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How to retrieve your corrupted or deleted /t3home and /work files

Every user can retrieve from snapshots corrupted or deleted files from /t3home or /work . Choose a snapshot dir and copy back either to /t3home/$USER (or /work/$USER) what you need by cp command.

/t3home example:

$ cd /t3home/$USER/.snapshot
$ ls 
daily.2019-02-26_0010  daily.2019-02-27_0010  monthly.2019-02-01_0010  weekly.2019-02-24_001

/work snapshot location example

Snapshots are available in the /work/.zfs/ directory. Notice that you really have to list it with the full path. The .zfs folder will not show up if you just do a ls -la /work!

[feichtinger@t3ui01 feichtinger]$ ls -a /work/.zfs/snapshot
.                      snap-20210201-215535        snap-daily-20210310-063001
..                     snap-daily-20210306-063001  snap-daily-20210311-063001
base-copy              snap-daily-20210307-063001  snap-daily-20210312-063001
snap-2021-01-26T18:59  snap-daily-20210308-063001
snap-2021-01-29T23:41  snap-daily-20210309-063001

[feichtinger@t3ui01 feichtinger]$ cp /work/.zfs/snapshot/snap-daily-20210308-063001/feichtinger/nfstestfile /tmp

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Topic revision: r19 - 2023-08-10 - DerekFeichtinger
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