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Swiss Grid Operations Meeting on 2022-05-12 at 09:00

*Next meeting:

F2F 2 June 2022





T2 Sites reports



T3 Sites reports




  • New CERN Grid CA introduced on 25th April. dCache restart needed => done @CSCS
    • the following versions of dCache do not need a restart:
  • New benchmark replacing HEP-SPEC06

    • The benchmark HEPSCORE is going to replace the old HEP-SPEC06
    • Preparing plans with WLCG and the EGI Accounting team for deploying the new benchmark
    • There will be a transition period during which both the benchmark will be published by the sites and used to normalise the data to allow comparison between the two
    • APEL is working on a version where the accounting records contains 2 benchmarks
    • ARC needs to develop accordingly
    • Expected timescale for rollout: Q4 2022 (tentative)

Review of open tickets


4 of 4 Tickets
Ticket-ID Type VO Site Priority Resp. Unit Status Last Update Subject Scope
156799 lhcb CSCS-LCG2 very urgent NGI_CH in progress 2022-05-04 Pilots Failed at CSCS-LCG2 EGI
156213 atlas CSCS-LCG2 less urgent NGI_CH in progress 2022-03-07 CSCS-LCG2: Non-operational storage ... EGI
154102   dune UNIBE-LHEP less urgent NGI_CH on hold 2021-12-22 Local accounting for DUNE jobs at ... EGI
150373   dune UNIBE-LHEP less urgent NGI_CH on hold 2021-12-22 Enable DUNE queue for CPU and future ... EGI

  • Attendants
  • CSCS:
  • CMS:
  • ATLAS:
  • LHCb:
  • EGI:

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
PDFpdf ATLAST2ReportApril2022.pdf r1 manage 779.8 K 2022-05-11 - 21:29 GianfrancoSciacca  
PDFpdf cscs_lhcb_20220509.pdf r1 manage 593.6 K 2022-05-12 - 08:03 RolandBernet  
PDFpdf wlcg-swissops-cms-20220512.pdf r1 manage 4811.9 K 2022-05-12 - 05:50 DerekFeichtinger CMS site report Apr 2022

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > MeetingsBoard > MeetingSwissGridOperations20220512
Topic revision: r4 - 2022-05-12 - RolandBernet
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