Service Card for NFS

  • ha nfs setup:

If something goes wrong on one, go to the other machine and type

/usr/lib64/heartbeat/hb_takeover foreign

once you think everything is in good order again, go to the original server and take back the resources:

/usr/lib64/heartbeat/hb_takeover local

May 30 14:59 [root@nfs02:~]# cat /etc/ha.d/haresources IPaddr:: \
drbddisk::srv_nfs \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/srv/nfs::ext3 \
drbddisk::export \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd2::/export::ext3 \
drbddisk::home \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd3::/home::ext3 \
drbddisk::atlas \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd4::/experiment_software/atlas::ext3 \
drbddisk::cms \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd5::/experiment_software/cms::ext3 \
drbddisk::lhcb \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd6::/experiment_software/lhcb::ext3 \
drbddisk::other \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd7::/experiment_software/others::ext3 \
drbddisk::shared \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd8::/shared::ext3 nfslock nfs httpd IPaddr:: \
drbddisk::srv_cfengine \
Filesystem::/dev/drbd1::/srv/cfengine::ext3 cfservd

May 30 15:00 [root@nfs02:~]# cat /etc/ha.d/ 
logfacility     local0
debugfile /var/log/ha-debug
logfile /var/log/ha-log

keepalive 2
deadtime 30
initdead 120

udpport 694
bcast eth0
bcast eth3

auto_failback off

#       Tell what machines are in the cluster
#       node    nodename ...    -- must match uname -n

crm no

mdadm --create /dev/md0 -v --raid-devices=4 --chunk=32 --level=raid10 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf
pvcreate /dev/md0

vgcreate vgnfs /dev/md0
lvcreate --size 1G --name lv_srv_nfs vgnfs
lvcreate --size 1G --name lv_srv_cfengine vgnfs
lvcreate --size 5G --name lv_export vgnfs
lvcreate --size 100G --name lv_home vgnfs
lvcreate --size 500G --name lv_atlas vgnfs
lvcreate --size 300G --name lv_cms vgnfs
lvcreate --size 5G --name drbd_meta_disk vgnfs
lvcreate --size 200G --name lv_lhcb vgnfs
lvcreate --size 1G --name lv_other_vo vgnfs
lvcreate --size 20G --name lv_shared vgnfs
rpm -Uvh
yum --enablerepo=epel -y install heartbeat.x86_64

modprobe drbd
chkconfig nfs off
drbdadm create-md srv_nfs
echo yes | drbdadm create-md srv_cfengine
echo yes | drbdadm create-md export
echo yes | drbdadm create-md home
echo yes | drbdadm create-md atlas
echo yes | drbdadm create-md cms
echo yes | drbdadm create-md lhcb
echo yes | drbdadm create-md other
echo yes | drbdadm create-md shared
#drbdadm up all
#service drbd status
mkdir /export
mkdir -p /srv/cfengine
mkdir -p /srv/nfs
mkdir -p /experiment_software/{atlas,cms,lhcb,others}
mkdir -p /shared

-- JasonTemple - 2011-05-30

Service name nfs
Machines this service is installed in nfs[01-02]
Is Grid service No
Depends on the following services

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