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Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 04:20 (GMT)

FW updates on DALCO JBOD servers SN F 18.05.101 104 and F 18.11.176 This is the latest firmware package: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/de/download/28696/Intel...
OBSOLETE INFORMATION basic understanding of the dCache for advanced user (archived pages) The Storage Element ( SE ) t3se01.psi.ch runs dCache, a Grid Storage...
red { background color:#DD2233; } blue { background color:#4433FF; } green { background color:#22AA11; } black { color:#000000; font weight:bold; } section { color...
Analysis of the `Ntuples` This page describes the setup and some tools for analyzing the `ntuples`. Quick and dirty plots directly from the ntuple setenv LD LIBRARY...
Under construction How to run on data with crab Setting up the environment Check out some recent CMSSW version Setup the CRAB environment. Using c shell...
Documentation on CMSSW Tested Versions Setup a developers release area to work, just to get you started on t3ui02.psi.ch: cmsrel cd /src cmsenv cvs co r...
Table with Candidates in the NTuple Plugin Bplus to J/Psi Kplus Candidate ID Daughters Fit package Description 100521 Kalman Bplus...
Table with chain files MC chain files Name Chain file configuration files Chain Events Processed Events Lumi B0 mumu...
Introduction The production is not based on crab, but on 1 3 scripts. It can be run either on the grid or on the T3 batch system. The output is (by default) stored...
Mass production of ntuples on data and (min bias) MC Release The working releases will change over time. The following have been tested to work. CMSSW 3...
Howto look at files in Manno srmls srm://storage01.lcg.cscs.ch:8443/srm/managerv2\?SFN /pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/cms/trivcat/store/user/ursl/production/Winter10/...
Number of topics: 11

Topic revision: r92 - 2022-12-09 - DerekFeichtinger
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