Setup of software in the experimental software area CMS

The installations are launched centrally as grid jobs by the CMS administrators.

External Information

CMS requests that any special setup that a user needs to do, and which departs from standard CMS policy, be recorded on this page of the CERN wiki.

Installations are usually done by a central CMS operations team

The CMS operations team will send a installation job via the grid with the VOMS role cms/lcgadmin that must get mapped to the cmssgm user on the site. The installation is carried out through a private apt/rpm installation in the local software area. Some of the installations are huge, and RPM may experience problems if not run on a 64bit machine. Therefore the CE is configured in a way that only certain nodes have write access to the software area.

After successful installation the job will also make the necessary adjustments so that information about the software is published in the grid information system.

Local Site Configuration Files

Information on configuration files (TFC and JobConfig) which need to be located in standard places can be found here.

Testing the software setup

Test for correct setting of environment

Ideally you do the following test on a worker node to be sure that you have the correct environment, but it also must work on the UI (the VO_CMS_SW_DIR environment variable must be set correctly).

Warning, important Part of the older CMMSW is only available in SLC3 compatibility mode on our SLC4 machines. This requires an additional setting before doing any of the steps below:

$> # only do this for getting to the older CMSSW versions
$> export SCRAM_ARCH=slc3_ia32_gcc323

A grid job will source the local CMS environment as a first step:

$> . $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
Loading site local CMS environment

after that, the scramv1 command should be available. SCRAM does the software building and configuration/environment management for CMS.

You should be able to list the available CMS software packages with

$> scramv1 list

The following sets up a local software development area and runs a sample job for one of the CMSSW versions. Pick one of the versions from the list produced by the scramv1 command above.


scramv1 project CMSSW $CMSSW_VERSION      # creates a local project work area
cvs login   # anonymous access to CMS CVS requires password "98passwd"
cvs co -r $CMSSW_VERSION SimG4Core/Application/test
cd SimG4Core/Application/test
eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`   # this sets up the local environment needed by the app in that directory
cmsRun -p runP.cfg   # runs a standard test

-- DerekFeichtinger - 29 Jan 2008

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > ServiceInformation > AdminArea > CMSExpSWArea
Topic revision: r10 - 2009-02-12 - DerekFeichtinger
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