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24. 06. 2009 Migration of se05_cms dcache pool files to other pools with the shelltools


Note: We do this manually with the shelltools, since the copy cell cannot be trusted in this 1.8-x version of dcache, and we will only update dcache to the 1.9-x versions in July.

This uses my DcacheShellutils tools.

All of these steps are done in the directory /home/staff/dfeich/shellutils/work/se05_cms-migration

Check that se05_cms is read only, so that we can prevent new files appearing on it: -r |grep se05_cms se05_cms  (enabled=true;active=12;rdOnly=true;links=0;pgroups=1;hsm=[];mode=enabled) 

se05 is one of the older pools from a time that predates space management. At that time we only had precious and cached files (cached meaning that dcache was allowed to remove these copies when it needed space). Later we got space management, and it seems that space managed files get the sticky characteristic. This can be nicely seen from the dCache web GUI's pool usage page, where all these categories get different color bars. The old pools all still have some precious files (red), while the new ones only have sticky (pink) files. There are almost no cached files (green), because cached replicas are only generated by dcache, if there is a underlying HSM behind it (... I, think).

Let's get lists of all files on the pool, and of oll files that are precious and sticky. Note that this differentiation is done by the se05_cms pool cell's rep ls command! So the correctness depends on the correctness of that command! se05_cms > se05_cms-ID.lst -l p se05_cms > se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst -l s se05_cms > se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst -c se05_cms > se05_cms-CACHED-ID.lst  # careful. just use "-c", not "-l c" 

Let's count the entries

wc -l se05_cms-ID.lst se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst    5526 se05_cms-ID.lst   1267 se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst   4546 se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst 

So, 1267 + 4546 = 5813. Seems that some sticky files are also precious at the same time. This may derive from the fact that an earlier migration, shortly after the space management was introduces, manually marked some files as precious...

Finding out about sticky, cached and precious files, and how to correctly create new copies of files

I first need to find out how I can reliably differentiate between sticky, cached and precious files using the admin shell, and how copies with the right properties can be created. For this, I'll do a little research with the shelltools.

Let's look at the characteristics of every kind of file....


tail -10 se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst | -r -i se05_cms | grep -v admin

00020000000000000000E150 <-P---------(0)[0]> 70901468 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000543B0 <-P---------(0)[0]> 2463153484 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000744A8 <-P---------(0)[0]> 808370799 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000F1018 <-P---------(0)[0]> 432776 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000001C380 <-P---------(0)[0]> 56193849 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000004DF40 <-P---------(0)[0]> 2476990936 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000000C498 <-P---------(0)[0]> 69011452 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000207D8 <-P---------(0)[0]> 59985791 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000EA730 <-P---------(0)[0]> 427697 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000024E818 <-P---------(0)[0]> 495136770 si={cms:cms}


tail -10 se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst | -r -i se05_cms | grep -v admin

000200000000000001B46118 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1968743916 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001AD9838 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1629486174 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000011D7320 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 167411059 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000224AC90 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 25856206 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000000E82D50 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 35728076 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001C0E0D8 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 739802749 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000023BB850 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1092259150 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001AD1D18 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 2172298863 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000011C3880 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 171887245 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001BFA3E8 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 498125871 si={cms:cms}

Hmmm.... I noted from pre-space management times, that marked cached files, so it seems that these flags are not adequate in differentiating between sticky and simply cached files. Bad. Added later: Seems I made a wrong conclusion at that time... look further below. cached files lack the -X- flag!. This makes it easy again

I found in the admin interface of the pool, the rep sticky ls command. Maybe this can be used. Let's test the theory with the on some of the precious files.

head -20 se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst | -f -c 'rep sticky ls $n' se05_cms

    dCache Admin (VII) (user=admin)

[] (local) admin > cd se05_cms
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000BB020
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000013FE0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000024CB50
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000018E3B60
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000EC520
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000062BB8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000078648
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000A6AA8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000241E0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000858D0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000011B148
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000E8730
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000004DEF0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000018B6FE0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000008F958
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000008E68
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000000F11D8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000018987B0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001A896A8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000008A98
[] (se05_cms) admin > ..
[] (local) admin > logoff
dmg.util.CommandExitException: (0) Done

