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Results from LCGTier2 web retrieved at 05:33 (GMT)

Papers and Outreach Conferences HEPIX Autumn 2018, Tier 0 integration 20181001 HEPIX CSCS T0 integration v3.pdf News Articles November`17 SWISS INSTITUTE...
Schema and discussion for network / dCache setup in Phase C network/dCache services schema This will be updated as the discussion progresses. basic situation...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status 2nd March 2007 Minutes of the phone call held the 2nd March 2007 Participants: Sergio Maffioletti...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status Minutes of the phone call held the 13th February 2007 Participants: Sergio Maffioletti...
Phenix updated installation and configuration status 14th March 2007 Minutes of the phone call held the 14th March 2007 Participants: Status of installation...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Nagios LCG enabled Nagios probes An experimental Nagios server has been installed on host ui.lcg.cscs.ch , to monitor the availability of...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, CfEngine, Solaris Compiling and installing CfEngine 2.2.8 on Solaris 10 Alerted by a thread on the help cfengine mailing list, I set forth...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris , Iperf Compiling Iperf on Solaris 10 Compiling Iperf on Solaris 10 turned out to be more difficult than foreseen; there are a...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Xen xen strap Kudos to Marian Klein for writing the truly amazing script xen strap ! It can bootstrap a Xen DomU based on any of: Scientific...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris Notes on Creating Solaris packages I make this note as a reminder of the correct incantation of the Solaris 10 commands to make a...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Solaris Building Perl CPAN modules on Solaris The CPAN Perl module has a very convenient shell for downloading and installing modules, with...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, Torque , Maui A script to schedule downtimes There is a tedious part in scheduled downtimes: figuring out and actually typing the correct...
KeyWords: HostCe01, Maui MAUI blocked for 15 minutes from 11:51 to 12:06 MAUI blocked for about 15 minutes; by the time I noticed this and started to investigate...
KeyWords: SysAdmin, NFS NFS performance and the async export option This morning I moved a large directory (Python 2.5.4 sources unpacked, 4200 files and directories...
KeyWords: SysAdmin documentation of PNFS related problems on our dcache installation We began looking in more depth at the problem of root owned directories in PNFS...
KeyWords: TWiki How to disable the WYSIWYG editor I`ve finally found how to disable the TWYSIWYG editor on the TWiki: just write: Set TINYMCEPLUGIN DISABLE...
KeyWords: SysAdmin Issues of our 1.9.3 3 dcache installation gPlazma problems Note: Filed as dcache support request #5119 on 2009 09 24. I am trying to debug an...
KeyWords: (see the KeyWords page for guidelines on what to put here.) Performance measurements from a single Thor To be able to make long term calculations about...
Phoenix Ganglia configuration Note: All configuration files, non standard startup files and gmetric scripts needed for this ganglia cluster are kept in the CSCS...
Inauguration Presentations Dave Barney General Overview on LHC and its physics, with emphasis on CMS ppt, pdf Allan Clark Swiss contributions to...
Swiss WLCG Experts Workshop A workshop for the experts from the experiments (mainly experimental site contacts) and the experts from CSCS. The focus is on the technology...
CHIPP Phoenix Cluster Workshop June 11,th 2006, CSCS Tier2 Status A second `Schulleitungssitzung` needs to be had, since the cooling infrastructure installation...
Phoenix Monitoring Overview Phoenix is a cluster comprised of Phoenix nodes and Daint(HPC) nodes. VoMonitoringDashboard The following URLs are related to external...
Phoenix Monitoring Overview This is a custom view of the most important sensors. Note: The now values printed at the bottom of some graphs are not correct. Worker...
Presentations and public Documents You can find the documents attached to this page. DerekFeichtinger 04 Mar 2006
Services in Phoenix Cluster Here is a list of services installed in the Phoenix Cluster, with information about it`s setup, guides and other useful information...
! keep this as a security measure: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME TWikiAdminGroup,Main.LCGAdminGroup...
KeyWords: twiki, migration Migration to new twiki Marcel Baur of endemic technology has been charged to port and operate the twiki for CHIPP and Phoenix. The new...
PoPC porting issues on ui lcg : gpt build nosrc gcc32pthr gpt build nosrc gcc32 gpt build nosrc gcc32dbgpthr gpt build nosrc gcc32dbg SergioMaffioletti...
PreProduction environment setup General information The PreProduction cluster is a set of KVM hosts (DSH group KVM HOSTS: xen01,xen 04 08 ) and a bunch of KVM guests...
Public Information Press Releases Phoenix Inauguration press release Life Article Presentations Phoenix Inauguration and presentations Other Information...
Puppet Overview of puppet in phoenix This wiki page is an overview of how Puppet it set up on Phoenix. It assumes you have a working understanding of Puppet and covers...
Foreman Setup (before puppet) First, open the instructions from here: http://theforeman.org/manuals/1.1/index.html Start with a fresh install of SL6 # Configure...
Number of topics: 33

Topic revision: r132 - 2019-04-12 - PabloFernandez
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