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18-20. 2. 2007 Update and reconfiguration of dCache

Since ATLAS needs space token functionality, the dCache had to be reconfigured. This caused a lot of problems and a solution satisfying also CMS was only possible, by using an undocumented (because probably based on a faulty implementation) possibility in the /opt/d-cache/etc/LinkGroupAuthorization.conf file.

LinkGroup cms-linkGroup

In the afternoon of Feb 20th the dCache was functional again and we had successful transfers. For the first time I also was able to observe many successful transfers from ASGC. The total rate was the highest I had seen up to this point.


                         first entry: 2008-02-21 02:08:16      last entry: 2008-02-21 06:26:34
site: T1_ASGC_Buffer (OK: 180   Err: 0   Exp/Canceled: 122)	succ. rate: 100.0 %   total: 505.1 GB
site: T1_FNAL_Buffer (OK: 39   Err: 39   Exp/Canceled: 4)	succ. rate: 50.0 %   total: 107.0 GB
site: T1_FZK_Buffer (OK: 158   Err: 12   Exp/Canceled: 46)	succ. rate: 92.9 %   total: 390.1 GB
site: T1_IN2P3_Buffer (OK: 69   Err: 72   Exp/Canceled: 6)	succ. rate: 48.9 %   total: 170.4 GB
site: T1_PIC_Buffer (OK: 15   Err: 0   Exp/Canceled: 0)	succ. rate: 100.0 %   total: 15.5 GB
site: T1_RAL_Buffer (OK: 119   Err: 20   Exp/Canceled: 0)	succ. rate: 85.6 %   total: 331.1 GB

                         first entry: 2008-02-21 02:08:16      last entry: 2008-02-21 06:26:34
total transferred: 1414.9 GB  in 4.3 hours
avg. total rate: 93.5 MB/s = 747.9 Mb/s  = 7888.1 GB/day

Took a look a few moments later on the errors from IN2P3 and FNAL:

 *** ERRORS from T1_IN2P3_Buffer:***
     73   Failed SOURCE error during PREPARATION phase: [REQUEST_TIMEOUT] failed to prepare source file in 180 seconds

 *** ERRORS from T1_FNAL_Buffer:***
     46   transfer timed out after 10845 seconds with signal 9
      4   Canceled Job canceled
      1   Canceled TRANSFER error during TRANSFER phase: [REQUEST_TIMEOUT] failed to complete srmcopy transfer request in 3600 seconds

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-- DerekFeichtinger - 21 Feb 2008

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