How to access, set up, and test your account

Preliminary steps

All the documentation is maintained in the T3 twiki pages: . Please take a look at it to explore T3's capabilities.

Information about T3 mailing-lists:

  • Subscribe to the cms-tier3-users list using this web interface (list archives): This mailing-list is used to communicate information on Tier-3 matters (downtimes, outages, news, etc.) or for discussions among users and admins.
  • To privately contact the CMS Tier-3 administrators, write to:
  • NOTE: Both lists are read by the administrators and are archived. You can submit support requests to either of them. Mails to the user list have the added advantage that they can be read by everyone.

Please also take a look at our policies about usages, quotas, etc.. Tier3Policies.

T3 Linux Groups

All the T3 users are partitioned in several primary groups and all the them belong also to the secondary group cms that's used for common files like the CMS files uploaded at T3 by PhEDEx:
ethz-ecal uniz-higgs psi-bphys
ethz-bphys uniz-pixel psi-pixel
ethz-ewk uniz-bphys  

The T3 Linux Groups:

  • allow a faster and simpler understanding of the /pnfs space usage by leveraging on the gid setting while in the past having all the files assigned to the global group cms was making this accounting harder.
  • allow to make accounting in the Sun Grid Engine batch system also according to the jobs gid setting.
  • allowed the creation of a set of dedicated "group dirs" /pnfs/ where just the group members can write or delete.
  • also simplify the /shome, /pnfs, /scratch or /tmp file/dirs space usage accounting.

Following an ETHZ user with his primary and his secondary group:

$ id auser
uid=571(auser) gid=532(ethz-higgs) groups=532(ethz-higgs),500(cms)
Following the users dirs /pnfs/ :
$ ls -l /pnfs/ | grep -v cms 
total 56
drwxr-xr-x    2 alschmid     uniz-bphys 512 Feb 21  2013 alschmid
drwxr-xr-x    5 amarini      ethz-ewk   512 Nov  7 15:37 amarini
drwxr-xr-x    2 arizzi       ethz-bphys 512 Sep 16 17:49 arizzi
drwxr-xr-x    5 bean         psi-bphys  512 Aug 24  2010 bean
drwxr-xr-x    5 bianchi      ethz-higgs 512 Sep  9 09:40 bianchi
drwxr-xr-x   98 buchmann     ethz-susy  512 Nov  5 20:36 buchmann
Following the dedicated "group dirs" /pnfs/ ; since they're "group dirs" they belong to root but the group has the w permission:
 $ ls -l /pnfs/
total 5
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ethz-bphys 512 Nov  8 15:18 ethz-bphys
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ethz-ecal  512 Nov  8 15:18 ethz-ecal
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ethz-ewk   512 Nov  8 15:18 ethz-ewk
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ethz-higgs 512 Nov  8 15:18 ethz-higgs
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ethz-susy  512 Nov  8 15:18 ethz-susy
drwxrwxr-x 2 root psi-bphys  512 Nov  8 15:18 psi-bphys
drwxrwxr-x 2 root psi-pixel  512 Nov  8 15:18 psi-pixel
drwxrwxr-x 2 root uniz-bphys 512 Nov  8 15:18 uniz-bphys
drwxrwxr-x 2 root uniz-higgs 512 Nov  8 15:18 uniz-higgs
drwxrwxr-x 2 root uniz-pixel 512 Nov  8 15:18 uniz-pixel

Basic setup

We offer the following user interfaces ( UIs ) assigned according to the following rules; generally speaking the very old SL5 t3ui0* servers will be stopped during 2014/2015 so your tasks should be executed on the SL6 t3ui1* servers.

Access to Login nodes is based on the institution

The access is not restricted to allow for some freedom, but you are requested to use the UI dedicated to your institution.

