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dCache configurator

We use a script create_PoolConf.pl which generates most of the basic configuration for the Pools. The script can be found under https://svn.cscs.ch/LCG/d-cache/install-utilities. Based on a simple rules file it will create:

  • PoolManager.conf: This file defines the Pools, Poolgroups and LinkGroups to the PoolManager cell. Usually it needs to be copied to /opt/d-cache/config/PoolManager.conf.
  • configuration files for every pool server node for setting up the pools (bash scripts to be run on the pool nodes)

synopsis: create_PoolConf.pl [options] template-file

This script generates a PoolManager.conf file and .poollist and
pool_path files for each node in the template file.

       -o filename  :  name of output PoolManager config file (Gen-PoolManager.conf)
       -t           :  prints an example template file to the screen
       -f           :  use node_vo_0 instead of node_vo for the name of the
                       a VO's first pool on a node (e.g. se01_cms_0 instead of
       -v           :  verbose mode

Example configuration file

Here is an example input template file that can be used to set up a cluster (can be created by running the script with the -t option)


# For which version of dcache is this configuration (default: 1.8.0-13):
# dcacheversion: 1.8.0-14

# the poolroot directive defines below which directory the pools are located
# (default /pool)

poolroot: /pool

# The following aliases define that the dech and dteam groups will have access to all ops pools
#  Note: Since the LCG Information system relies on the presence of a pool group for
#  every VO, this cannot be implemented by a simple link definition.
PGalias: dech=ops
PGalias: dteam=ops

# The pool definitions:
# One line per host with
#    - "poolnode" keyword
#    - full hostname followed by ":"
#    - whitespace separated list of pools for that host, with space in GB specified in
#      parentheses after every pool name
# the VO names = poolgroup names are derived from the simple hostnames and the
# pool names. So the followinw would lead to names such as
#      se01_atlas, se01_cms, etc.
poolnode se01.lcg.cscs.ch: cms(7250) lhcb(2000) atlas(7500) ops(250)
poolnode se02.lcg.cscs.ch: cms(7500) lhcb(1000) atlas(7250) ops(250)

# you may dedicate multiple pools to a VO on a node like here
# poolnode se03.lcg.cscs.ch: cms(7250) cms(2000) cms(7500) ops(250)
#   the pools will receive names like se03_cms_0 se03_cms_1 ...
#   (also look at the -f option for the naming of the first pool)

# Link Groups:
# Define for which poolgroup names link groups should be defined.
# The necessity of defining LinkGroups arose with the introduction
# of the spacemanager into our configuration.
# In the pool configuration file the policy parameters will be set as follows
# (replace 'xxx' with a poolgroup name):
#     psu set linkGroup custodialAllowed xxx-linkGroup false
#     psu set linkGroup replicaAllowed xxx-linkGroup true
#     psu set linkGroup outputAllowed xxx-linkGroup true
#     psu set linkGroup onlineAllowed xxx-linkGroup true
#     psu set linkGroup nearlineAllowed xxx-linkGroup false

LinkGroups: cms dteam dech atlas lhcb

-- DerekFeichtinger - 08 Jun 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-06-08 - DerekFeichtinger
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