Migration from dCache 1.9.12 to 2.2.10 (STEP BY STEP)

Create testbed

  1. DONE Copy the following files and md5sum them:
    1. Preproduction:
      cd /home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp1
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp2 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp2
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp3 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp3
      md5sum * > md5.txt
    2. PICK Production:
      cd /home/miguelgi/dcache-22/prod
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://storage01.lcg.cscs.ch:8443/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/atlas/pi/pidec_0111 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/prod/pidec_0111
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://storage01.lcg.cscs.ch:8443/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/atlas/pi/pidec_1202 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/prod/pidec_1202
      lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://storage01.lcg.cscs.ch:8443/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/atlas/pi/pidec_1111 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/prod/pidec_1111
      lcg-cp -v -n 2 lfn:/grid/dteam/cscs/testbed-miguelgi-randompp1 file:$PWD/randompp1
      lcg-cp -v -n 2 lfn:/grid/dteam/cscs/testbed-miguelgi-randompp2 file:$PWD/randompp2
      lcg-cp -v -n 2 lfn:/grid/dteam/cscs/testbed-miguelgi-randompp3 file:$PWD/randompp3
      md5sum * > md5.txt


Items to backup

Make sure that you keep a copy of these items:

  1. PostgreSQL databases in both head nodes.
  2. dCache Billing in both head nodes ( /opt/d-cache/billing/)
  3. dCache keys and certificates ( /opt/d-cache/etc/{host_key, host_key.pub, server_key, server_key.pub}). This should be in CFengine.
  4. PoolManager.conf saved by the system
    May 06 13:34 [root@storage02:~]# ls /root/PoolManager.conf.saved -lh
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16K May  6 13:33 /root/PoolManager.conf.saved

Shutdown dCache 1.9.12

  1. Shutdown dCache 1.9.12 on all pools.
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "service dcache stop" |dshbak -c
  2. Shutdown dCache 1.9.12 on the head nodes.
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "service dcache stop" |dshbak -c
  3. Make a backup of both PostgreSQL databases.
    [root @ ppstorage01]-[11:54:11]-[~]:-(# mount puppet:/cm /media
    [root @ ppstorage01]-[11:55:27]-[~]:-)# /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U postgres -c > /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.dumpall-c_complete.sql
    [root @ ppstorage02]-[11:56:41]-[~]:-(# mount puppet:/cm /media
    [root @ ppstorage02]-[11:56:44]-[~]:-)# /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U postgres -c > /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.dumpall-c_complete.sql
  4. Make a backup of the BILLING.
    [root @ ppstorage01]-[12:02:41]-[~]:-)# tar czf /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.billing.tar.gz /opt/d-cache/billing/
    [root @ ppstorage02]-[12:02:38]-[~]:-)#  tar czf /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.billing.tar.gz /opt/d-cache/billing/
  5. Shutdown the head nodes.
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "shutdown -h now; exit" |dshbak -c
  6. Boot with BRE.3 image and dump /dev/sda to a different system (mounted by NFS). In KvmVirtualization there is more information on how to mount a dd volume with LVM inside.
    [root @ ppnfs]-[09:19:41]-[/kvm_guests2]:-)# mount puppet:/cm /media
    [root @ ppnfs]-[09:19:52]-[/kvm_guests2]:-)# cp ppstorage0*.root /media/dcache-22/pp/ -v
    `ppstorage01.root' -> `/media/dcache-22/pp/ppstorage01.root'
    `ppstorage02.root' -> `/media/dcache-22/pp/ppstorage02.root'
    [root @ ppnfs]-[09:55:13]-[~]:-)# umount /media
  7. Once we have a proper backup of the complete system and the databases, we can install the new hardware.

