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Results from Main web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

LCGAdminGroup DarioPetrusic DinoConciatore Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, ChristophGrab, RolandBernet, PabloFernandez, GianfrancoSciacca...
LHConCRAYGroup Member list: Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, SigveHaug, ChristophGrab, RolandBernet, DanielMeister, JoosepPata, PabloFernandez, GianfrancoSciacca...
2017 02 7 7 4 1674 1329 17 1262 513806(11 unique users) 34(10 unique users) 1(1 unique users) 3452.6 1208.0 49% 87...
TWiki Administrator Group Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP DerekFeichtinger, PabloFernandez, MiguelGila, GianniRicciardi, DarioPetrusic...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 6

Results from CmsTier3 web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

Statistics for CmsTier3 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 1

Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

Activities Overview from September 2010 to August 2011 Here are described the most important activities performed in Phoenix Cluster since Summer 2010 to Summer...
Change parentship in a quick manner You need to copy this to the page you want to be the parent, and search for the thing you want. This is the table to search for...
Official How To How To Prepare Chimera We need a working pristine chimera installation in the target host. Chech ServiceDcache to know how to (everything but don...
It`s possible to run out of pool accounts in the CE. You would probably see a message like this in /var/log/globus gatekeeper.log LCMAPS 7: 2010 05 19.21:47:12....
Requirements for new Configuration Management System Reasons for changing (or rethinking our setup) Our CFEngine is getting old. A new version is out, and it...
dCache Full Restart procedure Some times there is a need to restart dCache from zero, most likely because you don`t know how to start it up. This document shows how...
PabloFernandez 2010 05 26 Some times the mail command doesn`t work from a machine. This is probably due to postfix misconfig. To solve it, so: postalias /etc/aliases...
Forms and Templates This page is the parent of all Forms and Templates used in the Web. Here is the list: PabloFernandez 2011 01 19
Hardware Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use HardwareCardTemplate that include the HardwareCardForm PabloFernandez...
Phoenix Hardware and OS related services description Here are described the infrastructure services run on, together with procedures related to them, drivers, incompatibilities...
IssueProblemDetectLifetimeProxy Symptoms Summary: Occurrences At what times did this problem occur (used to estimate frequency): 2011 08 05 After wiping Scratch...
Issues Board PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 06 07 CSCS is going to have a general network maintenance from 8:30 to 10:45 that will affect all...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 09 06 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 10 04 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Maintenance Scheduled Downtime on 2010 11 08 Our Phoenix Cluster needs some maintenance operations that require a downtime. We will take...
Scheduled Maintenance on February 7th Update gLite version on all Grid services (PO/PF) At least CreamCE, Apel, glite VOBOX and BDII site have updates (priority:...
Maintenances PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
Tier2 User Day meeting at CSCS CERN, Aug. 26, 2010 Meeting scheduled to being at: 10:00am Agenda 0. Welcome and introduction (15`) 1. Visit of the machine room....
Meetings OR more specific: PabloFernandez 2011 01 11
CSCS LCG2 Tier2 migration, PhaseB to PhaseC Preamble This document describes the technical steps in relation to CSCS LCG2 Tier2 migration, PhaseB to PhaseC along...
Previous preparatory work for PhaseC migration Administrative work Create a new entry in twiki with details from maintenance days. Inform Users on migration...
New EMI Requirements and Work Plans Taken from an email from Andres Aeschlimann (to operations #64;swing grid.ch, Feb 7th 14:51), for the EMI Roadmap there is https...
Obsolete Pages PabloFernandez 2011 01 19
Papers and Outreach Conferences HEPIX Autumn 2018, Tier 0 integration 20181001 HEPIX CSCS T0 integration v3.pdf News Articles November`17 SWISS INSTITUTE...
Services in Phoenix Cluster Here is a list of services installed in the Phoenix Cluster, with information about it`s setup, guides and other useful information...
Foreman Setup (before puppet) First, open the instructions from here: http://theforeman.org/manuals/1.1/index.html Start with a fresh install of SL6 # Configure...
Phoenix Cluster Road Map This page displays the situation where our Cluster is, where is it going to, and where does it come from. It can be specially useful to have...
Phoenix Service definition Cards This is a summary page, don`t enter manual information here. New Cards use ServiceCardTemplate that include the ServiceCardForm...
Migration from Solaris to Linux machines in old Thumpers Solaris Thumpers are giving us a lot of problems, so we want to migrate them to linux. We need to move the...
Testing data retrieval from historical view in EGI Nagios TIME() GMTIME TIME(GMTIME) TODAY() PabloFernandez 2012 01 30
Lustre Oss hardware Using 3 Virident cards, 2 as metadataOnly, 1 as dataAndMetadata 256K blocksize Sep 14 11:19 root@wn120:tmpgpfs # dd if /dev/zero of test bs...
Tests PabloFernandez 2011 01 24
Other tools that may be of interest, internal and external. Full Cluster Restart Each service individually describes how to start up. On a more general level, and...
Tree View (from WebHome) You can define the base search tree with the URL parameter `treebasetopic`. The default is WebHome. Set TREEBASETOPIC PabloFernandez...
Statistics for LCGTier2 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Keywords: vmware, esx, esxi, console, ssh, infiniband Working with VMWare ESXi 4 Setting up a VMWare ESXi 4 host Installation with the ILOM in the ILOM...
Installing in a HVM with CD and then converting it to PV. There`s some info here: http://markmail.org/message/ib5bctd3amqqzl5u#query:convert%20hvm%20xen%20to%20paravirtual...
Cloning the sample image The way to go would be like this: Create the root swap partitions lvcreate L 12G n arc02 root vg root lvcreate L 4G n arc02 swap...
Number of topics: 39

Results from LCGTier2/PhaseC web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

With XEN Installation of first Xen Guest OS: XenGuestOsInstallation Creation and replication from a sample image: XenSampleImageReplication PabloFernandez...
Statistics for LCGTier2/PhaseC Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic...
Number of topics: 2

Results from TWiki web retrieved at 05:25 (GMT)

Statistics for TWiki Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 1

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