CHIPP Computing Board Meeting of Thu, July 1st 2010

The meeting will be held from 10-13h at the ETH Zurich (Main Building) in Room HG E 33.5 (equipped with a Beamer)


Please add any other subject you would like to have discussed!

Main items

  • NEWS from the CHIPP executive board meeting (CG).
  • communication channels: We currently use email lists, chat, a trouble ticket tracker, and the wiki for collaborating. Some of the lists have fallen into decay, as have certain parts of the T2 wiki. This is in part to the changing environment and the changing manpower over the last years. We should strive to clean up our tools and end up with a few efficient guidelines and tools.
    • Especially, I think we would all profit from some guidelines on how and where to communicate VO requirements to the CSCS admins. There should be an easy way for all of us to look up this information, and I think that having a wiki area per VO for this would be really beneficial (CommunicationChannelsProposal).
    • Need to decide how to proceed with the current Wiki structure (remember that we now have the wiki split in two webs, some pages are obsolete. Need to clean up the structure)
  • Old WNs removal from the machine room. We need to have just a few words about when could we give away the old WNs, which is the same as saying when will we cross the no-way-back point in the migration to PhaseC.
    • Sigve: Andres Aeschlimann from Bern ID, who will arrange the transport has been in Manno talking to Michele and Pablo, I think. To my knowledge, the pick up can happen soon. I guess the no-way-back point has been crossed already.
  • some first ideas on how to evolve the system for the next 2 years? Please take a look and join the PhaseDRequirementsDiscussion
    • Tier-2 resource planning for 2011/2012 ... : what are the experiments needs, in terms of CPU-power, jobs-slots, data-storage (local group spaces, production spaces etc..). Please: every experiment's reps. should supply their preferences (according to present knowledge) in ONE slide.
  • experiments' job IO requirements: The way that VO applications read from the SE storage is important to know in order to define policies on the scheduling mechanisms in the SE. VOs also may offer the possibility to influence job behavior through site local configuration files.
    • Derek: CMS: Can run using direct dcap access. At the FZK-KIT meeting ATLAS people also told me that the ATLAS applications now also can run via direct dcap. Our original design target was about 3 MB/s, but we know that there are jobs which may go up to 10MB/s. Leo who is the author of some CMSSW benchmarking tools estimates 5-10 MB/s for optimised simple analysis jobs
    • Szymon: ATLAS jobs can also use various protocols, like dCap and rfio. An official bandwidth requirement is 10 MB/s/core. Most jobs currently submitted to a T2 would not read data faster than ~5 MB/s (Athena framework reading AOD data fromat). Some jobs seen at the T3 in Geneva can read data much faster, they are I/O limited even at 50 MB/s. Such jobs, which are not using Athena but only ROOT, will likely be moving upstream in the near future, i.e. they will appear more and more on T2 sites. On the other hand, one should not forget that we also have simulation jobs, which are CPU limited and have much lower I/O requirements.
    • Roland: LHCb runs mainly simulation jobs at CSCS. Therefore I/O requirements are minimal.

