 0.92 (0.93)
Piz Daint Any score 362439 0.80 (0.91) 0.80 (0.94)
Phoenix Any mcore 1133939 0.70 (0.67) 0.71 (0.59)
Piz Daint Any mcore 61799 0.77 (0.70) 0.64 (0.56)
Phoenix Analy 82868 0.70 (0.59) 0.65 (0.56)
Piz Daint Analy 22488 0.76 (0.63) 0.48 (0.50)
Phoenix Total 1807707 0.72 0.79
Piz Daint Total 446726 0.78 0.83
  • Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
    PROD: Phoenix 90.27 - Piz Daint % 87.97
    ANALY:Phoenix 90.35 - Pix Daint % 87.74

  • Site Availability and Reliability (measured with the SAM profile ATLAS_CRITICAL)
    Availability CSCS-LCG2: 82.86
    Reliability CSCS-LCG2: 91.82%

  • Comments: GPFS instabilities caused more failures than usual


Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-09-01 to 2017-10-02
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
analysistest 57.1 57.9 68.7 75.9 90.5 98.6
hctest 5617.0 5655.1 6274.7 6877.5 91.2 99.3
production 0.1 0.1 0.1 17.8 0.6 100.0
reprocessing 462.9 462.9 796.4 799.9 99.6 100.0
hcxrootd 729.0 731.7 1144.1 1234.7 92.7 99.6
analysis 143147.3 148428.5 242445.1 401364.0 60.4 96.4
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ALL_JOBS 150013.4 155336.2 250729.1 410369.8 61.1 96.6

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-09-01 to 2017-10-02
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 4848.4 4871.0 6093.8 6954.6 87.6 99.5
production 629.5 3453.5 1431.5 5837.7 24.5 18.2
reprocessing 2967.0 3069.8 3845.9 4754.4 80.9 96.7
hcxrootd 166.2 167.2 393.1 420.7 93.4 99.4
analysis 25037.5 27624.1 54453.5 115497.7 47.1 90.6
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ALL_JOBS 33648.6 39185.6 66217.8 133465.1 49.6 85.9


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 318'081 hours 0.77 0.89
Phoenix Simulation 210'420 hours 0.71 0.97
Phoenix Reconstruction 90'933 hours 0.91 0.72
Phoenix WG Production 376 hours 0.99 0.95
Phoenix User 16'377 hours 0.72 0.95
Piz Daint all jobs 235'449 hours 0.93 0.98
Piz Daint Simulation 213'141 hours 0.93 0.98
Piz Daint Reconstruction 17'263 hours 0.95 0.96
Piz Daint WG Production 132 hours 0.98 0.69
Piz Daint User 4'912 hours 0.79 0.99

  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 86%, Piz Daint: 80%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 91%, Piz Daint: 89%
  • Site State Unknown: Phoenix: 5%, Piz Daint: 38%

  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 199 kHS06-days, 174 Piz Daint: kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 156 kHS06-days, 131 Piz Daint: kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, but Piz Daint is not configured as 'helper', therefore has also some access to the storage on Phoenix from the LHCb point of view.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 7% failed jobs, 55% stalled, 27% got killed, 16% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint reconstruction jobs: Of the 3% failed jobs, 62% stalled, 26% had input resolution error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 24% failed jobs, 54% got killed, 37% stalled (most likely pilot got killed), 8% had an application error..


  • Configuration for reference:
    • 64 GB of SWAP using DWS on 4 LHC DWS nodes
    • 64 core/node allocatable by jobs
    • Memory limits set to 6000MB/core, but memory is not a consumable resource, only cores.
    • CVMFS tiered cache: upper layer 6GB in RAM, lower layer preloaded on GPFS

Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1758366 57%
Phoenix CMS 981433 32%
Phoenix LHCb 338541 11%
Phoenix TOTAL 3078340  
Piz Daint ATLAS 506462 51%
Piz Daint CMS 238881 24%
Piz Daint LHCb 241716 25%
Piz Daint TOTAL 987059  
  • Capacity Phoenix 4404480 core-hours (5920*24*31), utilized at 70%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 1264800 core-hours (25*68*24*31), utilized at 78%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

Other remarks/notes

  • item

Run 7. 2017-10-10 to 2017-11-05 (both inclusive, 26 days). LAST RUN.

