dCache Migration to 2.6 from 2.2

The official upgrade notes can be found on the dCache website at the link below


Config changes

Java update

With the release of 1.7.0_45 there has been some changes to the security limits specifically the minimum RSA key size. Some grid services use smaller keys as such we need to remove this.


# 1.7.0_45
 jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, RSA keySize < 1024

# Previous versions


In the dcache.conf file there are some lines we need to add.

In dache 2.6 atime isn't recorded by default the below re-enables this


Plots are disabled in the WebUI for dcache 2.6 by default, the below enabled them


PNFS namespace support has been dropped from 2.6 be sure the following line is removed or commented out



As nfsv4 is now used in 2.6 as such we need to add "[namespaceDomain/nfsv41]" to our namespace domian, the whole thing looks like this.


Upgrade procedure

Make backups

Stop dcache

  dcache stop

Dump the db

  pg_dumpall -U postgres -c -f pgdump.16102013.sql

Stop postgres

  service postgresql stop

Backup billing info

  Note: compress the in PROD
  cp /var/lib/dcache/billing/ .

Copy backups to remote location (e.g. the NAS)

Re-install machine

Important: Ensure machine will use UMD-3 repos in cfengine when re-installed.

Install postgres 9.3

  yum remove postgresql*
  rpm -ivh http://yum.postgresql.org/9.3/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-sl93-9.3-1.noarch.rpm
  yum install postgresql93-server

Start the new postgres

  service service postgresql-9.3 initdb
  vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf - change auth to trust
  service service postgresql-9.3 start

Import the db

  su - postgres
  psql -f /tmp/pgdump.16102013

Ensure you are running Java 7

 java -version
 # If not
 yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64

Install dCache

  yum localinstall http://www.dcache.org/downloads/1.9/repo/2.6/dcache-2.6.10-1.noarch.rpm

Check the config, and start dCache if all is ok

  dcache check-config
  dcache start

Additional monitoring


Install dcache26-plugin-xrootd-monitor package form WLCG repo http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/wlcg/sl6/x86_64/ to enable CMS monitoring of xrootd door at http://xrootd.t2.ucsd.edu/display

Requires the following config to be added


Awesome documentation by Fabio can be found at the following link


Java monitoring

Explore usage of jmxquery and jmxmetric to plot Java utilization



Issues seen on mailing list


if one configures WebDAV in dCache and wants to have access not only with certificates, but also with proxy certificates it is necessary to set parameter


Plugin compatibility

It appears 2.6.12 has some issues with plugins which the developers say should be fixed in 2.6.14 (not yet released 12/11/2013). As such we will install 2.6.11

-- GeorgeBrown - 2013-10-28

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > ToolsBoard > FormsAndTemplates > DCacheMigrationTo26
Topic revision: r5 - 2013-11-12 - GeorgeBrown
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