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Hardware Card for Sun Thumper X4500

This is our old Storage node for dCache with 48 disks inside


What's inside the hardware, probably depending on what we're talking about.

  • Disk controller model. 6 x Marvell MV88SX6081 (8 ports)
  • Network card model: 4 x Intel 82546EB + 1 Mellanox IB MT23108 (added later)
  • Space that takes in the rack: 3U
  • Max CPUs, Max Disks, Max Mem slots. 2 x AMD Opteron DualCore 290
  • Dual power supply: yes
  • Front / Back picture (maybe available online?)
  • Any other?

Power consumption (measured before and during the CPU/Disk tests)

  • Minimum: 1000 W
  • Maximum 1130 W

Ambiental details

  • External working temperature
  • Normal CPU/memory internal temperature
  • Air flow (cubic meters per hour)
  • Power disipation: 3856 BTU/h
  • Noise (dB)


Interesting information like how to handle it, anything interesting which is not trivial.

How to get into the ILOM

Power up/down procedures

Commands to issue in an internal console

Firmware updates

Replacement of internal components

Installation notes

Instructions on how to set up a new machines that arrives, with things like:

BIOS settings

RAID configuration

Drivers required / kernel compatibility

Check firmware homogeneity with other machines in the cluster


Information about benchmarks performed in the machine.

Disk benchmarks (i.e. Bonnie++)

CPU benchmarks (i.e. HepSpec06)

Network benchmarks (i.e. Iperf)


Instructions about monitoring the hardware

Power Consumption

Raid Sanity

I’ve gotten cron log from one of my servers today which says:
/etc/cron.weekly/99-raid-check: WARNING: mismatch_cnt is not 0 on /dev/md0
Quick look at
cat /proc/mdstat
showed, that array is allright.
This mismatch_cnt value is the value of the blocks, that are not synchronized between RAID drives. On my server the value was
cat /sys/block/md0/md/mismatch_cnt
and partition was md0, which is BOOT. SO, I quickly found the way to repair the problem by using
echo repair >/sys/block/md0/md/sync_action
watch cat /proc/mdstat
and after repair is completed
echo check >/sys/block/md0/md/sync_action
watch cat /proc/mdstat
After those operations the value of desynchronized blocks went to 0 again:
cat /sys/block/md0/md/mismatch_cnt=

Disk layout for scsi to drive mapping

36:   37:   38:   39:   40:   41:   42:   43:   44:   45:   46:   47:   
sdab  sdaf  sdt   sdx   sdar  sdav  sdaj  sdan  sdl   sdp   sdd   sdh
c3t3  c3t7  c2t3  c2t7  c5t3  c5t7  c4t3  c4t7  c1t3  c1t7  c0t3  c0t7  
24:   25:   26:   27:   28:   29:   30:   31:   32:   33:   34:   35:   
sdaa  sdae  sds   sdw   sdaq  sdau  sdai  sdam  sdk   sdo   sdc   sdg
c3t2  c3t6  c2t2  c2t6  c5t2  c5t6  c4t2  c4t6  c1t2  c1t6  c0t2  c0t6  
12:   13:   14:   15:   16:   17:   18:   19:   20:   21:   22:   23:   
sdz   sdad  sdr   sdv   sdap  sdat  sdah  sdal  sdj   sdn   sdb   sdf
c3t1  c3t5  c2t1  c2t5  c5t1  c5t5  c4t1  c4t5  c1t1  c1t5  c0t1  c0t5  
 0:    1:    2:    3:    4:    5:    6:    7:    8:    9:   10:   11:   
sdy   sdac  sdq   sdu   sdao  sdas  sdag  sdak  sdi   sdm   sde   sda
c3t0  c3t4  c2t0  c2t4  c5t0  c5t4  c4t0  c4t4  c1t0  c1t4  c0t0  c0t4  
 b     b       



External links to manuals


Information about issues found with this hardware, and how to deal with them



Model name X4500
Manufacturer Sun
Used for dCache storage
Number in production 29
You install OS inside Yes
First purchase date Dec 2008
CPU performance in HS06 N/A
Disk performance in MB/s 400
Power consumption in Watts 1130
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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-07-13 - JasonTemple
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