And now the same for the sticky files:

head -20 se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst | -f -c 'rep sticky ls $n' se05_cms

    dCache Admin (VII) (user=admin)

[] (local) admin > cd se05_cms
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000137A2C8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001A980A8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000015D2568
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001C29030
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000023B65E0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000002144460
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001B482A0
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000121F038
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001C9C7B8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001ABE618
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000000E76DB8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001B09E00
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000013651A8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 0002000000000000018E3B60
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 00020000000000000136ED30
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001C4FD00
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001B51810
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001ECA7B8
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001D2E990
[] (se05_cms) admin > rep sticky ls 000200000000000001C221C0
[] (se05_cms) admin > ..
[] (local) admin > logoff
dmg.util.CommandExitException: (0) Done

In chapter 18 of the dcache book ( Pinning Files to a Pool), I can see that the characteristic sticky can apply to a single replicate of a file on a pool, or to all copies of a file on all pools. In the first case, this is a attribute of the file instance in the pool, in the other global case, the information is stored within the pnfs data base:

rep set sticky pnfsid on|off      # pool cell command to make file inside this pool sticky  set sticky pnfsid   # global effect. Can be used from the top entry point into                            # the admin cell (e.g. after doing "cd ..") 

Let's test how we can copy a file and make it sticky

srmcp -debug file:///`pwd`/se05_cms-ID.lst srm://

echo /pnfs/ |
00020000000000000243CD00 /pnfs/

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 |
00020000000000000243CD00 se19_cms

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 | -r -i se19_cms | grep -v admin
00020000000000000243CD00 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 138150 si={cms:cms}

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 | -f se19_cms se18_cms

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 |
00020000000000000243CD00 se18_cms,se19_cms

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 | -r -i se18_cms | grep -v admin
00020000000000000243CD00 <C----------(0)[0]> 138150 si={cms:cms}

Ok. Let's try to make the new copy on pool se18_cms sticky

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 | -f -c 'rep set sticky $n on' se18_cms

And voila! Here we correctly get our sticky file on this pool big grin

echo 00020000000000000243CD00 | -r -i se18_cms | grep -v admin
00020000000000000243CD00 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 138150 si={cms:cms}

special case of precious AND sticky files on this old pool

Let's find files which are precious and sticky

for n in `cat se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst`; do grep -q $n se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst; if test $? -ne 0; then echo $n; fi; done >precious-and-sticky.lst 

Now we have a look at the flags for these files that are sticky and precious at the same time.

cat precious-and-sticky.lst | -i -r  se05_cms | grep -v admin

0002000000000000000BB020 <-P---------(0)[0]> 179755831 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000000013FE0 <-P---------(0)[0]> 1510974283 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000024CB50 <-P---------(0)[0]> 1756795340 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000EC520 <-P---------(0)[0]> 472898 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000000062BB8 <-P---------(0)[0]> 19387237 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000000078648 <-P---------(0)[0]> 262656755 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000A6AA8 <-P---------(0)[0]> 134572991 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000241E0 <-P---------(0)[0]> 102410208 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000858D0 <-P---------(0)[0]> 162611125 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000011B148 <-P---------(0)[0]> 450574 si={cms:cms}

Let's look at files which are only sticky

for n in `cat se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst`; do grep -q $n se05_cms-STICKY-ID.lst; if test $? -eq 0; then echo $n; fi; done > only-sticky.lst

head -20 only-sticky.lst | -r -i se05_cms | grep -v admin

0002000000000000018E3B60 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 3336915216 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018B6FE0 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 787573248 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018987B0 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 3222094048 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001A896A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 674796192 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018E77A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 1390713984 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000189EF28 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 810449872 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018D23A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 137643984 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018CC2E8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 700283680 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018D2898 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 111847864 si={cms:cms}

Let's look at files which are only precious

for n in `cat se05_cms-PRECIOUS-ID.lst`; do grep -q $n precious-and-sticky.lst; if test $? -ne 0; then echo $n; fi; done > only-precious.lst

head -20 only-precious.lst | -r -i se05_cms | grep -v admin
0002000000000000018E3B60 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 3336915216 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018B6FE0 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 787573248 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018987B0 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 3222094048 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001A896A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 674796192 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018E77A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 1390713984 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000189EF28 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 810449872 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018D23A8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 137643984 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018CC2E8 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 700283680 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000018D2898 <-P------X--(0)[0]> 111847864 si={cms:cms}

Drats! frown the flag signature is the same as for the only precious files... something is wrong....

