CHIPP-CSCS Face to Face Meeting on 2019-01-21

  • Date and time: Monday 21st of January at 10:15
  • Place: CSCS
  • External link / EVO: Yes, Scopia. Win/Mac: (Room: 6708238) | Linux(vidyo): | Phone gate: +41 43 244 8930 (ext 6708238 #)


  • 10:15 - Welcome, coffee and agenda
  • 10:30 - VO Status report (~last 6 months + changes since last F2F, for both Phoenix and CRAY)
    • LHCb (20' - Roland)
    • ATLAS (20' - Gianfranco)
    • CMS (20' - Thomas)
  • 11:30 - Tier-2 status, plans & pledges
    • CSCS (45' - Various people, for both Phoenix and CRAY)
    • Discussion (30')
  • 13:00 - Lunch
  • 14:15 - Tier-2 status, plans & pledges
    • UNIBE-LHEP (30' - Gianfranco)
  • 14:45 - Tier-3 status and plans
    • PSI (15' - Nina)
    • UNIBE-ID (15' - Gianfranco)
    • UNIGE (15' - Gianfranco)
  • 15:30 - Coffee break
  • 15:45 - NGI_CH (20' - Gianfranco)
  • 16:05 - Tier-0 activities (10' - Pablo & Gianfranco)
  • 16:15 - End of meeting


  • CSCS: Dario, Dino, Marco, Stefano, Pablo
  • CMS: Christoph Grab
  • ATLAS: Gianfranco Sciacca
  • LHCb: Roland Bernet



  • Higher failure rates in Daint, mostly solved
  • Monitoring in the dashboard is great, more than sufficient
  • [Action Roland] Data efficiency is slower on Daint, Roland will follow up on this


  • Higher failure rates in Phoenix
  • Good jobs have very good performance, mostly thanks to the new scratch
  • ATLAS takes too much time to recover after downtimes, as CMS does not seem to stop submission, which is a problem
  • Fair-share is completely off in Phoenix
  • [Action for CSCS] Wish-list for the monitoring dashboard:

Other Action items


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
PDFpdf UNIBE-LHEP-20190121.pdf r1 manage 757.1 K 2019-01-21 - 10:58 GianfrancoSciacca UNIBE-LHEP T2 report
PDFpdf f2f-lugano-19-cms-t3.pdf r1 manage 753.6 K 2019-01-20 - 19:15 NinaLoktionova t3 cms status report
PDFpdf CSCS-T0-integration-v3.pdf r1 manage 1064.8 K 2019-01-21 - 16:52 GianfrancoSciacca T0 integration talk @ HEPiX
PDFpdf LHCb_CHIPP_Lugano_Jan2019.pdf r2 r1 manage 1594.4 K 2019-01-21 - 09:57 RolandBernet LHCb VO Report
PDFpdf 20190121_F2F_CSCS_final.pdf r2 r1 manage 4117.4 K 2019-01-21 - 08:33 StefanoGorini CSCS F2F report 2018
PDFpdf ATLAS-report-20190121.pdf r1 manage 3221.9 K 2019-01-21 - 09:53 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS VO report (T2)

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Topic revision: r12 - 2019-01-25 - PabloFernandez
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