UI Login node for institution HW specsSorted ascending ETHZ, PSI 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch All 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch UNIZ 132GB RAM , 72 CPUs core (HT), 5TB /scratch

  1. Try to log into a t3ui* machine ; -Y or -X flag for working with X applications; you can also try to connect by NX client, which allows to work efficiently with graphical applications
    ssh -Y
  2. If you are an external user and you don't have a standard PSI account, you'll have to change your initial password the first time you log in; use the standard passwd utility.
  3. Copy your grid credentials to the standard places, i.e. to ~/.globus/userkey.pem and ~/.globus/usercert.pem and make sure that both files permissions are set correctly:
    -rw-r--r--  1 feichtinger cms 2961 Mar 17  2008 usercert.pem
    -r--------  1 feichtinger cms 1917 Mar 17  2008 userkey.pem
    For details about how to extract those files from your CERN User Grid-Certificate please read
  4. source the grid environment associated to your login shell:
    source /swshare/psit3/etc/profile.d/   # for bash
    source /swshare/psit3/etc/profile.d/cms_ui_env.csh   # for tcsh
  5. You have to complete the CMS "Virtual Organization" subscription or the following command voms-proxy-init -voms cms won't work. CERN details about that, e.g. who is your representative.
  6. Try to create a proxy certificate for CMS
    voms-proxy-init -voms cms
    If this fails, run the command with an additional -debug flag, and the error message will usually be sufficient for us to point out the problem.
  7. Test your access to the PSI Storage element with the test-dCacheProtocols command. You should see output like this (no failed tests):
    $ test-dCacheProtocols -n -p /pnfs/ -i "GSIDCAP-write SRMv1-adv-del SRMv1-adv-del1 SRMv1-write SRMv1-get-meta SRMv1-read SRMv1-adv-del2"
    Test directory: /tmp/dcachetest-20131118-1202-1970
    TEST: GSIDCAP-write ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: GFTP-write ......  [OK]
    TEST: GFTP-ls ......  [OK]
    TEST: GFTP-read ......  [OK]
    TEST: DCAP-read ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del1 ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-write ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-get-meta ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-read ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del2 ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv2-write ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-ls ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-read ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-rm ......  [OK]
  8. Be aware of the CSCS CMS User Page
  9. The test-dCacheProtocols tool can also be used to test a remote element access (use the -h flag to get more info about it): e.g. to test CSCS:
    $ test-dCacheProtocols -n -p /pnfs/ -i "GSIDCAP-write DCAP-read SRMv1-adv-del SRMv1-adv-del1 SRMv1-write SRMv1-get-meta SRMv1-read SRMv1-adv-del2"
    Test directory: /tmp/dcachetest-20131118-1201-1784
    TEST: GSIDCAP-write ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: GFTP-write ......  [OK]
    TEST: GFTP-ls ......  [OK]
    TEST: GFTP-read ......  [OK]
    TEST: DCAP-read ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del1 ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-write ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-get-meta ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-read ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv1-adv-del2 ......  [IGNORE]
    TEST: SRMv2-write ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-ls ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-read ......  [OK]
    TEST: SRMv2-rm ......  [OK]

Changing your account details

It's possible to get changed your login shell, e.g. from bash to tcsh, your group, also your account name ; often users requested to change their Grid cert subject:, e.g. because they were moving from a country to an other where they got a new certificate.


You should use the following sequence of commands at T3:
kinit ${Your_CERN_Username}@CERN.CH
The first command gets you a kerberos ticket, the second command uses that ticket to obtain an authentication token from CERN's AFS service

t3ui* SSH pub keys NEW

Hackers on Internet are constantly waiting for a user mistake, even a mispelled letter like in this example:
$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is c0:c5:af:36:4b:2d:1f:88:0d:f3:9c:08:cc:87:df:42.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:
We can't prevent a T3 user from confusing .ch with a .sh so pay attention to these cases ! you can also simply define these aliases:
More... Close
$ grep alias ~/.bash_profile | grep t3ui
alias ui2='ssh -X'
alias ui3='ssh -X'
alias ui4='ssh -X'
alias ui5='ssh -X'
alias ui6='ssh -X'
alias ui7='ssh -X'
alias ui8='ssh -X'
alias ui9='ssh -X'
alias ui12='ssh -X'
alias ui15='ssh -X'
alias ui16='ssh -X'
alias ui17='ssh -X'
alias ui18='ssh -X'
alias ui19='ssh -X'