Let's do a check: -i -l p se05_cms only-precious.lst > op-gaga.lst  wc -l op-gaga.lst only-precious.lst   317 op-gaga.lst   317 only-precious.lst -i -l s se05_cms only-precious.lst > check.lst wc -l check.lst 317 check.lst 


How to migrate the files in a pool

We get the list of files that we want to transfer se05_cms > se05_cms-ID.lst 

We split the files into batches of 500 files for the migration

split -d -l 500 se05_cms-ID.lst batch_ID 

Test the migration with the first batch

time se05_cms se15_cms batch_ID00 real    1m52.828s user    0m0.060s sys     0m0.140s 

We can see that the transfer load on the machines increases immediately

se05_src.png se15_dst.png

The transfers seem to fill one Gb connection. Every thumper has 4 aggregated 1Gb ethernet connections, but it may be that the hash function governing the distribution over the physical interfaces evaluates to the same for all these connections, so we effectively are only using a single one.

The thumper's CPU spends lots of time in system/kernel space, probably because the connections are fighting for the network. Based on our experience in writing to the 48 disks, the problem should not be located in disk I/O.


The number of queued transfers can easily be seen by looking at the queue info page.

The copies finished around 16:30h.

Now we do a sanity check whether all copies are ok: -i se15_cms batch_ID00 > batch_ID00.check  wc -l batch_ID00  batch_ID00.check   500 batch_ID00   500 batch_ID00.check 

We do a little check for the flags (should be cached-only files):

head -10 batch_ID00 | -r -i se15_cms | grep -v admin

00020000000000000137A2C8 <C----------(0)[0]> 156990918 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001A980A8 <C----------(0)[0]> 4769081784 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000015D2568 <C----------(0)[0]> 4162 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001C29030 <C----------(0)[0]> 22260183 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000023B65E0 <C----------(0)[0]> 1187411081 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000002144460 <C----------(0)[0]> 2578597264 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001B482A0 <C----------(0)[0]> 1782946180 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000121F038 <C----------(0)[0]> 1572443586 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001C9C7B8 <C----------(0)[0]> 1921029783 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000BB020 <C----------(0)[0]> 179755831 si={cms:cms}

We set the files to sticky for that pool

time -c 'rep set sticky $n on' se15_cms batch_ID00 real    0m40.966s user    0m0.050s sys     0m0.630s 

And again, we check the flag values

 head -10 batch_ID00 | -r -i se15_cms | grep -v admin

00020000000000000137A2C8 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 156990918 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001A980A8 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 4769081784 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000015D2568 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 4162 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001C29030 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 22260183 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000023B65E0 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1187411081 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000002144460 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 2578597264 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001B482A0 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1782946180 si={cms:cms}
00020000000000000121F038 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1572443586 si={cms:cms}
000200000000000001C9C7B8 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 1921029783 si={cms:cms}
0002000000000000000BB020 <C-------X--(0)[0]> 179755831 si={cms:cms}

Seems ok big grin

Fotis did the next steps:

time se05_cms se11_cms batch_ID01 time se05_cms se12_cms batch_ID02 time se05_cms se13_cms batch_ID03 time se05_cms se14_cms batch_ID04 

The full list of commands and pool destinations is, or should be:

time ./ se05_cms se15_cms batch_ID00 # executed, sticky'ed & verified time ./ se05_cms se11_cms batch_ID01 # executed time ./ se05_cms se12_cms batch_ID02 # executed time ./ se05_cms se13_cms batch_ID03 # executed time ./ se05_cms se14_cms batch_ID04 # executed time ./ se05_cms se15_cms batch_ID05 # executed time ./ se05_cms se16_cms batch_ID06 # executed time ./ se05_cms se17_cms batch_ID07 # executed time ./ se05_cms se18_cms batch_ID08 # executed time ./ se05_cms se19_cms batch_ID09 # executed time ./ se05_cms se20_cms batch_ID10 # executed time ./ se05_cms se20_cms batch_ID11 # executed 

Tests whether everything has worked out

Have all files been copied?

