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CMS Tier-3 News Item

Scheduled downtime to introduce the new Storage System


On Friday 16th morning we'll stop the /pnfs file services to quickly introduce the new Storage System.


On Friday 16th morning we'll stop the /pnfs file services to quickly introduce the new Storage System; we apologize for this short notice but we're facing an unexpected high rate of hard disks failures in the 2009 SUN fileservers and it's important to quickly introduce this new Storage System to ensure the /pnfs data safety; luckily it's going to be both Friday and Summer so we hope that in spite of this short notice we won't affect too much your work. If you have some important work to finish please notify us on time.

We will start during the morning ~9:30 without further notice, you will be able to work on the t3ui* servers but the /pnfs file services will be basically unavailable and/or unreliable until the end of the downtime; as usual we will send an e-mail to close this downtime.

FabioMartinelli 15. 08. 2013

Title Scheduled downtime to introduce the new Storage System
Summary On Friday 16th morning we'll stop the /pnfs file services to quickly introduce the new Storage System.
User FabioMartinelli
Date 15. 08. 2013
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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-08-15 - FabioMartinelli
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