Further items

  • CREAM-CE: Status from each VO; when are they ready to use it in production
    • Derek: CMS: Not all workflows are yet on the CREAM-CE. But expect move in the next few months. No fixed date, I am sorry.
    • Szymon: ATLAS: lcg-CE is still requited. Having CREAM-SE in parallel is useful for testing.
    • Roland: LHCb: CREAM-CE is no problem for LHCb. Direct submission is not yet supported. Currently we are using CREAM-CEs through the WMS.
  • policies for VOs. Some VOs have until now had the right to use (more or less) spare cycles. We offered queues with a limited number of slots and smaller max runtimes. Will we continue to do that and what policies do we want to set up? We should review the CPU/Disk shares of the cluster (maui fair shares, cpu reservation and disk usage)
  • monitoring& accounting: What local monitoring and accounting should/can be offered? What would be useful to you?
    • Derek: The ability to see the current job queue and the mapping of local name to grid DN is important for a first diagnosis of our jobs (good CMS link to some solutions). Plots for seeing the history of jobs and movers per VO also helps a lot. Most of this is already in place. Having the possibility of monitoring the avg throughput per gridftp mover would be very useful to judge stageout quality.
    • Szymon: According to Marc Goulette, our link between the CSCS and the German Cloud in ATLAS, the existing monitoring is sufficient.
    • Roland: Existing monitoring is sufficient for LHCb.
  • What do the VOs desire in regard to local UIs at the CSCS? These could allow working in a more Tier-3 like way at the Tier-2 with local dcap access to data for tests and debugging. What local resources like home directory space, etc. would users require to benefit from this?
    • Derek: At the PSI T3 users have a staggering 100GB of backed up home space. One need probably not supply that much, but something on the order of at least 30 GB seems reasonable. I think that this could be very interesting to Swiss CMS users and about 40 users may want to take advantage of this.
    • Szymon: in Geneva we have up to 100 GB/user of backed up home. We have 110 TB on NFS and 70 TB in a Storage Element. This is more than enough for T3-like work. We do not think we need T3 functionality also in our T2, i.e. at the CSCS. People should work via grid tools, which seem reliable and usable enough. We would see local login only as a fallback. So far it was not needed. We don't have accounts at the CSCS.
    • Roland: As LHCb is mainly running simulation jobs at CSCS, there is no real need for user accounts.
  • New security policy at CSCS. We want to completely disable password authentication, delete user accounts outside the ui, and also block ssh access from the outside to most of the machines (save for ui or voboxes). We would like to have your feedback about this before implementing it.
    • Derek: I think that it is a good idea to strengthen the security for these systems. But I am wondering whether enforcement of pubkey-access will be a good thing. Users will be forced to log in from machines where their key is stored. The passphrase for the securing of the key is out of your control, and if it is a machine at the user's home site, you also cannot control the quality of the security there. I think a login-node at CSCS with password based login is better. There you can enforce quality passwords (via PAM) and you may enforce a policy for password changes every few months.
    • Szymon: I did not know user accounts ourtside UI even exist in Manno. No problem for us to close them. About UI, see the above point.
    • Roland: No problem at all for LHCb.
  • Pre-production system. We want to deploy a complete pre-production system where we can apply changes before doing it in production, all in virtual machines with mostly PhaseB hardware. We would like to know how "public" should it be (for example, can we have SAM test jobs there?) and we're open to any other suggestion it may arise.
    • Derek: I think getting VO-testing on the preproduction service will be difficult. In terms of ops based jobs, you need to talk to the German NGI-DE people. Based on our experiences from the last years, having at least a dCache testing environment for upgrades is very desirable. For the rest of the components I do not really know... you will have more experience with them. But at least in the past, the main problems derived from the SE.
    • Szymon: I agree that getting VO-testing on a pre-production system is unlikely. I think it is up to the CSCS team to judge how useful such a system would be and what functionality it should have.
    • Roland: I don't think LHCb has any manpower for testing pre-production systems. LHCb SAM jobs are only sent to production sites.
  • Long term operation of tier3: resources and funding issues. What model do the three experiments follow over the next 5 years? Every experiment shall present in short their ideas.
    • Szymon: ATLAS T3 in Geneva close to limits of power, space and manpower. However, hardware will be renewed, meaning an increase of CPU power. Storage space will likely increase as well (this year from 170 to 200 TB, next year maybe another 30 to 60 TB). The facility is now shared between ATLAS and Neutrino groups.

Meeting minutes

NOTE: WORK IN PROGRESS... will complete the minutes within next 24 hours

Communication channels

Basis: CommunicationChannelsProposal

  • Very long discussion, mainly about Twiki technicalities and hosting
    • Michele said that if possible they would like to outsource the wiki hosting, and maybe even go to a different system. Pablo and Derek point to the large amount of information in the present twiki, which may make migration a big effort
    • All experiment contacts confirm that Twiki is used extensively in their collaborations and there is a preference for staying with that technology
    • Derek mentions that FOSwiki (a brached-off free split of Twiki) now is the base of PSI's intranet. PSI has 1.5 FTEs mainly working on the system, but currently there is no usable extranet twiki hosted by PSI.
    • Derek: It is import to have front pages for external users and admins, where they can get general information on the T2 and links to local monitoring. In CMS, physics groups are associated with a small number of Tier-2s, and they will profit from these pages. E.g. it would be nice to see from the main page, when downtimes are planned, or whether there is something amiss
    • All agreed that it makes sense to have at least one page per VO where the VO's requirements are collected, so that CSCS admins can easily refer to them. What we almost *totally neglected to discuss is the great benefit that the wiki had internally as a source of admin documentation. As Pablo had mentioned, very often when googling for problems, you are even referred to our wiki. This has given our project some visibility and also has been beneficial to establishing contacts within the community. I (Derek) would very much like that we continue in using this as the primary documentation tool. Private notes and word documents are lost to the others and are not easily searchable.
  • Mailing lists:
    • CMS would like to have a CSCS list where downtimes and other T2 relevant things are specifically announced. We will probably just subscribe our Tier-3 list to this list, since the users will very much be the same.
    • ATLAS has less direct user-Tier2 contacts, but as Szymon has pointed out this may change, since also in ATLAS there is the concept of physics group space at dedicated Tier2s.
    • Since LHCb does not run normal user jobs on the T2s, they have no requirements for end user notification.
  • EVO / phone meetings
    • proposal by CSCS to have a biweekly phone meeting between CSCS admins and VO contacts for direct discussion
    • agreement on testing out this option. CSCS will set up a doodle poll for the specific dates.
    • A day before each meeting we'll decide by mail whether there is something to discuss, with the option of cancelling the meeting.
    • Meeting notes must be placed on the wiki
  • Use of the CSCS tracker
  • IRC chat
    • CSCS would like to move some of the discussion off to phone meetings (q.v. above).
    • We will keep the IRC chat for interactive work

Old WNs (phase B) removal from the machine room

  • Bern will take 5 blade centers. 3 will go into the central Bern UBELIX cluster
  • Geneva takes 1 blade center
  • letters of transfer and documents for SBF have been prepared
  • Michele: CSCS feels sure about the stability of phase C, would like to finally decommission phase B for good and move the racks by 2nd week of July
    • VO site contacts confirm that the cluster has run stably for the last 3 weeks, so decommissioning is ok
  • Specifics will be arranged offline between CSCS and Uni Bern and Uni Geneva
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