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Hadware Inventory and Connections of Phase C


This page describes the current physical hardware configuration on per rack basis. Documenting VLAN/color scheme follows:

  • In current cabling color scheme: gray/yellow is VLAN 10.10/22
  • In current cabling color scheme: blue/cyan is VLAN 192.168/22 (mgmt-VLAN, incl. stonith and PDUs)

Rack #1

RACK Label Device components cables
rack1 chassisC1-4 4x Blade centers 6x PSU, 1 blade center of 12 WNs 6 PS, 12 mgmt yellow, 12 mgmt gray, 8 IB splitter3x + 1 LOOP, 1 chassis mgmt blue
rack1 wn101-wn196 4x12(x2) Compute Node pairs X6275 blades in twin node configuration:
2x (2x E5540 @ 2.53GHz, 24GB RAM, 24GB Flash)
blade center backplane, read below
rack1 switchX device components #cables
rack1 switchY device components #cables

Rack #2

RACK System Label Device components cables
rack2 oss[11,12,21,22] 4x OSS Lustre X4270: 2x PSU, 2x X5570 @ 2.93GHz, 2x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 2x twin DCextSAS 2 PS, 2x mgmt blue (1 stonith), 1 mgmt yellow, 2 loopHA red, 1 IB, 4 SAS links
rack2 ost[11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24]] 8x OST Lustre 2x PSU, 1x 24-disk-backplane, 24x 500GB disks, 2x twin DCextSAS 2 PS, 2 SAS links

Rack #3

RACK System Label Device components cables
rack3 oss[31,32,41,42] 4x OSS Lustre X4270: 2x PSU, 2x X5570 @ 2.93GHz, 2x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 2x twin DCextSAS 2 PS, 2x mgmt blue (1 stonith), 1 mgmt yellow, 2 loopHA red, 1 IB, 4 SAS links
rack3 ost[31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44] 8x OST Lustre 2x PSU, 1x 24-disk-backplane, 24x 500GB disks, 2x twin DCextSAS 2 PS, 2 SAS links
rack3 asr asr unknown 1 PS, 2x mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow

Rack #4

RACK System Label Device components cables
rack4 se[32-39] 8x Storage Nodes X4540: 2x PSU, 2x 6core AMD2435, 48x 1TB disks, twinIB card, flash card 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow
rack4 storage[12,22], ce12 3x Service Nodes X4250: 2x PSU, 2x E5450 @ 3GHz, 2x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 1 DVD 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow
rack4 xen12 1x Service Nodes X4250: 2x PSU, 2x E5450 @ 3GHz, 4x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 1 DVD 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow







Rack #5

RACK System Label Device components cables
rack5 se30, se31 2x Storage Nodes X4540: 2x PSU, 2x 6core AMD2435, 48x 1TB disks, twinIB card, flash card 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow
rack5 storage11, storage21, ce11 3x Service Nodes X4250: 2x PSU, 2x E5450 @ 3GHz, 2x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 1 DVD 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow
rack5 xen11, xen13 2x Service Nodes X4250: 2x PSU, 2x E5450 @ 3GHz, 4x HDD146GB, DC_8xSAS, twinIB card, 1 DVD 2 PS, 1 IB, 1 mgmt blue, 1 mgmt yellow
rack5 mds01, mds02 2x MDS nodes X4270: 2x PSU, 2x X5570 @ 2.93GHz, 2x HDD146GB, IB card, twin DCext, 1 DVD 2 PS, 2x mgmt blue (1 stonith), 1 mgmt yellow, 1 SAS link, 2 loop red
rack5 mdt MDT J4200 array, 2x PSU, 2 DC modules?, 12x HDD300GB 2 PS, 2 SAS links
rack5 fw1 firewall OEM: 2x PSU, 3 cards (CX4, IB, eth?), 1 DVD, 1 floppy 2 PS, 3 cables (CX4, IB, eth?), 1 net onboard
rack5   Melanox BX4010   1 Mgmt
        1 ?
        1 ?
rack5   MTS 3600 Infiniband Switch 1 PSU 1 PS
        1 ?
        1 ?
rack5   M9 Infiniband Switch 4 PSU 4 PS
      3 blades  
        24 Multiplix cables
rack5 label device components cables
rackX label device components cables

-- PeterOettl - 2010-02-11

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Topic revision: r10 - 2011-02-14 - PabloFernandez
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