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T2_CH_CSCS CMS Information

User Information (mostly OBSOLETE)

Administrator information for running the local site


External admin relevant information NEW

CMS Requirements

  • NEW CMS has now put some of the most important information on public wiki pages
  • CREAM-CE (http://grid.pd.infn.it/cream/field.php?n=Main.ReleaseNotes)
    • 2011-02-18 Comp Meeting: glexec + ARGUS should be operational by 2011-06-30.
    • 2011-02-21 I now added cream02.lcg.cscs.ch to our CMS sitedb description
    • CMS recommends to start deploying gLite 3.2 (SL5) CREAM 1.6.3 now (2011-01) and in any case before March 31st (FacOps Meeting 2011-01-17)
    • CMS suggests to keep the LCG-CE until SAM implications, etc. better understood
    • CMS site tests will become critical by end of Jan (i.e. if a site has a CREAM-CE, it must work by then). A site may run both LCG and CREAM CEs, but each one must work then. It is ok to run just one of the services.
  • Batch system related requirements
    • Heavy ion production users
      • CMS wants to introduce role=hiproduction for the MC production of heavy ion events (q.v. Talk by T. Kress). We just can map them to the existing cmsprod pool accounts (depends on local communities. TODO: ask Swiss community).
    • Priority users
      • A limited number of users for every CMS physics group can take the Priority User VOMS role (role=priorityuser). These should be mapped to a group of local system users (e.g. priorityuser01, ...). These should get a higher priority than normal CMS users. Questions can be asked from hn-cms-analysisoperations@cern.ch.
      • OBSOLTETE: central Twiki page indicating readiness, to be filled out by us. Also, look at talk by T. Kress at FacOps 2009-09-28
    • Pilot users: Normal jobs using the pilot framework
  • CMS job I/O requirements
  • Storage related requirements

Interesting Talks and links on Tier-2 relevant technologies

old information

-- DerekFeichtinger - 24 Apr 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IanFiskSlides-20080925.pdf r1 manage 400.8 K 2008-10-16 - 11:50 DerekFeichtinger CMS storage organization
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-gpfs.pdf r1 manage 1056.7 K 2009-04-24 - 07:17 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-hadoop.pdf r1 manage 1552.1 K 2009-04-24 - 07:19 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf cms-offline-200904-lustre.pdf r1 manage 489.6 K 2009-04-24 - 07:18 DerekFeichtinger  
PDFpdf t2-optim-giacinto_Donvito-20091030.pdf r1 manage 5219.8 K 2009-10-30 - 11:04 DerekFeichtinger dcache to Lustre/Storm comparison
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Topic revision: r46 - 2021-09-09 - DerekFeichtinger
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