Collecting ganglia monitoring records

Preparation steps:

  1. Login as root and create a regular user account on host
  2. Login as user and put a valid certificate in your home dir.
    If creating on a machine anew start with a grid-cert-request command and follow all the instructions
    If bringing a certificate (usercert.pem and userkey.pem files) from another machine:
    % mkdir .globus
    % chmod g-w .globus
    % cp userkey.pem usercert.pem .globus/
    % chmod 600 .globus/userkey.pem
  3. Collect certificate information
    % grid-cert-info -subject
    % grid-cert-info -issuer
  4. Send the output from above commands to the person who deals with registering users on a remote machine. For Phoenix cluster info the points of contact are Kerstin Voss and Georg Birkenheuer After the confirmation that the user is added o the grid-map file can collect and transmit the data.

Executiion steps:

  1. Initialize certificate proxy
    % grid-proxy-init
  2. Run script to collect the data.
    % ./GetDump
  3. Transfer the resulting YYYYMMDD-HHmm.tar.gz file to the remote machine
    % globus-url-copy file:///home/nadya/20070213-1108.tar.gz gsi

Script GetDumps provides for collection of the ganglia records. The script assumes the following (all can be changed):

  • it is run on the host where ganglia records are stored
  • ganglia's DB location is /var/lib/ganglia/rrds/. Two current subdirectories that hold records for the nodes are PHOENIX-services/ and PHOENIX-workers/
  • repeated running of the script will create another gzipped tar file with dumps inside.

-- NadyaWilliams - 13 Feb 2007

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > GangliaDumps
Topic revision: r1 - 2007-02-13 - NadyaWilliams
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