Swiss WLCG Operations Meeting on 2012-11-07


Status * CSCS (reports Pablo): Status * CSCS (reports Pablo):
    • Storage upgrade arrived. IBM DCS3700 x 6 boxes (60 x 3TB each), expected to provide 1.5 GB/s each (9 GB/s total). Still waiting for the IO servers to arrive, to install dCache and test performance.
    • Also waiting for Virtualization hardware to arrive (2 boxes with SandyBridge, 64 GB RAM, SSD drives, and 10 GbE cards). Will try RHEV 3.1 on them, or go back to Convirture.
* Last maintenance * Last maintenance * All nodes reinstalled with UMD1
      • Multipath fixed and gridftp door enabled on se[01-08]
* Next maintenance * Next maintenance * dCache 1.9.12 upgrade. Xrootd redirector via VOBOX.
      • Re-cable some ethernet and IB cables.
      • Move some compute nodes to different rack, for power consumption limits.
    • Atlasvobox still pending for reinstall (after virtualization is finished)
    • New power consumption monitoring graph
* PSI (reports Fabio): * PSI (reports Fabio): * HW: In 2013, if we'll get the funds, we've decided to double the space of our SGI IS5500, so raising from 360TB raw to 720TB raw => ~500TB net ( RAID6 + global hot spares ) . * HW: In 2013, if we'll get the funds, we've decided to double the space of our SGI IS5500, so raising from 360TB raw to 720TB raw => ~500TB net ( RAID6 + global hot spares ) . * HW: In front of SGI IS5500 we're using 2 HP DL380 G7 that have room for 6+6 additional 1TB 2.5" SAS disks; we're going to buy these 12 disks to implement 2 read-only dCache pools because sometimes the batch/interactive jobs wait to much to access the same file. * SW: migrated t3cmsvobox from Phedex 3.1 to Phedex 4.1, also relocated from old HW to VMWare VM. * SW: migrated t3cmsvobox from Phedex 3.1 to Phedex 4.1, also relocated from old HW to VMWare VM. * SW: Nov 29-30 we're going to migrate PNFS to Chimera; perhaps also to 1.9.12. Follows the migrations plan: | TODAY | Nov 29-30, PLAN A | Nov 29-30, PLAN A + 1.9.12-22 upgrade | | TODAY | Nov 29-30, PLAN A | Nov 29-30, PLAN A + 1.9.12-22 upgrade | | t3se01, SL4, 1.9.5-29, old HW | t3se01, SL6, 1.9.5-30, VMWare VM | t3se01, SL6, 1.9.12-22, VMWare VM | | t3se01, SL4, 1.9.5-29, old HW | t3se01, SL6, 1.9.5-30, VMWare VM | t3se01, SL6, 1.9.12-22, VMWare VM | | t3dcachedb01, SL4, 1.9.5-29, PNFS, PG 8.2, old HW | t3dcachedb04, SL6, 1.9.5-30, Chimera, PG 8.4, VMWare VM | t3dcachedb04, SL6, 1.9.12-22, Chimera, PG 8.4, VMWare VM | | t3dcachedb01, SL4, 1.9.5-29, PNFS, PG 8.2, old HW | t3dcachedb04, SL6, 1.9.5-30, Chimera, PG 8.4, VMWare VM | t3dcachedb04, SL6, 1.9.12-22, Chimera, PG 8.4, VMWare VM | | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.5-29 | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.5-30 | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.12-22 | | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.5-29 | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.5-30 | t3fs[13,14], SL6 pools and doors, 1.9.12-22 | | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.5-29 | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.5-30 | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.12-22 | | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.5-29 | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.5-30 | t3fs[1-4,7-11], Solaris pools and doors, 1.9.12-22 | * SW: After the Chimera migration we'll be able to use my Nagios quota check for dCache; that needs min PG 8.4, but PG 8.4 is also an 1.9.12 requirement, so CSCS might use that SQL code after their 1.9.12 migration. Anyhow I'll report our production experiences before to encourage its usage in an other site. * * UNIBE (reports Gianfranco): * SW: After the Chimera migration we'll be able to use my Nagios quota check for dCache. That needs min PG 8.4, but PG 8.4 is also an 1.9.12 requirement, so also CSCS could use that SQL code after their 1.9.12 migration. Anyhow I'll report our production experiences before to really encourage its usage. * Xxx * UNIBE (reports Gianfranco): * Accounting to central EGI portal in place. Historical records published too, but only back to Jan 2011. Will open a new ticket to ask for going further back
    • Pledged resources to ATLAS for 2013–14 as T2: 5k HEPSPEC06, 350TB for ATLAS-DATADISK
    • PhaseC SunBlades from CSCS commissioning ongoing: ~25% of nodes installed now (customised for ATLAS and also MPI for local users). Some delays due to resolving some ROCKS idiosyncrasies)
    • New CE with ARC 2.0.0 built (also a ROCKS 5.5 Front-End), Infiniband for LAN, 10GbE for WAN (, not tested, not in GOCDB yet)
    • Lustre MDS installed (SLC5.7 with Infiniband)
    • Starting on Lustre OSSs (thumpers)
    • KVM/Convirture server: progress still pending
    • Upgrade of DPM-mysql, DPM-disk,bdii-site to1UMD2 still pending: in downtime now (ongoing)

  • UNIGE (reports Szymon):
    • Xxx
* ETHZ (reports Sergio): * ETHZ (reports Sergio): * Xxx * Switch (reports Alessandro): * Switch (reports Alessandro): * Xxx

Other topics

  • Meeting has been extended. Name, date, access rights, have to be discussed. Is the current format ok?
  • EVO stops being free by the end of 2012. Start using Vidyo?
    • Fabio: if I'm not wrong Vidyo lacks the chat service: we can use Vidyo + our daily #lcg IRC chat

Next meeting date



* CSCS: * CSCS: * CMS: * CMS: * ATLAS: * ATLAS: * LHCb: * LHCb: * EGI: * EGI:

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