Collected CPU and Storage Specs for all Swiss WLCG attached centers

CSCS Tier-2

From PhoenixSetupAndSpecs

CSCS Tier-2 LCGonCray CPU counts and performance benchmarks
NodesSorted descending Description Processors Cores/node Total cores HS06/core Total HS06 RAM/core
  Total     15937   198414.08  
234.4 Xeon E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz   68 15937 12.45 198414.08 1.9 GB
Intel® Xeon E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz


From Tier3Overview

T3_CH_PSI CPU resources and performance benchmarks 2010/2011
No. of WNs Processors Cores/node HS06/node HS06/core kCINT2000/core total No. of Cores total HS06 total kCINT2000
7 2*Xeon E5410 8 91.97 11.5 2.95 56 644 165
20 2*Xeon X5560 8 117.53 14.69 3.77 160 2350 603
27           216 2994 768

Note: hepspec06/kSi2k = 3.9 ± 0.2 => kSi2k = hepspec06/3.9

The PSI Tier-3 has 48 active users (August 2011).

T3_CH_PSI SE Storage recources 2010/2011
No. of Fileservers Type Space/Node (TB) Total Space (TB)
4 SUN X4500 16.10 64
5 SUN X4540 34.09 170
9     234

Note: 48 1TB disks per X4540 fileserver:

  • 5 raidz pools with 9 disks: 5*9 * 1TB = 45 TB usable raw. df yields 34093714636800 bytes = 34.09 TB = 31.008 TiB
    • Current dcache config: 2 pools of 14000 GiB = 15.03 TB
  • 3 disks as hot spare
  • OS sits on flash storage
  • Note: Two of our 6 X4500 are now used for home directories, SW areas and backup and therefore were taken out of this table.
  • For old X4500: 16097967341568 bytes = 16.10 TB = 14.64 TiB
    • Current dcache config: 1 pool of 14000 GiB = 15.03 TB

UZH LHCb Tier-3

The Tier-3 at University of Zurich is just a local cluster and is not attached to WLCG. Therefore it is not part of Swiss WLCG. It is however possible to run official LHCb jobs on this cluster using the LHCb DIRAC framework.

Recources at the UZH Tier-3

The ATLAS Tier-3 in Geneva

The documentation is available there.

Bern ATLAS Tier-3

Will be updated as soon Gianfranco is back in office.

HS06 = HEP-SPEC06 benchmark value (see details in HEP-SPEC06 webpage)

Nodes Description Processors Cores/node Total cores HS06/core Total HS06 RAM/core
x   2   ~500 ~6 3000 2 GB
x   2   ~300 ~6 1800 2 GB
  Total     ~800   4800  

-- DerekFeichtinger - 2011-08-25

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