How to work with the SE

basic understanding of the dCache for advanced user

The Storage Element ( SE ) runs dCache, a Grid Storage middleware which transparently combines together the space made available by tens of fileservers in a single namespace called /pnfs ; on the top of it dCache offers the Grid protocols dcap gsidcap root srm gsiftp in order to allow the Grid tools lcg-cp xrdcp srm-cp dccp gfal-copy ... to upload/download files into/from this single namespace. Whenever a new file get written in /pnfs either by a T3 user or by the PhEDEx service dCache randomly selects a filesystem to host that new file, it doesn't matter the Grid protocol, the Grid tool, the user or the server used to upload the file itself ; typically more than a single file it's written in a /pnfs subdir and accordingly all the files inside that subdir will be randomly spread over all the available filesystems ; this files distribution implements a load-balancing among all the available filesystems and avoid any I/O bottleneck. Along the time newer, bigger and faster filesystems and fileservers replace their older peers but all these operations are transparently performed behind the scenes by a dCache administrator ; the T3 users won't notice these maintenances but they will be affected by a dCache SW upgrade or by a major fault occurred to a fileserver

dCache it's not the first middleware aggregating heterogeneous fileservers together ( e.g. look Gluster or OrangeFS ) nor probably the best one ( e.g. it can't split a file in distributed chunks like Gluster ) but it supports very well the Grid context ( VOMS authorizations, X509s management, Space Token support, Grid protocols, ... ) so it's a good choice for our specific needs.

The Grid protocols/Grid tools versatility offered by a dCache setup often confuses the new T3 user since it's not always well integrated with 3rd SW like ROOT / hadd / CMSSW, it behaves differently if the file access comes from the T3 LAN or from a remote Internet site ( WAN access ), if the CMSSW environment is loaded or not, if the CRAB environment is loaded or not, and it's processed with different policies set by the T3 admins, so a nonnegligible learning period is requested in order to grasp all these protocols, tools and corner cases.

In order to use the T3 SE service at its bestest it's needed at least a basic understanding of the dCache internals ( a comparable effort is needed to properly use a new batch system ) ; the basic unit of a dCache setup is a single filesystem, necessarily hosted inside a single fileserver ; by its nature, each filesystem can sustain a certain amount of concurrent streaming operations, like downloading a 1GB .root file, and a higher amount of concurrent interactive operations, like opening a .root file from a batch job to read a fraction of it, do some computing, and after a while read another fraction. To differentiate these I/O cases dCache offers a FIFO I/O queue system per filesystem. It's up to the dCache administrator to select a reasonable threshold both for the streaming and the interactive cases, at T3 those are max 4 streaming operations and max ~100 concurrent interactive operations. Further I/O requests will get queued in their specific I/O queue and they won't start until an I/O slot won't get available. A T3 user will notice these "stuck" cases because his/her file request won't start like usual. If so, write immediately to cms-tier3 AT because 99% of the times that will be an error.

More than a Grid protocol can be mapped to a same I/O queue by the dCache administrator ; for instance at T3 the dcap gsidcap Grid protocols use the same interactive I/O queue regular ; a such overlap is made to mitigate the lack of a comprehensive I/O queue limits system since it implicitly implements the limit "max 100 dcap OR gsidcap connections" in the I/O queue regular associated to a single filesystem ; ideally a dCache administrator would create an I/O queue for each Grid protocol instead and he would define a list of constraints involving more than a single I/O queue.

Presently dCache CAN'T enforce limits like :

  1. max active I/O slots per filesystem involving all the several I/O queues using that filesystem ; it's only possible to define an isolated max active I/O slots per I/O queue
  2. max active I/O user slots for a specific I/O queue
  3. max active I/O user slots for all the I/O queues with the same name
  4. max active I/O user slots for all the I/O queues
  5. max active I/O user space in /pnfs

all these inapplicable limits mean that a single misbehaving user will globally affect the T3 SE service ; especially the case 2. is occurred more than once in the early past. Only the T3 administrators will be able to fix these cases by usually identifying the culprit, killing his/her computational jobs and explaining what was wrong.