Let's do an independent test whether all has worked out correctly. Every file should now have at least two replicas, one one the original pool se05_cms, and one on another pool. So we just get the cacheinfo for every file, and look whether there are files which only have one replicate. se05_cms-ID.lst > checklist  # In the command's output multiple pools are separated by a colon ",". So we can search lines without colons to find suspicious entries #   (i.e. files with only one or no phys replicate) grep -v ',' checklist 0002000000000000019B9C30  # let's investigate this single ID echo 0002000000000000019B9C30 | 0002000000000000019B9C30  # let's find the filename echo 0002000000000000019B9C30 | 0002000000000000019B9C30 /pnfs/ 

Ok. This file is from a local user area. Maybe the user has done something to it. Problem is now that we have an orphaned pnfs entry without a file beneath it. Usually one should ask the user in respect to this. But this is a small matter in comparison to the whole migration that we did big grin

Are all files sticky?

use something like -r -i se12_atlas filelist.lst > check_se12_atlas_rep.lst grep "C--" check_se12_atlas_rep.lst | grep -v '\-X\-' 

Example how to transfer back misplaced ATLAS files from CMS pools

For all affected pools, we generate pool file lists and pnfs mappings, e.g. se12_cms > se12_cms_id.lst se12_cms_id.lst > se12_cms_pnfs.lst 

We filter out files belonging to atlas and generate lists with the misplaced files per pool

for n in *pnfs.lst; do grep "" $n > wrongatlas_"${n}"; done 

The next steps demonstrate the sequence for a single pool. We transfer the files from the node's CMS pool to the ATLAS pool on the same node.

  1. issue copy commands (careful: target files end up as cached only). This proved successful for these lists of 5000 files!
    time -f se12_cms se12_atlas wrongatlas_se12_cms_pnfs.lst real 13m23.419s 
  2. for checking whether all files were duplicated
    time wrongatlas_se12_cms_pnfs.lst > wrongatlas_se12_cms_cacheinfo.lst real 8m9.301s grep -v 'se12_atlas' wrongatlas_se12_cms_cacheinfo.lst 
    • If there are missing files, again pipe their IDs into a ppcopy command.
  3. for dc_generic_cellcommand we need a list of IDs only
    cut -f1 -d' ' wrongatlas_se12_cms_pnfs.lst > wrongatlas_se12_cms_id.lst 
  4. set files sticky on new pool
    time -f -c 'rep set sticky $n on' se12_atlas wrongatlas_se12_cms_id.lst real 9m16.211s 
  5. for checking whether all files have been set sticky
    time -r -i se12_atlas wrongatlas_se12_cms_id.lst > check_se12_atlas_rep.lst real 8m20.484s grep "C--" check_se12_atlas_rep.lst | grep -v '\-X\-' 
  6. If all looks ok, remove the misplaced files from the CMS pool CAREFUL! This is irreversible!!!! -y -f se12_cms wrongatlas_se12_cms_id.lst 

List of corrected pools

Pool status
se12 done
se13 done
se14 done
se15 done
se16 done
se17 except for 0003000000000000043E6DE0 0003000000000000043E6DB8 0003000000000000043E7778
se18 except for 0003000000000000043E7F38 0003000000000000043E7D70 0003000000000000043E78E0
se19 except for 000300000000000003B99948 0003000000000000043E7F10 000300000000000000FD6388 0003000000000000043E7B40
se20 done

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng se05_src.png r1 manage 6.2 K 2009-06-25 - 13:32 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng se15_cpu.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2009-06-25 - 13:39 DerekFeichtinger  
PNGpng se15_dst.png r1 manage 7.5 K 2009-06-25 - 13:32 DerekFeichtinger  

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