Installation of the new systems

  1. Install storage01 and storage02 with SL 6.4
    # do not forge to add them to the category on cfagent.conf
    # SL64 = ( atlas01 PPPDCACHE3)
    # UMD2 = ( ...BLABLABLA... PPDCACHE3 )
  2. Update all the packages in both systems and reboot.
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "yum update -y --disableexcludes=main" |dshbak -c
  3. Put in place iptables rules to block transfers to the system!
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8443:8446 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 2288 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 2811 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 20000:25000 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 20000:25000 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 1094 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 2170 -j ACCEPT

Reinstallation of dCache 1.9.12 on the new hardware

  1. Install dCache 1.9.12 on the new system following instructions. Do NOT start dCache on the pools.
    1. storage01 and storage02
      yum install postgresql-server ca-policy-egi-core
      yum localinstall ./dcache-server-1.9.12-26.noarch.rpm --disableexcludes=main
      service postgresql initdb
      sed -i 's/ident/trust/' /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
      service postgresql start
    2. Install Java 7 as the following error shows: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
      yum remove jdk
      yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
  2. Dump back the databases to the new systems
    1. storage01 and storage02
      mount puppet:/cm /media
      su - postgres
      psql -f /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.dumpall-c_complete.sql
    2. storage02 only
      echo "/ localhost(rw)
      /pnfs *.lcg.cscs.ch(rw)" > /etc/exports
      echo 'RPCBIND_ARGS="-i"' > /etc/sysconfig/rpcbind
      service rpcbind restart
    3. storage01 only
      yum install emi-resource-information-service
      ln -s /opt/d-cache/libexec/infoProvider/info-based-infoProvider.sh /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/info-based-infoProvider.sh
  3. Dump back the Billing on storage01 and storage02
    cd /
    tar xzf /media/dcache-22/pp/`hostname -s`.billing.tar.gz
  4. Copy vomsdir from one of the CREAM-CEs. Note alternatively use YAIM. "yum install dpm-yaim && /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -r -s /opt/cscs/siteinfo/site-info.def -n emi_dpm_disk -f config_vomsdir"
    scp -r cream02:/etc/grid-security/vomsdir/ /etc/grid-security/
    yum install dpm-yaim && /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -r -s /opt/cscs/siteinfo/site-info.def -n emi_dpm_disk -f config_vomsdir"
  5. Reboot the systems.
  6. On storage02, open traffic from the offices network
    iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22223 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
  7. Start dCache on the head nodes. Check the logs for errors.
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "service dcache start" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppstorag01 "service bdii start" |dshbak -c
  8. Start dCache on the pools. Check the logs for errors. pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "service dcache start" |dshbak -c</verbatim>

Test the functionality of dCache on the new hardware.

  1. Test the BDII updating process:
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" >/dev/null 
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" |wc -l
  2. Test the SE with dcache tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-dcache -n ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch
  3. Test the SE with lcg tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-lcgtools -d ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -
    ui64 $ export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=ppbdii01.lcg.cscs.ch:2170 # need to do this because bdii takes a while to be refreshed across all levels
    ui64 $ lcg-ls -d -l srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1
  4. Test whether our files are correctly stored:
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp1
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp2 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp2
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp3 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp3
    ui64 $ md5sum -c md5.txt


  1. DONE Login to the admin shell and execute:
    (local) admin > cd PoolManager
    (PoolManager) admin > save
    Look at:
    May 06 13:34 [root@storage02:~]# ls /root/PoolManager.conf.saved -lh
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16K May  6 13:33 /root/PoolManager.conf.saved

Install new RPM

  1. Remove old version on the head nodes.
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "service dcache stop" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "service dcache stop" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "yum remove -y dcache-server" |dshbak -c
  2. Move headnodes to new CFengine category:
      # dCache 1.9.12
      PPPOOLS3 = ( ppse01 ppse02 ppse03 ppse04 ppse05 )
      PPDCACHE3 = ( ppstorage01 ppstorage02 PPPOOLS3 )
      # dCache 2.2
    #  PPPOOLS22 = ( ppse01 ppse02 ppse03 ppse04 ppse05 )
      PPDCACHE22 = ( ppstorage01 ppstorage02 PPPOOLS22 )
  3. Run CFengine on the head nodes
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "cfagent -q" |dshbak -c
  4. Make sure /etc/dcache is properly populated
    [root @ ppstorage02]-[~]:-)# ls /etc/dcache -l
    total 48
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 May  3 17:02 admin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1934 May  3 16:06 dcache.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1258 May  3 16:04 dcache.kpwd
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root  3951 May  3 16:04 dcachesrm-gplazma.policy
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   183 May  3 16:23 gplazma.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 May  3 16:04 layouts
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1542 May  3 16:04 LinkGroupAuthorization.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     0 May  3 16:19 lm.config
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  7756 May  3 17:09 logback.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10331 May  3 16:27 tc-config.xml
    [root @ ppstorage01]-[~]:-)# ls -lh /etc/dcache
    total 300K
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May  3 16:05 admin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234K May  3 16:37 certificates.jks                      <--- this gets generated at a later step
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9K May  3 16:06 dcache.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K May  3 16:05 dcache.kpwd
    -r--r--r-- 1 root root 3.9K May  3 16:05 dcachesrm-gplazma.policy
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  183 May  3 16:33 gplazma.conf
    -r-------- 1 root root 2.9K May  3 16:33 hostcert.p12
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  11K May  3 16:05 info-provider.xml
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May  3 16:05 layouts
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.6K May  3 16:05 LinkGroupAuthorization.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7.6K May  3 17:12 logback.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  11K May  3 16:27 tc-config.xml
  5. Install new RPM
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "wget http://www.dcache.org/downloads/1.9/repo/2.2/dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm -O dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppstorage0[1-2] "yum localinstall ./dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm -y" |dshbak -c

