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Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 05:33 (GMT)

LHConCRAYMonOverview External links SLTOP: http://ganglia.lcg.cscs.ch/ganglia/sltop lhconcray.html Common ETF view: https://etf 11.cern.ch/etf/check mk...
Upgrade the Phoenix Cluster to LCG 2.7 The cluster upgrade is scheduled for March 22nd 14.00 March 24th 18.00. If all goes well, we will not need the full length...
Logstash The agent Logstash is a tool that parses logs into JSON so they can be indexed and search. The application is packaged a self contained .jar file. Currently...
If you find that a disk has died on an OSS, here is the procedure: 1st, you need to find out which disk is the one that went bad: root@oss31 ~ # grep C2 /proc...
Lustre OSS Freeze Up Procedures Occasionally, the hardware that Lustre runs on shows its true lame colors, and the controller becomes overwhelmed, which sometimes...
Generally, Lustre should start on its own using heartbeat. It is chkconfig`d on on all the lustre nodes, and when the nodes reboot, they should negotiate between them...
Number of topics: 6

Topic revision: r132 - 2019-04-12 - PabloFernandez
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