Agreed metrics as in Run 1.


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix Any score 673966 0.89 0.83
Piz Daint Any score 196668 0.92 0.77
Phoenix Any mcore 714590 0.84 0.61
Piz Daint Any mcore 56275 0.74 0.57
Phoenix Analy 32027 0.68 0.59
Piz Daint Analy 13665 0.74 0.39
Phoenix Total 1420583 0.86 0.73
Piz Daint Total 266609 0.89 0.75
* Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
PROD: Phoenix 98% - Piz Daint 98%
ANALY:Phoenix 98% - Pix Daint 98%

* Site Availability (measured with HC Functional Tests for auto-exclusion)
PROD: Phoenix % - Piz Daint %
ANALY:Phoenix % - Pix Daint %
* Comments:CPU/WC efficiency quite poor up to 19 Oct, then it recovered * Comments: * Comments: * *


Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS from 2017-10-10 to 2017-11-05
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 7057.4 7059.4 8038.8 8167.4 98.4 100.0
production 409915.8 431406.9 581209.1 720282.5 80.7 95.0
reprocessing 170.9 170.9 366.8 366.8 100.0 100.0
hcxrootd 532.3 533.4 798.4 2035.6 39.2 99.8
analysis 149900.7 154513.4 205241.6 251789.2 81.5 97.0
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 567577.1 593684.0 795654.7 982641.5 81.0 95.6

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-10-10 to 2017-11-05
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 5510.7 5549.9 6329.1 7171.9 88.2 99.3
production 96071.1 100042.1 139929.2 154781.0 90.4 96.0
reprocessing 156.7 156.7 1003.8 1003.9 100.0 100.0
hcxrootd 193.1 193.6 359.3 1411.5 25.5 99.7
analysis 72703.1 79637.6 91096.4 117774.4 77.3 91.3
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 174634.7 185579.9 238717.8 282142.7 84.6 94.1

weekly CMS efficiency

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-10-10 to 2017-10-17
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 1694.3 1702.3 1978.5 2005.5 98.7 99.5
production 13774.7 13968.2 17279.2 19689.9 87.8 98.6
hcxrootd 35.2 35.3 66.1 74.7 88.5 99.7
analysis 11419.6 11531.6 12782.7 15935.5 80.2 99.0
ALL_JOBS 26923.8 27237.4 32106.5 37705.6 85.2 98.8

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-10-17 to 2017-10-24
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 2052.3 2077.7 2329.0 2956.6 78.8 98.8
production 42200.4 43137.0 72621.6 77336.4 93.9 97.8
hcxrootd 77.1 77.5 115.0 1056.2 10.9 99.5
analysis 21026.6 25143.5 25377.1 38515.5 65.9 83.6
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 65356.4 70435.7 100442.7 119864.7 83.8 92.8

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-10-24 to 2017-10-31
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 1465.6 1474.1 1750.6 1994.0 87.8 99.4
production 32458.7 34446.1 46902.6 52890.0 88.7 94.2
reprocessing 145.8 145.8 983.0 983.0 100.0 100.0
hcxrootd 51.6 51.6 134.6 331.5 40.6 100.0
analysis 31451.5 34825.2 42114.4 51559.4 81.7 90.3
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 65573.2 70942.8 91885.2 107757.9 85.3 92.4

Job statistics for T2_CH_CSCS_HPC from 2017-10-31 to 2017-11-05
jobtype good_cpu_h all_cpu_h good_wallt_h all_wallt_h good_wallt_% good_cpu_eff_%
hctest 1181.1 1183.9 1372.6 1391.3 98.7 99.8
production 21490.6 22789.4 25158.2 29444.8 85.4 94.3
reprocessing 156.7 156.7 1003.8 1003.9 100.0 100.0
hcxrootd 46.3 46.3 89.1 94.0 94.8 100.0
analysis 18164.4 18582.8 23575.4 27271.8 86.4 97.7
unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    
ALL_JOBS 41039.1 42759.1 51199.1 59205.8 86.5 96.0


