For the Phoenix Masters
ATLAS Site Contact - please contact for any questions
ATLAS Requirements
ATLAS Software Release status
For the PHOENIX T2 ATLAS Users
As a Swiss ATLAS researcher you can use the lxplus cluster at CERN, your local T3 cluster, the Phoenix T2 cluster at CSCS, and the whole world wide LHC Grid. Please consult the computing responsible in your local ATLAS group to get started.
How to get a certificate, join the ATLAS Virtual Organization and log onto the grid
- As an ATLAS member you should be able to get a certificate from CERN. Follow the instructions here. Having the certificate, join the ATLAS VO here. As a Swiss ATLAS physicists, please check the /atlas/ch group. This will eventually give you special priority on the Swiss T2. Sigve Haug will approve you.
- Log onto the grid with "voms-proxy-init -voms atlas".
- For a proxy with /atlas/ch role, use "voms-proxy-init -voms atlas:/atlas/ch".
How to find and analyze ATLAS data
- Please consult the ATLAS Computing Workbook and the ATLAS Physics Analysis Workbook.
ATLAS DE cloud monthly meetings (CSCS reports)
Obsolete Links (can be removed at some point)
The Swiss ATLAS Grid Working Group
Swiss ATLAS Sites
Some ATLAS monitoring and other links
SigveHaug - 2010-07-01