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50 Recent Changes in CmsTier3 Web retrieved at 17:05 (GMT)

Statistics for CmsTier3 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier 3 To apply for a Tier 3 account please send an email to cms tier3@lists.psi.ch with Subject `account request`....
CMS data ordering by Rucio CMS is using Rucio for the data management across sites. Our Tier 3 has the Rucio name T3 CH PSI , the Swiss Tier 2 is accordingly named...
How to work with Storage Element SE clients Storage data (based on dCache) located under directory /pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/store/user/username . Data are...
Understanding Tier 3 storage The Tier 3 offers different kinds of storage and it is important that you understand how to use them to their best advantage. User home...
HowTo use EOS from the PSI Tier 3 Currently the local mounting of EOS has problems. But we can use the command line eos utility For authentication EOS accepts either...
Policies for the resource allocation on the PSI Tier 3 These policies were agreed upon in the first and second Steering Board meetings. They need revision in...
Slurm Batch system usage Simple job submission and the concept of queues (partitions) On the Tier 3 you run jobs by submitting them to the Slurm job scheduler. The...
Solutions to Operational Issues daily check of slurm Even though many problems are signalled through mails by Icinga, I also prefer to have a look each morning on...
How to access, set up, and test your account Mailing lists and communication with admins and other users cms tier3 users@lists.psi.ch : list through which we...
List of Monitorings Nagios Notifications on Icinga Server (for rhel7 nodes) Ganglia Report dCache State: interface Interface...
How to retrieve your corrupted or deleted /t3home and /work files Every user can retrieve from snapshots corrupted or deleted files from /t3home or /work...
Welcome to the PSI 1 web News List all news T3 User information Request a T3 account Mailing Lists and Support To receive information about...
OBSOLETE INFORMATION basic understanding of the dCache for advanced user (archived pages) The Storage Element ( SE ) t3se01.psi.ch runs dCache, a Grid Storage...
CPU Example #!/bin/bash # #SBATCH p wn #SBATCH account t3 #SBATCH job name job name #SBATCH mem 3000M # memory 3GB (per job) #SBATCH time...
Tier 3 Steering Board Board Members ETHZ Mauro Donega (new CHIPP Computing board chair) Simone Pigazzini...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details I wish you a happy and productive new year. as every year, PSI is conducting the big compute center test (`Schaltertest`)...
Useful Slurm commands Overview command description sinfo monitor nodes and partitions queue information; check more info options by sinfo...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details These are the first nodes in our cluster based on the AMD EPYC architecture. For the first days we will just run them in a...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details Please look at these pages Tier3Storage HowToRetrieveBackupFiles
Trust/Link from QuoVadis CA You are invited to use QuoVadis Trust/Link as a Subscriber to issue Grid Host certificates for the ScITS UniBe Account in the following...
This page is an up to date version of ObtainingHostCertificates Obtaining host certificates for Grid servers Certificates now agaim come from QuoVadis. Their services...
ZFS snapshots backup configuration OBSOLETE Note by Derek at cluster takeover: This page contains obsolete information, since for the last months...
Monitoring OBSOLETE This page has been dismantled I leave it active for the moment since it contains some links that still may be interesting Networking and...
Slurm Utilisation useful commands to Monitor Slurm Plots of Slurm Partitions Usage WN and QUICK GPU and QGPU Load of WNs on t3ganglia...
Shutting down the Tier 3 Before Downtime 1. do announcement in : t3 user list: cms tier3 users #64;lists.psi.ch t3 admin wiki COGDB...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
May 20 Security updates/measures set `nosuid` flag for shared file systems mount points (/t3home, /work and /pg backup) EGI Trust Anchor release...
Deployment of Storage Accounting EGI APEL dCache accounting done (and puppetized ) on t3se01 according to Quick check of publishing status: http...
Areca Support WebGUI usage steps to allow web access: # /root/Linuxhttp V2.5.1 180529/x86 64/archttp64 ArchHTTP for setup: http://hostname:81/ or directly the...
Grid Host Certificate instruction T3 Admin access registration on Certification Service Provider QuoVadis: done for the following common T3 address...
GPU Example #!/bin/bash # #SBATCH job name test job #SBATCH account gpu gres # to access gpu resources #SBATCH partition gpu...
Monitoring Storage Plots Slurm Utilisation Links to PhEDEx monitoring Link to Admin Monitoring
Slurm GPU Running Jobs Slurm GPU Running vs Pending Jobs Slurm QGPU (quick GPU Partition) Running Jobs Slurm QGPU (quick GPU Partition) Running vs Pending Jobs...
1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences User Pages Main Page...
Slurm WN Partition: Running Jobs Slurm WN Partition: Running vs Waiting Jobs Slurm QUICK Partition: Running Jobs Slurm QUICK Partition: Running vs Waiting...
Networking and File Transfers ( PhEDEx) Links: usage at T3 usage at T2 day of FTS3 jobs induced by CRAB3, transfers details day of FTS3 jobs induced...
Comparison of I/O Performance on /t3home, /work and /eos with simple dd benchmark measure of write performance to eos 7.9 MB/s dd if /dev/zero of /eos/home n...
PSI Tier 3 Physics Groups Overview Obsolete information, needs update Note: Each group has a home page on this wiki that can be reached by the link in the Name...
Submitting Multicore/Multithreading job using multiple processors/threads on a single physical computer (SMP parallel job) Your program might require a number of...
Basic job submission and monitoring on the Tier 3 The Tier 3 cluster is running the Sun Grid Engine batch queueing system. You can submit any shell script to the...
CMS Tier 3 News Item Summary Details
Hardware Care Hardware Serial and Warranties Storage Dalco JBOD Serves Support NinaLoktionova 2019 05 08
FW updates on DALCO JBOD servers SN F 18.05.101 104 and F 18.11.176 This is the latest firmware package: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/de/download/28696/Intel...
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