Second Steering Board Meeting

  • The meeting takes place on Tue, Feb 22nd, 14-16h
  • Location: ETHZ Central. The exact room will be announced.

To be discussed

  • shared home directories
    • Enforced User quotas. What is the acceptable size for user home directories (currently we calculate 100 TB)
    • Enforced phys group quotas?
  • SE
    • policy quotas on SE for users and phys groups
  • scratch quotas, automatic cleaning
  • review guest user policy
  • planning of HW resources
  • should T3 be extended to also have a CE (to increase usage)?

Hardware situation and possible extensions

The current feeling is that we have enough CPU resources, but we could benefit from more storage (ca 100-150 TB more would probably be necessary)

Machines going out of warranty this year:

Node type node name Hardware warranty dateSorted ascending
NFS home directory + VM server t3fs06 Thumper 2011-02-14
Home directory backup t3fs05 Thumper 2011-02-14
Admin node SUN X4150 2011-05-16
NFS experiment software server, log server t3nfs01 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
Computing Element + frontier, mon t3ce01 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
SE head node t3se01 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
SE data base t3dcachedb01 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
User interfaces t3ui01-04 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
Virtual machine hosts t3vmmaster01, t3wn08 SUN X4150 2011-05-16
old worker nodes t3wn02-04 SUN X4150 2011-05-16

  • We can use an older X4150 WN to replace parts in one of the other X4150 machines
  • We could offline one thumper as a source for disks for failing disks in other thumpers. As a first measure, it would be good to buy a few replacement disks

Mail from D. Feichtinger

Dear PSI-Tier3 Steering Board Members

We received a request from Urs Langenegger whether we would allow a second guest user for the b-physics group on our Tier-3. At our initial meeting we had defined a policy that one guest user per physics group would be accepted (policies are written down on .

Current situation:
* We have now ca 50 users (will provide better numbers taking inavtive users into account)
* CPU Resources are not tight. The queues are rarely contested these months
* SE space (ca 200 TB shared between users and data sets) is tight. According to we currently host 106 TB of user data and 84 TB of "official" data
* We do no automatic enforcement of the SE policies. Need also to improve on accounting

On the short term, to answer Urs' request: Should the additional guest user be accepted as a temporary exception (should we set policy limitations)? Could we discuss this either in this mail thread, or if necessary in a short phone conference, if that is preferred.

On the longer term: We should meet early next year to talk about the development and operations of the system (new requirements, policies), now that we really have many active users. In Febuary, a dedicated system adminstrator will start working at PSI. The T3 will be his main responsibility. He will be able to implement better resource accounting, etc. I think it would be ideal if we could set up the steering board meeting for mid-Febuary (if there are no pressing reasons to do it earlier). If this sounds good to you, I will set up a doodle poll.


-- DerekFeichtinger - 2010-12-21

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