CMS Tier-3 Upgrade Planning Page

MW updates


MW upgrades on UI / WNs


t3fs05 emergency OS reinstallation (Solaris 10 u8)

In this emergency downtime, the main effort had to be spent at a complete reinstallation of t3fs05. A detailed report on the fileserver problem leading to this can be found in IssueDcachePoolHangs. The detailed setting up of the new system is documented in SolarisOsReinstall.

OS upgrade on all nodes

On the UI, one needs to make sure that at this stage no grid software is updated.

yum update --disablerepo=glite-UI --disablerepo=dag

On all other nodes, a simple yum update was enough.

Take a look at the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and make sure that the kernel boot parameters include the console redirection options console=ttyS0,9600!!!

Reboot of all machines

Needed to adapt jdk home directory in /opt/d-cache//etc/srm_setup.env (JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17)

MW upgrade on the UI

Update the rest of the package, now with the enabled MW repositories

yum update

Test the new YAIM version against the existing node config:

cd /root/YAIM-config
/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -v -c -s site-info.def -n glite-UI

Edit /opt/glite/etc/profile.d/ as described on the NodeTypeUserInterface page.

MW upgrade for the WNs (on t3nfs01)

q.v. NodeTypeNFSServer

dCache postponed

SL5 postponed

  • Want to do the upgrade using the new PSI puppet based configuration mechanism. This is now becoming available (Oct/Nov)
Title MW updates
Summary MW upgrades on UI / WNs
Target Date Dec 11th 2009
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Topic revision: r6 - 2010-01-07 - DerekFeichtinger
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