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Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2020-05-19 at 14:00

VO reports




T2 Sites reports




T3 Sites reports



  • Accounting numbers (from scheduler) from last month


Additional EGI items:

- Monthly Availability/Reliability too low for 3 consecutive months for CSCS-LCG2 and UNIBE-LHEP: https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=145818

IGTF update on ARC @ CSCS still pending

- ARC5 decommissioning: Security fixes for ARC5 will be provided till end of June 2020. EGI Operations is starting a campaign to ask all the sites to migrate to ARC 6 by at most July 31st, 2020 (ops probes will start failing by 1st July AFAIU)

Review of open tickets

- Open GGUS tickets

4 of 4 Tickets
Ticket-ID Type VO Site Priority Resp. Unit Status Last Update Subject Scope
146970   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH assigned 2020-05-14 T2_CH_CSCS failing SAM - SRM WLCG
146870   none   less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2020-05-15 NGI_CH - April 2020 - RP/RC OLA ... EGI
145818   none UNIGE-DPNC less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2020-05-04 NGI_CH - February 2020 - RP/RC OLA ... EGI
144485   none CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2020-05-11 Upgrade to recent dCache release EGI

Other topics



  • CSCS:Nick, Pablo
  • CMS: Derek, Christoph, Vinzenz, Mauro
  • ATLAS:
  • LHCb: Roland
  • EGI:

Action items

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PDFpdf ATLAST2ReportApr2020-1.pdf r1 manage 320.7 K 2020-06-04 - 11:42 MauroDonega  
PDFpdf CHIPPreportApr2020.pdf r1 manage 2213.6 K 2020-06-04 - 11:47 MauroDonega  
PDFpdf UnibeT2ReportApr2020.pdf r1 manage 291.0 K 2020-06-04 - 11:43 MauroDonega  

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > MeetingsBoard > MeetingSwissGridOperations20200519
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-06-04 - MauroDonega
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