Cluster Job type Produced walltime core-hours Good vs Bad walltime % CPU efficiency good jobs %
Phoenix all jobs 68'378 hours 0.81 0.96
Phoenix Simulation 53'436 hours 0.85 0.97
Phoenix Reconstruction --- --- ---
Phoenix WG Production 199 hours 0.49 0.85
Phoenix User 14'733 hours 0.66 0.92
Piz Daint all jobs 191'940 hours 0.92 0.85
Piz Daint Simulation 119'757 hours 0.96 0.97
Piz Daint Reconstruction 70'593 hours 0.85 0.62
Piz Daint WG Production 773 hours 0.90 0.52
Piz Daint User 799 hours 0.99 0.98

  • Site Availability: Phoenix: 100%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site Reliability: Phoenix: 100%, Piz Daint: 100%
  • Site State Unknown: Phoenix: 10%, Piz Daint: 74%

  • Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 40 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 129 kHS06-days -- measured by LHCb (in job)
    Site HS06 delivered: Phoenix: 37 kHS06-days, Piz Daint: 144 kHS06-days -- measured by CSCS

  • The storage is attached to Phoenix, but Piz Daint is not configured as 'helper', therefore has also access to the storage on Phoenix from the LHCb point of view.
  • Site Availability/Reliability are measured with SAM jobs.
  • Piz Daint simulation jobs: Of the 7% failed jobs, 17% stalled, 82% had an application error.
  • Piz Daint reconstruction jobs: Of the 11% failed jobs, 71% stalled, 4% had an application error, 1% had input resolution error.
  • Piz Daint user jobs: Of the 8% failed jobs, 28% stalled (most likely pilot got killed), 71% had an application error.


  • Configuration for reference:
    • 64 GB of SWAP using DWS on 4 LHC DWS nodes
    • 64 core/node allocatable by jobs
    • Memory limits set to 6000MB/core, but memory is not a consumable resource, only cores.
    • CVMFS tiered cache: upper layer 6GB in RAM, lower layer preloaded on GPFS

Cluster VO Produced walltime core-hours Share %
Phoenix ATLAS 1720288 56%
Phoenix CMS 1296112 42%
Phoenix LHCb 78467 3%
Phoenix TOTAL 3094867  
Piz Daint ATLAS 334704 35%
Piz Daint CMS 354490 37%
Piz Daint LHCb 267907 28%
Piz Daint TOTAL 957101  
  • Capacity Phoenix 3,694,080 core-hours (5920*24*26), utilized at 83,8%
  • Capacity Piz Daint 998,400 core-hours (25*64*24*26), utilized at 95,9%
  • Published HS06 value: 11.19 HS06/core on Phoenix, 12.96 HS06/core on CRAY (830/64, needs to be re-calculated)

Other remarks/notes

  • item

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ATLAS-scale-up-test-Nov2017.pdf r1 manage 1069.7 K 2017-11-07 - 13:00 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS scale up test
PNGpng CPU-eff-vs-run.png r1 manage 112.6 K 2017-09-01 - 13:33 GianfrancoSciacca CPU-eff vs run up to 5
PDFpdf LHConCRAY-Run4_CSCS.pdf r1 manage 2278.0 K 2017-08-03 - 11:45 MiguelGila Run4 from a system perspective
PDFpdf LHConCRAY-Run5_CSCS.pdf r1 manage 1108.6 K 2017-09-01 - 11:55 MiguelGila Run5 from a system perspective
PDFpdf LHConCRAY-Run6_CSCS.pdf r1 manage 1300.9 K 2017-10-02 - 10:58 MiguelGila Run6 from CSCS perspective
PNGpng ok-fail-vs-run.png r1 manage 136.3 K 2017-09-01 - 13:34 GianfrancoSciacca ok-fail vs run up to 5

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