T3 Downtime due to PSI yearly Compute Center Maintenance -- 05. 01. 2022 DerekFeichtinger
Downtime will last from 16:00h Fri, 7. Jan until 10:00h on Mon, 10. Jan

PSI Tier-3 Monitoring

Availability tests

These tests are run by the centralized Grid monitoring services and they determine whether our site is considered to be working correctly for the VOs.

Batch jobs (queuing system)

Current queue / accounting

Number of running and queued jobs:

CMS Dashboard

Worker nodes load monitoring

Ganglia WN page

<img src="http://t3mon.psi.ch//graph.php?g=load_report&z=medium&c=PSI%20Tier3%20workers&m=&r=day&s=descending&hc=4&st=now" /> <img src="http://t3mon.psi.ch//graph.php?g=cpu_report&z=medium&c=PSI%20Tier3%20workers&m=&r=day&s=descending&hc=4&st=now" />


Show space graphs for

Storage Element


Home and Software areas

Networking and File Transfers (+ PhEDEx)


Plotting interval:

<img src="http://t3mon.psi.ch//graph.php?g=network_report&z=medium&c=PSI%20Tier3%20workers&m=&r=day&s=descending&hc=4&st=now" />

<img src="http://t3mon.psi.ch//graph.php?g=network_report&z=medium&c=PSI%20Tier3%20fileservers&m=&r=day&s=descending&hc=4&st=now" /> <img src="http://t3mon.psi.ch//graph.php?g=network_report&z=medium&c=PSI%20Tier3%20services&m=&r=day&s=descending&hc=4&st=now" />

dCache active movers: regular movers = dcap/gsidcap movers (heavy random IO for internal analysis), WAN movers = SRM/gridftp movers (transfers of whole files also from outside): xrootd movers = LAN/WAN transfers of files by xrootd

dCache queued movers: regular movers = dcap/gsidcap movers (heavy random IO for internal analysis), WAN movers = SRM/gridftp movers (transfers of whole files also from outside): xrootd movers = LAN/WAN transfers of files by xrootd

dCache pending requests (these are hanging transfers, almost always an error state if they persist):

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PNGpng jobs-20111025.png r1 manage 14.9 K 2011-10-25 - 08:01 DerekFeichtinger  
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