The I/O queues system and the Grid protocols mapping

Grid protocol t3server Filesystem I/O queue Max active slots for that I/O queue Grid protocol/t3server endpoint reachable from Internet?
dcap regular 100 No
gsidcap regular 100 No
root wan 4 Yes
gsiftp wan 2 Yes
srm ( i.e. again gsiftp ) wan 2 Yes
dcap none 0 No
gsidcap none 0 No
root regular 100 No
gsiftp none 0 No
srm ( i.e. again gsiftp ) none 0 No

by the following watch command ( to be executed on a t3ui server ) we can observe both the filesystems and their several I/O queues ; the Movers column reports the sums of the several Restores Stores P2P-Server P2P-Client regular wan xrootd Active/Max/Queued counters ; each T3 user is affected only by the regular wan xrootd traffic :

$ watch --interval=1 --differences 'lynx -dump -width=800  | grep -v __________ | grep -v ops ' 

Pool Request Queues

     CellName               DomainName                  Movers           Restores           Stores          P2P-Server        P2P-Client          regular              wan             xrootd
                                                  Active Max  Queued Active Max Queued Active Max Queued Active Max Queued Active Max Queued Active Max  Queued Active Max Queued Active Max Queued
                       Total                      434    3710 0      0          0      0          0      0      340 0      0      350 0      347    3500 0      3      70  0      84     140 0
   t3fs02_cms    t3fs02-Domain-pool-t3fs02_cms    11     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      8      100  0      0      2   0      3      4   0
   t3fs03_cms    t3fs03-Domain-pool-t3fs03_cms    17     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      15     100  0      0      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs04_cms    t3fs04-Domain-pool-t3fs04_cms    19     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      17     100  0      0      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs04_cms_1  t3fs04-Domain-pool-t3fs04_cms_1  21     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      21     100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs07_cms    t3fs07-Domain-pool-t3fs07_cms    9      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      6      100  0      0      2   0      3      4   0
   t3fs08_cms    t3fs08-Domain-pool-t3fs08_cms    13     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      9      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs09_cms    t3fs09-Domain-pool-t3fs09_cms    10     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      6      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs10_cms    t3fs10-Domain-pool-t3fs10_cms    19     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      15     100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs11_cms    t3fs11-Domain-pool-t3fs11_cms    7      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      4      100  0      1      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs13_cms    t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms    11     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      8      100  0      1      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_0  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_0  0      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      5   0      0      10  0      0      100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_1  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_1  8      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      8      100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_10 t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_10 11     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      9      100  0      0      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_11 t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_11 11     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      7      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_2  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_2  8      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      5      100  0      0      2   0      3      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_3  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_3  16     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      12     100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_4  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_4  13     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      9      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_5  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_5  16     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      16     100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_6  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_6  16     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      16     100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_7  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_7  10     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      6      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_8  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_8  18     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      16     100  0      0      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs13_cms_9  t3fs13-Domain-pool-t3fs13_cms_9  10     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      6      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms    t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms    16     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      13     100  0      0      2   0      3      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_0  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_0  0      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      5   0      0      10  0      0      100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_1  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_1  17     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      13     100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_10 t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_10 8      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      5      100  0      0      2   0      3      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_11 t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_11 19     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      19     100  0      0      2   0      0      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_2  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_2  14     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      12     100  0      0      2   0      2      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_3  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_3  14     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      12     100  0      1      2   0      1      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_4  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_4  20     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      19     100  0      0      2   0      1      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_5  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_5  10     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      6      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_6  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_6  12     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      8      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_7  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_7  8      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      4      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_8  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_8  8      106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      4      100  0      0      2   0      4      4   0
   t3fs14_cms_9  t3fs14-Domain-pool-t3fs14_cms_9  14     106  0      0          0      0          0      0      10  0      0      10  0      13     100  0      0      2   0      1      4   0
                       Total                      434    3710 0      0          0      0          0      0      340 0      0      350 0      347    3500 0      3      70  0      84     140 0

