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Cloning the sample image

The way to go would be like this:
  • Create the root & swap partitions
    lvcreate -L 12G -n arc02_root vg_root
    lvcreate -L 4G -n arc02_swap vg_root
    mkswap /dev/vg_root/lrms02_swap -L SWAP-hdb1
  • from xen11:
    cat /scratch/sample_root.img | ssh xen14 'cat > /dev/vg_root/lrms01_root_REPLACE_THIS_DEVICE'
  • Create the xen config file
    cp /etc/xen/sample /etc/xen/arc02
  • Mount the new image
    kpartx -a /dev/vg_root/arc02_root
    mount /dev/mapper/arc02_root1 /mnt
  • run ./finalize_xen_guest.sh HOSTNAME MAC
  • Umount the image
    cd /
    umount /mnt
    kpartx -d /dev/vg_root/arc02_root

NOTE-NOTE-NOTE: Avoid using the dash (-) in the name of the images, because it triggers a bug (added by FG, 20100825)

Creation of a Xen Sample image

We begin from a working virtual machine already shut down, that we cloned somewhere with dd like this:
lvcreate -L 12G -n sample_root vg_root
dd if=/dev/vg_root/ui64_root of=/dev/vg_root/sample_root

Then, we need to create a /etc/xen/sample file with this content:

name = "@@SIMPLENAME@@"

vcpus = 2
memory = 4096
disk = ['phy:/dev/vg_root/@@SIMPLENAME@@_root,xvda,w',
vif = ['mac=@@MAC@@,bridge=xenbr0']

bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"
on_reboot = 'restart'
on_crash = 'destroy'

Afterward we need to mount the sample image from the xen host, but we need to map it first (it's a partitioned block device):

kpartx -a /dev/vg_root/sample_root
mount /dev/mapper/sample_root1 /mnt/

To find the files to change, running a grep test54 /mnt/etc/* -R will help, but see below. Then go file by file and change to fit this variables (examples, they need to match the finalize_xen script):

  • @@NAME@@
  • @@IP_LAST@@ (last two digits of the IP, to be able to match 148.187 and 10.10 interfaces with the same field)

You may want also to do some tweaking to the ifcfg-eth*:

  • Delete the line HWADDR if you are setting up static IP addresses (so that you don't need a Mac adddress specified, it works with any)

And this is the list of the files that were changed


Furthermore, you want to delete the local host ssh keys that are generated the first time sshd starts, to be unique in the next boot. rm /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

Also, you would like to enable access to the xen console:

  • edit /etc/inittab and add the line co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty xvc0 9600 vt100-nav to the console lists. You can comment the rest out.
  • edit /etc/securetty and add the line xvc0

At the end we need to umount the sample image and unmap it:

cd /
umount /mnt
kpartx -d /dev/vg_root/sample_root

-- PabloFernandez - 2010-02-18

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Topic revision: r19 - 2011-09-02 - PabloFernandez
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