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Issues Board

Link Service Summary Understood? Solution? Author
IssueBdiiNotStartingOnXenDomU BDII "slapd" process won't start in a Xen DomU virtual machines yes workaround RiccardoMurri
IssueDb4UnderXenDomU BDII, Phedex/cmsvobox program fails with error: "unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented" yes yes RiccardoMurri
IssueProblemDetectLifetimeProxy cream CE Cannot move ISB, Problem to detect the lifetime of the proxy yes yes PabloFernandez
IssueSrmWriteProblem dCache SRM writing SRMv1 and v2 writes fail irregularly, often with "files exists" errors yes no DerekFeichtinger

-- PabloFernandez - 2011-01-11

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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-01-20 - PabloFernandez
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