SE clients

Read-Only NFSv3 /pnfs

On the t3ui* t3wn* servers it's mounted Read-Only the namespace /pnfs in order to easily use the common Linux commands cd, ls, find, du, stat and so on ; a daily updated, pre-ordered by dir size report is always available on with the limitation that it might be max 12h old

A couple of find /pnfs/ examples :

  • find /pnfs/ -atime +50 -iname *root -uid `id -u $USER`
  • find /pnfs/ -atime +50 -type d -uid `id -u $USER`

Note that only meta-data based commands will work (e.g. displaying the file list, file size, last access time, etc.) on /pnfs but no file-content commands ( it is not possible to cat or grep a file). There is however a special command to copy a file to a local file system like /scratch called dccp. Use it like this :

dccp /pnfs/ /scratch/$USER/


As said at the beginning of this page, the T3 SE features several Grid protocols accessible by several Grid tools ; this is flexible but it's also a source of confusion so if you don't have a motivation to use more than one tool or more than a protocol than always use root:// and the tools xrdfs xrdcp ; this XROOTD commands knowledge will be recyclable in the larger CMS AAA context.

The T3 Xrootd WAN service - I/O queue xrootd

  • It's a Read-Write Xrootd service exposed on Internet ( "WAN" ) reachable by root://
  • MAX 4 active connections are allowed in each of its dedicated dCache I/O queues xrootd
  • Only the /pnfs/ namespace subset is available but in practical terms this is not a limitation though.
  • Be aware that this service is intentionally NOT connected to the CMS AAA service because of the 2016 CMS policy that excludes both permanently all the T3 sites and dynamically all the misbehaving T1/T2 sites ; root:// is reachable from Internet because it's connected again by CMS AAA policy to as shown by the following example :
$ xrdfs locate /store/mc/RunIIFall15MiniAODv2/ZprimeToWW_narrow_M-3500_13TeV-madgraph/MINIAODSIM/PU25nsData2015v1_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v12-v1/00000/86A261F4-3BB8-E511-88EE-C81F66B73F37.root
[::]:1095 Server Read

$ host domain name pointer

$ xrdcp --force  root:// /dev/null   

The T3 Xrootd LAN service - I/O queue regular ( DEFAULT service to be used )

  • It's a Read-Write Xrootd service unexposed on Internet ( "LAN" ) reachable by root://
  • MAX 100 active connections are allowed in each of dCache I/O queues regular, in constant competition with the dcap and gsidcap Active/Max/Queued connections.
  • The full T3 /pnfs namespace is available.

xrdfs executed on a UI in the Xrootd LAN service case :

$ xrdfs ls -l -u //pnfs/$USER/
-rw- 2015-03-15 22:03:41  5356235878 root://
-rw- 2015-03-15 22:06:04      131870 root://
-rw- 2015-03-15 22:06:45  1580023632 root://

xrdcp executed on a UI in the Xrootd LAN service case :

$ xrdcp -d 1 root://$USER/ZllH.DiJetPt.Mar1.DY1JetsToLL_M-50_TuneZ2Star_8TeV-madgraph_procV2_mergeV1V2.root /dev/null -f 

dcap and gsidcap - I/O queue regular ( legacy tools )

dcap and gsidcap are a fast method to copy a file from the SE to a local disk on the T3. The protocol is blocked towards the outside, so you cannot use it from a machine outside of PSI ( like lxplus ) for downloading files.
dccp dcap://  /tmp/myfile
you can't alter /pnfs by dcap ; to modify pnfs use gsidcap instead :

dccp gsidcap://  /tmp/myfile


Using the standalone ROOT installations ( legacy )

See HowToWorkInCmsEnv#Using_StandAlone_ROOT_by_swshare

Reading a file in ROOT by xrootd - I/O queue regular
$ root -l
$ root [1] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("root://") 