More subdole attacks are the SSH man in the middle attacks ; to discover them you have to register in /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts each t3ui* SSH RSA public key by running these steps on each laptop/desktop/server ( also lxplus ) that you'll use to connect at T3:
cp -p /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts.`date +"%d-%m-%Y"`
mkdir /tmp/t3ssh/
for X in 19 18 17 16 15 12 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 ; do TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/t3ssh/XXXXXX` && ssh-keyscan -t rsa  t3ui$,t3ui$X,`host t3ui$| awk '{ print $4}'` | cat - /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts | grep -v 'psi\.sh'  > $TMPFILE && mv $TMPFILE /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ; done
rm -rf /tmp/t3ssh
for X in 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 12 15 16 17 18 19 ; do echo -n "# entries for t3ui$X = " ; grep -c t3ui$X /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts  ; grep -Hn --color t3ui$X /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ; echo ;  done
echo done
last for will report if there are duplicated rows in /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts for a t3ui* server ; if there are you're suppose to preserve the correct occurrence and delete the others ; to delete you can use sed -i or vim ; once you'll get just one row per t3ui server run this command and carefully compare your output with this output:
More... Close
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts | grep t3ui 
2048 6a:b6:0c:dc:1c:44:3b:4f:e8:da:f5:3c:c6:05:ef:00,t3ui02, (RSA)
2048 a5:d1:41:e9:16:d7:42:90:14:ae:48:14:59:f5:a1:12,t3ui03, (RSA)
2048 34:c7:fe:09:5c:2c:0b:51:e1:e7:1d:04:93:c6:c3:08,t3ui04, (RSA)
2048 7d:78:03:9c:da:e3:ce:83:a4:05:95:84:74:3e:9f:e0,t3ui05, (RSA)
2048 ec:f7:8d:f0:64:21:0d:d0:82:40:d4:c0:f1:36:90:99,t3ui06, (RSA)
2048 e3:a4:ce:68:a2:6b:4d:cd:88:6b:ec:94:16:eb:6b:e6,t3ui07, (RSA)
2048 9e:96:7c:5a:d3:63:96:b2:47:a7:8c:fd:ff:ab:be:2d,t3ui08, (RSA)
2048 cc:62:86:5e:28:b2:f6:50:7e:d7:66:40:a7:9b:a9:f7,t3ui09, (RSA)
2048 d0:9c:a0:e9:8f:9c:3f:b2:f1:88:6c:15:32:07:fc:a0,t3ui12, (RSA)
2048 77:1b:27:5e:c8:74:64:86:f8:50:f6:58:e6:6f:41:65,t3ui15, (RSA)
2048 35:bb:d6:be:64:86:8d:db:1d:57:43:ef:05:39:72:c8,t3ui16, (RSA)
2048 27:d1:57:f0:ac:da:1d:db:54:11:5c:46:4d:93:63:59,t3ui17, (RSA)
2048 b1:56:06:5b:d3:da:1a:79:60:e9:02:16:be:82:fe:f7,t3ui18, (RSA)
2048 73:fe:97:b2:e7:54:df:99:50:dc:19:3d:6f:cd:01:11,t3ui19, (RSA)

eventually force your ssh client to always check if the server you're connecting to is already present in /$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts and request your consensus for servers that are absent by adding this line in /$HOME/.ssh/config :
StrictHostKeychecking ask
your /$HOME/.ssh/config can be more complex than just that line, study the ssh_config man page or contact us; ideally you should put StrictHostKeychecking yes but in real life it's impractical.

now your ssh client will be able to discover the SSH man in the middle attacks and if so it will report :

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! 
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
we commit to preserve the t3ui SSH RSA public and private keys even when we'll completely reinstall a t3ui server, so the case It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed will never be true.

This topic: CmsTier3 > WebHome > HowToSetupYourAccount
Topic revision: r33 - 2014-12-06 - FabioMartinelli
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