Configure new dCache on the head nodes

  1. Remove old files on storage01 and storage02
    rm -rf /etc/init.d/dcache
    mv /opt/d-cache /opt/d-cache.bck
    mv /var/log/d-cache /var/log/old.d-cache
  2. Make sure new BDII links are created on storage01
    rm -f /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/info-based-infoProvider.sh
    ln -s /usr/sbin/dcache-info-provider /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/info-based-infoProvider.sh
  3. Copy the old billing to the new location on storage01 and storage02
    cp -ar /opt/d-cache/billing/* /var/lib/dcache/billing
  4. Update the Chimera stored procedures:
    psql -U postgres -f /usr/share/dcache/chimera/sql/pgsql-procedures.sql chimera

Start dCache

  1. On the head nodes:
    dcache services
    dcache status
    dcache check-config
    dcache start
  2. On storage01 generate the Java keystore:
    dcache import cacerts --out=/etc/dcache/certificates.jks
  3. On the pool nodes, disable any kind of door by modifying the layout file and start dCache 1.9.12
    service dcache start

Test the functionality of dCache on the new hardware.

  1. Test the BDII updating process:
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" >/dev/null 
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" |wc -l
  2. Test the SE with dcache tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-dcache -n ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch
  3. Test the SE with lcg tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-lcgtools -d ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -
    ui64 $ export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=ppbdii01.lcg.cscs.ch:2170 # need to do this because bdii takes a while to be refreshed across all levels
    ui64 $ lcg-ls -d -l srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1
  4. Test whether our files are correctly stored:
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp1
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp2 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp2
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp3 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp3
    ui64 $ md5sum -c md5.txt

Pools migration

In this case, we don't need to migrate to new hardware or SL version, so this is just a dCache upgrade.

  1. Shutdown dCache on the pools:
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "service dcache stop" |dshbak -c
  2. Move pools to the correct CFengine category
      # dCache 1.9.12
    #  PPPOOLS3 = ( ppse01 ppse02 ppse03 ppse04 ppse05 )
    #  PPDCACHE3 = ( PPPOOLS3 )
      # dCache 2.2
      PPPOOLS22 = ( ppse01 ppse02 ppse03 ppse04 ppse05 )
      PPDCACHE22 = ( ppstorage01 ppstorage02 PPPOOLS22 )
  3. Run CFengine
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "cfagent -q" |dshbak -c
  4. Move the contents of /opt/d-cache to a backup:
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "mv /opt/d-cache /opt/d-cache.bck" |dshbak -c
  5. Install Java 7 as the following error shows: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "yum remove -y jdk" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk" |dshbak -c
  6. Uncomment the part of the layout file relative to the doors configuration.
  7. Remove the old dCache RPM and install the new one:
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "yum remove -y dcache-server" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "wget http://www.dcache.org/downloads/1.9/repo/2.2/dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm -O dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm" |dshbak -c
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "yum localinstall ./dcache-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm -y" |dshbak -c
  8. Make sure /etc/dcache is properly populated and check-config ran
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "dcache check-config" |dshbak -c
  9. Make sure /etc/init.d/dcache is deleted
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "rm -fv /etc/init.d/dcache" |dshbak -c
  10. Start dCache 2.2
    pdsh -w ppse0[1-3] "dcache start" |dshbak -c

Test the functionality of dCache on the new hardware.