Reading a file in ROOT by dcap - I/O queue regular ( legacy )

$ root -l
$ root [1] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("dcap://") 

Merging online two ROOT files by hadd and gsidcap - I/O queue regular

To merge online two ROOT files located at T3 you can use the ROOT tool hadd:
More... Close
$ source

$ which hadd

$ hadd -f0
hadd Target file:
hadd Source file 1:
hadd Source file 2:
hadd Target path:

$ ll /pnfs/
-rw-r--r-- 1 at3user ethz-susy 87M Oct  3 16:41

because of the gsidcap protocol that's usually just offered as a LAN protocol in a Tier 1/2/3, you're suppose to run hadd from a t3ui* server, not lxplus or some external UI, and you'll want to merge online two ROOT files that are necessarily stored at T3 with the final result again stored at T3.

gfal-* tools

If your jobs are still working fine with the previous lcg- tools then you can use those until they will work ; the T3 Admins won't debug your lcg- tools errors though


  • gfal2.GError: Unable to open the /usr/lib64/gfal2-plugins// plugin specified in the plugin directory, failure : /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZNK5Davix13RequestParams11getCopyModeEv
  • Use "env -i X509_USER_PROXY=~/.x509up_u`id -u` gfal-command XXX" or LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH gfal-ls gsi

In 2014 CERN released the gfal-* CLIs and APIs as its new standard toolset to interact with all the Grid SEs and their several Grid protocols ; there is a talk about that ; Since the gfal-* tools are designed to be MULTI protocol, so you can upload/download a file in several ways :

$ gfal-copy --force root:// file:////$PWD/    
$ gfal-copy --force gsi file:////$PWD/
$ gfal-copy --force srm:// file:////$PWD/
$ gfal-copy --force gsidcap:// file:////$PWD/ 
if you're in doubt about what to use then use root:// and ignore gsiftp srm gsidcap
The next table compares the outdated lcg-* tools with the new gfal-* tools :
lcg- gfal-
lcg-cp gfal-copy
lcg-ls gfal-ls
lcg-del gfal-rm
lcg-lr No equivalent CLI available, API is there
lcg-get-checksum gfal-sum
lcg-getturls, lcg-gt gfal-xattr
lcg-stmd Not available
lcg-aa, lcg-cr, lcg-la, lcg-lg… and other catalog related cli Partially available (gfal-xattr, gfal-copy and/or combination of commands)
No equivalent lcg-util command gfal-save, gfal-cat

The gfal-* tools are available both on the UIs and on the WNs servers ( you don't have to specify /usr/bin/ ):

$ /usr/bin/gfal-cat
$ /usr/bin/gfal-copy
$ /usr/bin/gfal-ls
$ /usr/bin/gfal-mkdir
$ /usr/bin/gfal-rm
$ /usr/bin/gfal-save
$ /usr/bin/gfal-sum
$ /usr/bin/gfal-xattr

It's available a man page for each of them ; e.g. : $ man gfal-rm

The following session shows in action the gfal-save and gfal-cat commands :

$ cat myfile
Hello T3
$ cat myfile | gfal-save root://
$ gfal-cat root://
Hello T3

Further examples :

$ gfal-copy root:// file:/dev/null -f
Copying root://   [DONE]  after 0s 

$ gfal-ls root:// -l
dr-xr-xr-x   0 0     0           512 Feb 21  2013 alschmid	
dr-xr-xr-x   0 0     0           512 Mar  8 14:31 amarini	
dr-xr-xr-x   0 0     0           512 May 12  2015 andis	

$ gfal-rm root://


The toolgfalFS allows to mount a GridFTP server, or a SRM server, as a local dir ; it's useful to browse and remove dirs from that GridFTP server or to remotely access a log file without downloading it.

