Welcome to the CSCS LCGTier2 web
Swiss LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Tier-2
The CSCS LCG grid site is a dedicated resource for the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP), mainly to analyze data coming from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN. CSCS operates the Swiss Tier2 in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) for CHIPP and provides support to the whole CHIPP community. It is also part of the infrastructure of the European Grid Initiative (EGI).
- PhoenixSetupAndSpecs gives a brief overview of the current installed services on the Tier-2. All computational resources are currently provided using the Piz Daint Supercomputer at CSCS.
Entry point for Users
Entry point for Sysadmins
- PhoenixSetupAndSpecs gives a brief overview of the current installed services on the cluster.
- FabricInventory has detailed information about every machine of the site. It has restricted access.
- ServiceInformation contains a detailed description of every service installed in the cluster, in a form so called service-cards
- HardwareInformation stores interesting information about hardware and OS features like shared filesystems
- SecurityProcedures with some security documents of interest. Some are not visible from outside.
- ToolsBoard has quick notes on some small tools we developed or used, and some comodity twiki shortcuts
- PhoenixMonOverview is a public monitoring page where you can see the actual status of the cluster
Contact Information
Any question regarding the grid services hosted at CSCS can be asked directly to the Site Sysadmins:
grid at cscs dot ch
Besides, if you want to contact site admins and also our VO Representatives, you can use:
lcg at cscs dot ch
Also, two mailing lists are available for users of the grid cluster users:
- tier2-users at cscs dot ch: used for broadcasting downtimes and generally technically relevant messages for users who rely on the local resources of the cluster (e.g. on the storage accessibility). Subscribe/unsubscribe by sending mail to tier2-users-request at cscs dot ch (the email is read by a human operator, no need for special format).
- cms-users at cscs dot ch: will receive CMS specific messages in addition to all messages from the tier2-users list. Subscribe/unsubscribe by sending mail to cms-users-request at cscs dot ch (the email is read by a human operator, no need for special format).
- GGUS portal
for submitting trouble tickets to this site (or other sites)
Documentation on Grid Usage
LCGTier2 Web Utilities