  1. Test the BDII updating process:
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" >/dev/null 
    ui64 $ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -p 2170 -b "o=grid" |wc -l
  2. Test the SE with dcache tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-dcache -n ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch
  3. Test the SE with lcg tools:
    ui64 $ chk_SE-lcgtools -d ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch -
    ui64 $ export LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS=ppbdii01.lcg.cscs.ch:2170 # need to do this because bdii takes a while to be refreshed across all levels
    ui64 $ lcg-ls -d -l srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1
  4. Test whether our files are correctly stored:
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp1 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp1
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp2 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp2
    ui64 $ lcg-cp -v -n 8 srm://ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch/pnfs/lcg.cscs.ch/dteam/randompp3 file:/home/miguelgi/dcache-22/pp/randompp3
    ui64 $ md5sum -c md5.txt

Final steps

  1. Reload iptables service to open again the ports to the outside:
    service iptables restart

Other notes

Install new RPM

Install the new version note, the 2.2.x rpm checks /opt/d-cache for old files so move the directory to keep a backup, we'll also need to move some files later.

mv /opt/d-cache /opt/d-cache.bkup

rpm -ivh dcache-2.2.10-1.noarch.rpm

Config files

Full details around the /opt to /etc location can be found at the following link. We'll need to manualy move the billing information

cp -r /opt/d-cache/billing.bkup/* /var/lib/dcache/billing

I would recomend reading up on what has moved so you have a good idea of the locations of files before proceeding http://trac.dcache.org/wiki/optToUsr

Note this step is a workaround, dcache 2.2 required the vomsdir to be populated . We need to update yaim config for dcache as there is a "config_vomsdir" function we should be able to use.

scp -r cream01:/etc/grid-security/vomsdir /etc/gird-security/

Ensure that fetch-crl is going to be run

chkconfig --list | grep fetch-crl

/etc/init.d/fetch-crl-cron status

Starting dCache

Everything else should be in cfengine under /srv/cfengine/file/ppstorage0* so lets ensure the new dcache has the correct sevices, if it doesn't run cfagent.

dcache services

Check for any obvious errors (although there shouldn't be any)

dcache check-config

If all is well start dcahce

dcache start

Provided there are no problems run checks from ui64 to ensure all is working

chk_SE-dcache -n ppstorage01.lcg.cscs.ch

Other notes

You may see errors in like the below

"ERROR: function path2inodes(character varying, character varying) does not exist; Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.; Position: 77]"

Import the missing procedure, note with dcache 2.2 defaults and example configs can be found under /usr/share/dcache

psql -U chimera -f /usr/share/dcache/chimera/sql/pgsql-procedures.sql chimera

Migrating to SL6

First we need to stop dcache and make a backup of the database

dcache stop

pg_dumpall -f /tmp/db-bkup.220413

If requried copy the billing information, note this is under /var in dcache 2.2

scp -r oldmachine:/var/lib/dcache/billing /var/lib/dcache

Copy the database to the new machine running SL6 and import it

su - postgres

psql -f /tmp/db-bkup.220413

Ensure that the settings within the pg_hba.conf are correct, in our case ensure authentication methods are set to trust.

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

local all all trust

# IPv4 local connections:

host all all trust

# IPv6 local connections:

host all all ::1/128 trust

Other notes

I expiricenced some authentication issues after this so I had to manually tell psql to reload the config (restarting the services/ server didn't seem to work for some reason)

su - postgres

pg_ctl reload

I had to install Java 7 as I recived the following error, note SL5 seemed fine with Java 6.

Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

When running the dcache checks from ui64 I noticed the following error when doign an srm copy

06 Mar 2013 17:36:46 (PinManager) [] Unexpected failure while expiring pins

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No JDO PersistenceManager bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here

In oder to resolve this I had to restart the utility domian, this appears to have been a reported bug https://lists.desy.de/sympa/arc/user-forum/2013-03/msg00019.html

dcache restart utilityDomian

-- GeorgeBrown - 2013-04-19

This topic: LCGTier2 > WebHome > ToolsBoard > FormsAndTemplates > DCacheMigrationTo22
Topic revision: r9 - 2013-05-07 - MiguelGila
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