Where to work on your t3ui :

$ pwd
/scratch/martinelli_f <---- use your account name

Making a local dir to mount the GridFTP directory :

$ mkdir t3

Mounting the GridFTP directory :

$ gfalFS t3 gsi   <---- use your account name instead

Testing if gfalFS is working :

$ ls -l t3

Removing a file <--- pay the greatest attention when you're deleting !!! The PSI T3 will protect your files but CSCS and all the other CMS Grid centres are very tolerant in terms of file deletion !

$ rm -f t3/sgejob-5939967/mybigfile
$ echo $?

Uploading a local file into the GridFTP directory by gfalFS :

$ cp /etc/hosts t3/

Transparent remote I/O ; don't do that for files >1GB but it's useful for log files :

$ cat t3/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

Deleting several GridFTP directories and files : <--- pay the greatest attention when you delete !!!

$ rm -rf t3/sgejob-59399*
$ echo $?

Unmounting the GridFTP directory :

$ gfalFS_umount -z t3
$ echo $?


$ pwd
/scratch/martinelli_f   <---- use your account name

$ mkdir t2

$ gfalFS t2 gsi$USER   

$ ls -l t2


uberftp - I/O queue wan

uberftp is a GridFTP interactive client :

Interactively accessing a GridFTP server

$ uberftp
220 GSI FTP door ready
200 User :globus-mapping: logged in
UberFTP (2.8)> cd /pnfs/
UberFTP (2.8)> ls
drwx------  1 martinelli_f martinelli_f          512 Nov 25  2014 sgejob-5939967
drwx------  1 martinelli_f martinelli_f          512 Nov 25  2014 sgejob-5939965

Listing remote directory or files

uberftp 'ls /pnfs/'  
220 GSI FTP door ready 200 PASS command successful drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 Apr 15 13:18  mc drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 Aug 11  2009  relval drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 Oct  2  2009  PhEDEx_LoadTest07 drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 Jun 17 12:19  data drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 Jun  2 15:54  user drwx------  1  
cmsuser  cmsuser  512 May 10  2009  unmerged 

Copying locally a remote file

uberftp 'get /pnfs/' 

Copying locally a remote dir

Be aware that's a serial copy, not parallel :
uberftp 'get -r  /pnfs/ .' 

Erasing a remote dir

uberftp 'rm -r /pnfs/'
or in debug mode :
uberftp  -debug 2 'rm -r /pnfs/'

globus-url-copy - I/O queue wan

Copying a dir between two GridFTP server - serial method

The globus-url-copy tool can copy file, files and recursively ( but serially ) a whole dir from a GridFTP server to another ; the file transfer will occur directly between the two GridFTP servers ; you'll have to know the absolute paths both on the sender and the receiver side ; in the next example we're going to copy the dir :
  • gsi
  • into :
  • gsi
the path prefix /gpfs/ddn/srm/cms/ has been discovered by a uberftp gsi session ; if you're in doubt contact the T3 administrators and we'll help you to identify this kind of prefixes ; at T3 / T2 the absolute paths are always respectively /pnfs/ and /pnfs/

the dir copy example :

