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6. 6. 2008 Analysis Jobs reading at > 35 MB/s per Job from our Storage

~50 Jobs from Florian Bechtel managed to read with a total of ca. 1600 MB/s from our storage. This is a higher rate as we had seen from any other CMSSW based jobs. Florian reported that he was using CMSSW_2_0_7 running code from QCDAnalysis/UEAnalysis with a configuration from QCDAnalysis/UEAnalysis/test/ueAnalysisRootFileChain.cfg.

Link to the related Hypernew's mail thread.

Fileservers' and workers' network plots:
fileservers-nw-report-20080606-1932-day.gif worker-nw-report-20080606-1932-day.gif

dCache default (=dcap) movers plot showing the same curve for the number of active movers:

Plots showing distribution of outwards traffic over fileservers:
PHOENIX-fileserversA-bytes_out-day.gif PHOENIX-fileserversB-bytes_out-day.gif

CE Log analysis

The gatekeeper shows 56 jobs having been accepted for Florian Bechtel as user cms022 between 16:34:25 and 16:40:45. However, the PBS accounting logs show that only 50 were started between 16:35:26 and 16:41:29, so 6 seem to have been rejected:

 PID: 17135 -- Notice: 5: "/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=Florian Bechtel" mapped to cms022 (18550/1399)
$> grep "user=cms022" /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/accounting/20080606|grep -v "Exit_status"|wc -l

Only 49 are recorded with an exit status, and all exited ok with Exit status 0:

$> grep "user=cms022" 20080606|grep "Exit_status"|wc -l
$> grep "user=cms022" 20080606|grep "Exit_status"|sed -e 's/.*\(Exit_status=[0-9]*\).*/\1/'|sort|uniq -c
     49 Exit_status=0

Job running time was distributed like this (minutes and seconds cut away by the sed expression):

$> grep "user=cms022" 20080606|grep "Exit_status"|sed -e 's/.*\(resources_used.walltime=[^:]*\).*/\1/'|sort|uniq -c
      4 resources_used.walltime=00
     11 resources_used.walltime=01
     30 resources_used.walltime=02
      4 resources_used.walltime=03

Two jobs almost finished immediately in the first 10 minutes, so we can assume that the load derived from ~47 jobs.

$> grep "user=cms022" 20080606|grep "Exit_status"|sed -ne 's/.*\(resources_used.walltime=00:[^:]*\).*/\1/p'|sort

Comparison with I/O rate monitoring by CMS dashboard

The dashboard shows that at the peak rate less than 30 jobs were reporting I/O rates. The averaged I/O rates at that time were higher that 40 MB/s. If this is averaged over the reporting jobs (which is not totally clear from the page description), then the dashboard reports similar rates.

Note that there is a 2h time difference between dashboard time and local time.


Julia Andreeva's explanation for the interpretation of the I/O graphs: Show Hide

Just few explanations regarding what is shown at the plots:

The right plot at the bottom of the page shows number of jobs running in parallel. Not necessary all of them had been reporting IO rate. You mentioned that there were ~50 jobs from Florian at that point, dashboard shows a bit more, may be there were other users as well.

Number of reporting jobs (left plot in the bottom of the page) shows jobs running in parallel and those which did report but taking into account the probability that the actual reading or writing operation happened at a given point of time. This probability is calculated by dividing the duration of operation by the life time of the job. So if there were 50 jobs running in parallel and reporting IO rate the plot would show slightly lower number taking into account the probability described above.

Finally, the rate per job is calculated as overall value of read/written bytes divided by life time of the job and for aggregated rate we sum up all per job rate for all jobs in running status.

Further dashboard analysis

Link to the dashboard query. It's not easy to select the correct time range for jobs for which we know the local time span. So, it requires trial and error and no other interfering jobs from that user in a larger time interval.

The jobs ran over different data sets and the RB plot suggests that 4 of the 50 jobs failed due to a RB, since all failures were submitted through it.

dashboard-rb.png dashboard-datasets.png

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-- DerekFeichtinger - 07 Jun 2008

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif worker-nw-report-20080606-1932-day.gif r1 manage 12.8 K 2008-06-07 - 07:40 DerekFeichtinger  
GIFgif PHOENIX-fileserversB-bytes_out-day.gif r1 manage 17.0 K 2008-06-07 - 07:39 DerekFeichtinger  
GIFgif PHOENIX-fileserversA-bytes_out-day.gif r1 manage 18.9 K 2008-06-07 - 07:38 DerekFeichtinger  
GIFgif movers_default-20080606-1932-day.gif r1 manage 13.3 K 2008-06-07 - 07:33 DerekFeichtinger  
GIFgif fileservers-nw-report-20080606-1932-day.gif r1 manage 14.8 K 2008-06-07 - 07:35 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng dashboardIO-numjobs.png r1 manage 5.5 K 2008-06-07 - 09:01 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng dashboardIO-avgread.png r1 manage 5.0 K 2008-06-07 - 09:01 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng dashboard-rb.png r1 manage 42.9 K 2008-06-07 - 09:14 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng dashboard-datasets.png r1 manage 42.8 K 2008-06-07 - 09:15 DerekFeichtinger  

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