KeyWords: SysAdmin, Xen


Kudos to Marian Klein for writing the truly amazing script xen-strap! It can bootstrap a Xen DomU based on any of: Scientific Linux 4.x/5.x (also in the CERN variants), CentOS 4.x/5.x, or Debian etch/lenny/sid. And all of this in one single script with no dependencies - just download and run. It hasn't been from the C64 times that I have seen a tool requiring no configuration at all!

Last but not least, it install a truly minimal system: no need to have X11 or other fat daemons running on VMs...

Here is the incantation I used to build a template SL4.7 DomU:

  /root/xen-strap --name=sl4-template \
    --memory=1024 \
    --size=8G \
    --label=root \
    --noswap \
    --mac=00:16:3E:00:66:01 \
    --dhcp \
    --ssh \
    --update \
    --locales-en-only \
    --dwc --no-ntp \
    --post-install="host:/var/cfengine/scripts/newmachine" \
    sl47 \
    lvm:vg_root/sl4template:8G \
A few words of explanation:
  • --name is the name of the Xen configuration generated in /etc/xen, and also the hostname (unless overridden with --hostname)
  • --size is the size of the partition/LV that xen-strap will create for hosting the VM's root filesystem;
  • --label is the label of the VM root filesystem (as seen from inside the VM);
  • --noswap turns off creating a swap partition for the VM;
  • --mac...= sets the MAC address (not in the mainstream xen-strap, you need to apply the patch below)
  • --dhcp will configure the DomU to use DHCP for networking;
  • --ssh will install and enable the SSH server on the DomU;
  • --update will start an OS update after everything has been installed;
  • --locales-en-only will remove non-English locales, saving some space on the DomU disk;
  • --dwc --no-ntp turns off the NTP daemon in the DomU (will use the clock in the Dom0, no worry);
  • --post-install="host:/path/to/script" runs the post-install script found on the Dom0 at /path/to/script;
  • sl46 is the distribution to install (Scientific Linux 4.7, you need to apply the patch below - stock xen-strap only has 4.6)
  • lvm:... creates the specified LV to host the DomU root filesystem;
  • the rest is the OS mirror URL - if you don't specify it, you get ==xen-strap=='s default choice (which is in the UK).

The long story and explanations can be found in the GridPP Wiki:

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
Unknown file formatdiff xen-strap.diff r1 manage 13.0 K 2008-10-30 - 17:11 RiccardoMurri Patch to enable: 1) SL4.7 install; 2) the --mac-address=... command-line option; 3) creation of the empty workdir with "mktemp"

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Topic revision: r1 - 2008-10-30 - RiccardoMurri
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