$ globus-url-copy -continue-on-error -rst -nodcau -fast -vb -v -cd -r gsi gsi

Source: gsi
Dest:   gsi

Source: gsi
Dest:   gsi

Copying a dir between two GridFTP servers by GNU parallel

The tools globus-url-copy, uberftp, GNU parallel can be used together to copy, in parallel, a dir between two GridFTP servers, in this example a C.Galloni /pnfs dir into a MDefranc /pnfs dir ; no files will be routed trough the server running the globus-url-copy commands itself ( e.g. your UI, or a WN ) ; furthermore, since in a Grid environment each GridFTP server often acts as a transparent proxy to more than a GridFTP server, the copies will occur between a matrix 2x2 of GridFTP servers ; a bottleneck in the parallelism might occur due to the limited bandwidth available between the 2 data centres more than to the total amount of GridFTP servers involved. It's not compulsory but we recommend to run all the globus-url-copy commands in a screen -L session to avoid to get interrupted the copies just because of a connection cut to the server where you've started them ; anyway it's safe to repeat the same globus-url-copy commands over and over again.
Copying a T3 /pnfs dir into another T3 /pnfs dir ( use case requested by the users just once )
1st of all we'll generate the globus-url-copy commands to be passed as input to GNU parallel ; we'll save them into the file tobecopied ; afterward we'll started them in parallel ; we can arbitrarily choose how many parallel globus-url-copy commands to run by the GNU parallel parameter -j N ; each globus-url-copy command will consume a CPU core on the server on which you're running it so don't set a -j parameter greater than the amount of CPU cores there available :
$ uberftp -ls -r gsi | grep .root$  | awk {' print "globus-url-copy -v -cd gsi"$8" gsi"$8}' | sed 's/cgalloni/mdefranc/2' > tobecopied
$ # 10 parallel globus-url-copy 
$ cat tobecopied | parallel -j 10       
Copying a T2 /pnfs dir into a T3 /pnfs dir ( recurring use case )
Because this time the source site is different from the destination site we can increase the GNU parallel parameter from -j 10 to, for instance, -j 30 ; for a copy from a T1/T2 to a T2 you might set -j 50 ; regrettably it's impossible for an ordinary user to compute the correct -j ; again you might want to start the copies by a screen -L session, but it's not compulsory.
$ uberftp -ls -r gsi | grep .root$  | awk {' print "globus-url-copy -v -cd gsi"$8" gsi"$8}' | sed 's/cgalloni/mdefranc/2' | sed 's/' > tobecopied
$ # 30 parallel globus-url-copy 
$ cat tobecopied | parallel -j 30

lcg-tools - I/O queue wan ( legacy )

This section is reported ONLY as an historical reference

These examples show the usage of the lcg-* commands for direct interaction with a SE and bypassing grid services like file catalogs and the information system; they have man pages where you can find information about their usage. The lcg-* commands should be used instead of the srmcp, srmls, srmrm commands that are known to being too RAM demanding.

All of them are invoked with the -b -D srmv2 options that cause the commands to not try to contact the central information system to find out the protocol for our SE; this would not hurt, but it involves an unnecessary additional roundtrip over the net while supplying the information on the command line makes things faster.

Listing files or dirs (use -l flag for getting details like file sizes) :

lcg-ls -b -D srmv2 [-l] srm://

Uploading a file :

lcg-cp -b -D srmv2 my_file.dat  srm://${USER}/testA01

Downloading a file:

lcg-cp  -b -D srmv2 srm://${USER}/testA01  my_new_localfile.dat

Deleting a file.
Please take note of the -l flag!
It is necessary and tells the command that this file is not associated with any grid catalog entries from which it should be removed as well (this naturally assumes that the file you are deleting has not been registered by you or CRAB in a CMS catalog. If it is registered, the result will be that there still will be an entry in the catalog for this file, while the real copy has been deleted from our SE

lcg-del -b -D srmv2 -l srm://

if you developed your lcg-cp commands omitting the -b -D srmv2 options and these commands suddenly stop to work it could be needed to temporarily switch the information server from to the error symptom will be like:

$ lcg-cp  'srm://' 'srm://'
[GFAL][get_se_types_and_endpoints][] [BDII][g1_sd_get_se_types_and_endpoints]: No available information
lcg_cp: Invalid argument 
and the workaround to fix:
$ lcg-cp ...

SRMv2 using srmcp, srmls, etc. - I/O queue wan ( legacy )

This section is reported ONLY as an historical reference

Note : The srmcp, srmls, srmrm suite of commands is using Java which has the tendency to allocate big amounts of memory. This causes problems with the memory limits on our systems and also on the others Grid sites and cause your jobs to get killed. Try to use the gfal tools commands instead of the srm* commands.

