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Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 04:39 (GMT)

(Derek) Notice that this machine still reboots unexplainedly about once per month. The machine comes up well, but the dcache pools are not started and need manual...
SGI IS5500 / NetApp E5400 HW issues 26 01 2012 Drawer 2 `Lost of redundancy` event We`ve installed the new SGI/NetApp system and suddenly we got an error on the...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 3401/udp , CMS central Squid monitoring based on SNMP...
Node Type: Admin info on this node type Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Nagios Check out our t3nagios...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work n.a. Emergency Measures If this VM is really causing issues...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 8649/udp ganglia collector 8670/udp ganglia collector 8671/udp...
Node Type: Serves home directories and experiment`s software directories to t3wn and t3ui servers. Firewall requirements local port open to reason...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Emergency Measures Too many frequent or heavy writes You can identify which user files...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Emergency Measures Installation The Atomicorp RPMs repository...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 22/tcp ssh 1514/tcp syslog ng...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Emergency Measures Installation Services Backups
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason Regular Maintenance work Nagios UIs on t3nagios User quota on /tmp /scratch ( but...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 20000 25000/tcp Globus port range for gridftp data streams Regular Maintenance...
Node Type: Until today 20th June 2013 t3bdii.psi.ch is currently an alias for t3bdii02.psi.ch that`s a SL6 UMD 2 VM Firewall requirements local port open...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 2811/tcp gridftp control connection 22125/tcp unauthenticated dcap (read...
Node Type: Firewall requirements local port open to reason 2811/tcp gridftp control connection 22125/tcp unauthenticated dcap (read...
Number of topics: 16

Topic revision: r92 - 2022-12-09 - DerekFeichtinger
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