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Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2021-05-20 at 14:00

Next meeting:


Followup from previous Action Items

Action items




T2 Sites reports



T3 Sites reports




  • EGI monthly report for April ok kfor NGI-CH

  • The following issue reported in March and April has not yet been solved:

    CSCS squids (cvmfs and cvmfs1) are not working as needed. Should be fixed as in such configuration it is like they are not there in the first place (no caching)
    (email by Ilija.Vukotic@cern.ch on 16th March 2021):

    "If I look at wlcg squid monitoring:


Review of open tickets


Ticket-ID Type VO Site Priority Resp. Unit Status Last Update Subject Scope
152076 atlas UNIBE-LHEP less urgent NGI_CH assigned 2021-05-20 Job failures at UNIBE-LHEP WLCG
152070   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH assigned 2021-05-20 SAM tests failing at T2_CH_CSCS WLCG
152033   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH in progress 2021-05-20 Erroneous consistency check endpoint at ... WLCG
151997   cms CSCS-LCG2 urgent NGI_CH assigned 2021-05-14 WebDAV protocol deployed (T2_CH_CSCS) WLCG
151265   cms CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH on hold 2021-04-09 Enabling WebDAV on Production ... WLCG
150373   dune UNIBE-LHEP less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2021-05-14 Enable DUNE queue for CPU and future ... EGI
144485   none CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH assigned in progress 2021-04-14 Upgrade to recent dCache release EGI
  • Attendants
  • CSCS:
  • CMS:
  • ATLAS:
  • LHCb:
  • EGI:

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ATLAST2ReportApr2021.pdf r1 manage 429.7 K 2021-05-20 - 10:27 GianfrancoSciacca ATLAS CH Tier2 report
PDFpdf CH-ATLAST2Report.pdf r1 manage 139.0 K 2021-05-20 - 10:27 GianfrancoSciacca CH-ATLAS Tier2 report
PDFpdf CHIPPreportMay2021.pdf r2 r1 manage 1009.7 K 2021-05-20 - 13:23 NickCardo CSCS Site Report
PDFpdf wlcg-swissops-cms-20210520.pdf r1 manage 3575.1 K 2021-05-20 - 11:59 DerekFeichtinger CMS report

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > MeetingsBoard > MeetingSwissGridOperations20210520
Topic revision: r5 - 2021-05-20 - NickCardo
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