Listing a file or dir:

srmls srm:// 

Downloading a file:

srmcp -2 -globus_tcp_port_range 20000,25000  --streams_num=1     srm://     file:////tmp/test100 


  1. The -globus_tcp_port_range 20000,25000 argument may regrettably be necessary because of a failure of the SRM client to correctly interpret an environment variable.
  2. The --streams_num=1 setting will transfer the file over one single connection (the default over 10 parallel streams only makes sense in slow WAN environments, and the connectivity can also be problematic for the required back connections). One stream is the safest setting.
  3. If you are a tcsh user, you need to put the URL in quotes, because the "?" will else be interpreted as wildcard and you will get a No match error.

Getting data from remote SEs to the T3 SE

Official datasets

For official data sets/blocks that are registered in CMS DBS you must use the PhEDEx system.

Private datasets

The recommended way to transfer private datasets (non-CMSSW ntuples) between sites is the File Transfer System (FTS) documentation. In a nuthsell, you need to prepare a file that contains lines like protocol://source protocol://destination.

An example file is the following:

gsi gsi
gsi gsi

Then, you can submit the transfer with

$ fts-transfer-submit -s -f files.txt

You will get back an ID string, which you can use to monitor your transfer on the site

The transfer will proceed in parallel, you can also specify resubmission options for failed jobs.

The site prefixes can typically be found out from existing transfer logs on the grid or by inspecting the files in


Some useful examples are below:


Job Stageout from other remote sites

You can try to stageout your CRAB3 Job outputs directly a T3_CH_PSI but if these transfers will get too slow and/or unreliable than stageout first at T2_CH_CSCS and afterwards copy your files at T3_CH_PSI by the Leonardo Sala's or whatever else Grid tool able to transfers files in parallel between 2 sites.

/pnfs dirs and files permissions

At the time you requested a T3 account you've provided your X509 DN, namely a string like: /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=accountname/CN=706134/CN=Name Surname that you can always retrieve by running on a UI :
$ voms-proxy-info | grep identity
identity  : /DC=com/DC=quovadisglobal/DC=grid/DC=switch/DC=users/C=CH/O=Paul-Scherrer-Institut (PSI)/CN=Fabio Martinelli

we've also created your SE dir /pnfs/ and granted the write permission just to you; this permission prevents the other users from deleting your files. By default even your group members won't be able to alter your own SE dir like shown in the following example :

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
owner:2980:RWX    <---- 2980 is the UID
group:500:RX   <---- no group write ; 500 is the GID

the group write permission is switched on for the group dirs instead :

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 501
group:500:RWX  <---- each member of the group can upload and delete files; they can also create new subdirs

if you need to create a /pnfs dir where also the group members can write and delete files you can proceed in this way:

$ srmmkdir srm://
$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
group:500:RX   <----no group write, yet

$ srm-set-permissions -type=ADD -group=RWX srm://

$ srm-get-permissions srm://
# file  : srm://
# owner : 2980
group:500:RWX   <---- now your group members can write files and dirs  

For obvious security reasons no user can create or remove dirs and files inside the main user dir /pnfs/ ; e.g. this srmmkdir command correctly fails :

$ srmmkdir srm://t3se01//pnfs/
Explanation: srm://t3se01//pnfs/ : Permission denied

/pnfs dirs cleanup


Each T3 user must to remove his/her old dir from /pnfs ; in order to quickly select and delete the unnecessary dirs, login on a UI ( it's crucial for the correct $USER resolution ) and prepare the file /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs :
# Extract your /pnfs dirs and save them in /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs
$ curl 2> /dev/null | egrep $USER | awk {' print "uberftp \047rm -r "$15"\047"}' > /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs

# Erase in /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs all the /pnfs dirs that you want to PRESERVE !! All the remaining /pnfs dirs will be recursively DELETED !! There are NO backups for /pnfs files !!
$ vim /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs

# Run the recursive deletions ; a CMS proxy is needed 
$ source /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs
You might start with a small fragment of /scratch/$USER/recursive.rm.pnfs and check how it behaves before to run a big deletions campaign.


Regularly monitor your disk usage

curl | grep $USER
or using the notebook/python script.

In order to clean up, use uberftp as explained above.

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