Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20190121_F2F_CSCS_final.pdf r2 r1 manage 4117.4 K 2019-01-21 - 08:33 StefanoGorini CSCS F2F report 2018
PDFpdf ATLAS-report-20190121.pdf r1 manage 3221.9 K 2019-01-21 - 09:53 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS VO report (T2)
PDFpdf LHCb_CHIPP_Lugano_Jan2019.pdf r2 r1 manage 1594.4 K 2019-01-21 - 09:57 RolandBernet LHCb VO Report
PDFpdf f2f-lugano-19-cms-t3.pdf r1 manage 753.6 K 2019-01-20 - 19:15 NinaLoktionova t3 cms status report

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > MeetingsBoard > MeetingCHIPPCSCSFaceToFace20190121
Topic revision: r9 - 2019-01-21 - RolandBernet
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