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Specifications, standard Benchmark values

A summary of the resources CSCS is pledged to deliver in April 2021 as agreed with the CHIPP Computing Board:

Resource Provided Pledged 2021 Notes
Computing (HS06) 220000 198400 ATLAS 74240 (37.42%), CMS 68480 (34.52%), LHCb 55680 (28.07%)
Storage (TB) 6155 6155 2574 ATLAS, 2490 CMS, 1091 LHCb
Please note:
  • They are calculated using projections from the RRB (resource review board) and agreed with SNF.
  • Above resources differ from CRIC due to a misunderstanding. This was clarified with the WLCG office in November 2020.
  • The extension of the foreseen storage capacity was not available until July'21 due to problems in the chip supply chain.


HS06 = HEP-SPEC06 benchmark value (see details in HEP-SPEC06 webpage) (Note: 1 HS06 = 1 GFlop, approximately)

Pledge compute capacity is 10% lower due to various inefficiencies.

CSCS Tier-2 LCGonCray CPU counts and performance benchmarks
Nodes Description Processors Cores/node Total cores HS06/core Total HS06 RAM/core
234.4 Xeon E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz   68 15937 12.45 198414.08 1.9 GB
  Total     15937   198414.08  
Intel® Xeon E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz

These CPU resources are divided among the VOs with fairshare (data taken from the last week of usage) and a few reserved slots (for exclusive usage):

  • ATLAS: 40% fairshare (max of 2000 jobs running, 4000 in queue).
  • CMS: 40% fairshare (max of 2000 jobs running, 4000 in queue).
  • LHCb: 20% fairshare (max of 1500 jobs running, 4000 in queue).

Last update: August 2018

Storage infrastructure

Central Storage - dCache

The dCache services are provided by 12 servers (10 "Storage Elements" and 2 "Head Nodes")
Storage Elements are connected to the storage systems through the CSCS SAN

Total space available on dCache is 4.6 PB and is distributed in 40% - 40% - 20% (ATLAS/CMS/LHCb) fashion.

Last update: November 2019

Scratch - Spectrum Scale

The 'scratch' filesystem is available to Compute nodes through special DVS nodes and is provided by a Spectrum Scale cluster of 16 nodes (4 meta + 12 data).

Metedata is located on Flash Storage

The filesystem is featuring a policy based pool tiering
Tier1: SSD based data pool (90TB) where all files are written
Tier2: HDD based data pool (380TB) where less frequently used data is moved (this mechanism is transparent for the clients)

Last update: November 2019

Network connectivity

External network

CSCS has a redundant 100Gbit/s connection (provided by SWITCH). LHConCray computing resources, storage and all related services are connected to the Internet with many high speed interfaces.

Cluster Management Nodes

Most of the service nodes are virtualized. To see a complete list please visit the FabricInventory#Virtual_Machines

Individual services are described in ServiceInformation

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng Phoenix_LCG_Services_Nov_2013.png r1 manage 302.7 K 2013-11-17 - 23:08 MiguelGila  
JPEGjpg Phoenix_LCG_Services_Phase_D.jpg r2 r1 manage 90.9 K 2011-05-25 - 07:45 PabloFernandez  
JPEGjpg Phoenix_LCG_Services_Phase_E.jpg r1 manage 79.8 K 2011-12-09 - 12:58 PabloFernandez  
JPEGjpg Phoenix_LCG_Services_Phase_E_-_after_move.jpg r1 manage 85.1 K 2012-05-29 - 09:04 PabloFernandez  
JPEGjpg Phoenix_LCG_Services_Phase_F.jpg r1 manage 85.2 K 2012-08-21 - 08:13 PabloFernandez  
JPEGjpg Phoenix_LCG_Services_Phase_G.jpg r1 manage 87.8 K 2013-02-21 - 10:37 PabloFernandez  
Unknown file formatpptx Phoenix_Training_session.pptx r1 manage 45.7 K 2011-05-30 - 13:35 PabloFernandez  
PNGpng lhconcray_services_201910.png r1 manage 354.9 K 2019-11-11 - 15:11 GianniRicciardi  
PNGpng phoenix_services.png r1 manage 258.6 K 2017-12-19 - 08:37 DinoConciatore Phoenix_LCG_Services_Nov_2017
PNGpng phoenix_services_future.png r1 manage 284.2 K 2018-02-05 - 15:35 DinoConciatore Phoenix_LCG_Services_FEB_2018
PNGpng phoenix_services_notit.png r1 manage 204.9 K 2016-09-21 - 12:33 DinoConciatore Phoenix Services 2016
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Topic revision: r60 - 2021-06-15 - NickCardo
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