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How to apply for an account at the CMS PSI Tier-3

To apply for a Tier-3 account please send an email to cms-tier3@lists.psi.ch with Subject "account request". Use the following template without changing or missing any field names. In a case of umlauts or any diacritic signs in any names, please replace them with equivalent combination (e.g. “ü” → “ue”) :

User's first name:
User's last name:
group leader:
CMS name:  
physics group:
Grid cert subject:
User's phone number: +41 ...
PSI AFS account (if existing):
login shell: /bin/bash
primary email address: 
secondary email address:
leaving date:   DD/MM/YYYY


  • Your CMS name: This is the name that identifies you within CMS. It should be your CERN lxplus account name and it's also used in your CERN certificate's CN field. This is needed to build your user path on the CMS grid. It will become your T3 account name. If you are a student without a CERN account, we may have to generate a PSI compatible name.
  • Institution: ETHZ, PSI, or UniZ. If you are a guest user, please write Guest-ETHZ, Guest-PSI, or Guest-Uniz.
  • group leader: The name of the professor of your research group (or for Guests, the professor of whose group you are a guest)
  • Grid cert subject: Your Grid certificate's subject string: This is needed to access grid computing resources and storage. It is a unique ID string of your certificate and looks similar to this
    /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=OrganicUnits/OU=Users/CN=dfeich/CN=124567/CN=firstname secondname
    Details on how to get it and about your CMS VO membership can be obtained from the CMS IAM service (documentation link, Link to IAM server). You will find the subject string on your profile page. If you are on a short term project it may be that you will not have a CERN account and certificate. You can still use the Tier-3 basic facilities, but not interact by Grid Tools with the storage.
  • phone number is needed to communicate in special situations or for password information
  • PSI AFS account (if existing): If you are a PSI user you will be able to use your PSI credentials, but we need to know the name of your PSI account.
  • secondary email address: used for backup communications and having a second factor communication channel (please provide a secondary address!)
  • physics group: This is the user group to which you belong and that will be used both for accounting and fairshare usage of the PSI Tier-3 resources (look at the PhysicsGroupsOverview page for an overview about the groups). Pick the one that fits best - the groups are kind of obsolete after 2020. Typical groups are: ethz-bphys, ethz-ewk, ethz-higgs, ethz-susy, ethz-ecal, psi-bphys, psi-pixel, uniz-bphys, uniz-higgs, uniz-pixel
  • leaving date: This must be stated. Max period is 3 years from application for permanent employees and PhDs. 1 year for master students and guests.
  • login shell: For compatibility, this should be bash, usually. If you want another shell you may be on your own if some of the Grid environments are sourcing code written for bash.

Your account request will be confirmed with your institution's superviser. Once you got the account and password, please continue with the page HowToSetupYourAccount.

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Topic revision: r52 - 2024-09-17 - DerekFeichtinger
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